123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366 |
- // Shorthand for $( document ).ready()
- $(function() {
- /*---------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*Get the dynamic variables stored in the url as parameters and store them as JavaScript variables ready for use in the code:*/
- // example.com?param1=name¶m2=&id=6
- // $.urlParam('param1'); // name
- // $.urlParam('id'); // 6
- // $.urlParam('param2'); // null
- $.urlParam = function(name) {
- var results = new RegExp('[\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)').exec(window.location
- .href);
- // user is not redirected from the email activation link
- if (results === null) {
- return null;
- }
- // user is redirected from the email activation link
- else {
- return results[1] || 0;
- }
- };
- /*-------- USER EMAIL ACTIVATED OR NOT ---------*/
- /* When activation.php returns the varification variable: (redirecting the user to the page)*/
- //store the parameter in a variable
- var emailVerification = $.urlParam('verification');
- /*verification sucessful, parameter is true*/
- if (emailVerification !== null && emailVerification === 'true') {
- //create an html for the activation fail message
- var verificationMessage_true =
- "<div class='success-activation'><p>Great! Your email is activated. You can now log in.</p><p><a href='#log-in-pill'>Log in</a> </p></div>";
- $('header').append(verificationMessage_true);
- /*clicking on the login will send the user to the log in area
- the user does not nesseccarily want to log in at this point (optional)
- They want to continue reading the website or try online anyway*/
- //have the log in pill field activated
- $('.nav-tabs a[href="#login-tab"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name
- /*verification failed, parameter is false*/
- } else if (emailVerification !== null && emailVerification === 'false') {
- //create an html for the activation fail message
- var verificationMessage_false =
- "<div class='failed-activation'><p>Sorry, We couldn't activate your email :(</p><p>Please contact us at <a href='mailto:hello@ethicscanvas.org'>hello@ethicscanvas.org</a> and we will fix it.</p></div>";
- $('header').append(verificationMessage_false);
- }
- /*This is for testing*/
- if (emailVerification === null) {
- }
- /* -------USER PASSWORD RESET OR NOT ----------*/
- /* When reset.php returns the password reset variable: (redirecting the user to the page)*/
- //changed=true
- var passwordReset = $.urlParam('changed');
- if (passwordReset !== null && passwordReset === 'true') {
- //create an html for the "password changed" message
- var passwordResetMessage_true =
- "<div class='success-activation'><p>Great! Your password is changed. You can now log in.</p><p><a href='#log-in-pill'>Log in</a> </p></div>";
- $('header').append(passwordResetMessage_true);
- /*clicking on the login will send the user to the log in area
- the user does not nesseccarily want to log in at this point (optional)
- They want to continue reading the website or try online anyway*/
- //have the log in pill field activated
- $('.nav-tabs a[href="#login-tab"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name
- /*verification failed, parameter is false*/
- } else if (passwordReset !== null && passwordReset === 'false') {
- //create an html for the activation fail message
- var passwordResetMessage_false =
- "<div class='failed-activation'><p>Sorry, We couldn't change your password :(</p><p>Please contact us at <a href='mailto:hello@ethicscanvas.org'>hello@ethicscanvas.org</a> and we will fix it.</p></div>";
- $('header').append(passwordResetMessage_false);
- }
- /*This is for testing*/
- if (passwordReset === null) {
- }
- //end of password reset change verification
- /*-----------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------*/
- $('.slickCarousel').slick({
- autoplay: true,
- autoplaySpeed: 4500,
- dots: true,
- infinite: true,
- fade: true,
- cssEase: 'linear'
- });
- /*-----------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------*/
- function ValidateEmail(email) {
- var expr =
- /^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/;
- return expr.test(email);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------*/
- //A. Submitting sign up
- $('.sign-up-form').on('submit', function(event) {
- //prevent the form from getting submit if the passwords don't match or the email is invalid
- var pass1 = $('#password-signup').val();
- var pass2 = $('#password-signup-conf').val();
- if (!ValidateEmail($("#email-signup").val()) || pass1 !== pass2) {
- event.preventDefault();
- } else {
- var url = "php/sign-up.php";
- var sign_up_data = $(this).serialize();
- /* ----------------------------
- Post the serialized form data
- to the sign-up.php file
- -----------------------------*/
- $.post(url, {
- sign_up_data: sign_up_data
- }, function(data, status) {
- if (data == 400) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-signup-feedback ').addClass(
- 'success-feedback').html(
- '<p>Something went wrong! Please contact us at hello@ethicscanvas.org.</p>'
- );
- /*user is already registered*/
- } else if (data == 401) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback ').addClass(
- 'info-feedback').html(
- '<p>You are already registered. Please log in!</p>');
- //have the log in pill field activated
- $('.nav-tabs a[href="#login-tab"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name
- /*put the already entered email in the email input
- of the login form*/
- //the email that the existing user tried to sign up with
- var user_email = $('.sign-up-form').find('#email-signup')
- .val();
- //put the email in the login form
- $('.log-in-form').find('#email-login').val(user_email);
- } else if (data == 201) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-signup-feedback ').addClass(
- 'success-feedback').html(
- '<p>Thank you! Please check your email <span>' + $(
- "#email-signup").val() +
- '</span> and activate your account.</p>');
- }
- }).fail(function(jqXHR) {
- console.log("Fail Error -> " + jqXHR.status + ' ' + jqXHR
- .statustext);
- });
- /* Because the type of the button is submit */
- return false;
- } //end of else
- }); // end of handling the click on THE Sign Up button
- /* -------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------*/
- $('.log-in-form').on('submit', function(event) {
- var url = "php/log-in.php";
- var sign_in_data = $(this).serialize();
- /* ---------------------------
- Post the serialized form data
- to the log-in.php file
- -----------------------------*/
- $.post(url, {
- sign_in_data: sign_in_data
- }, function(data, status) {
- //Handling LOGIN form feedback from the server
- if (data == 400) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback').addClass(
- 'warning-feedback').html(
- '<p>Something went wrong! Please contact us at hello@ethicscanvas.org.</p>'
- );
- /*user is already registered*/
- } else if (data == 401) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback').addClass(
- 'warning-feedback').html(
- '<p>The username or password is incorrect. Please try again.</p>'
- );
- } else if (data == 200) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback ').addClass(
- 'success-feedback').html(
- '<p>Great! Going to the canvas now...</p>');
- /*Send the user to their canvas dashbord*/
- window.location.href = 'canvas/php/dashboard.php';
- } else if (data == 402) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback').addClass(
- 'warning-feedback').html(
- '<p>You already have an account. Please activate it through the email we sent you.</p><button class="resend-activation">Send me the activation email again</button>'
- );
- }
- }).fail(function(jqXHR) {
- console.log("Error " + jqXHR.status + ' ' + jqXHR.statustext);
- });
- /* Because the type of the button is submit */
- return false;
- }); // end of handling the click on THE Sign Up button
- /*------------#Resend The Activation Email --------*/
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-login-feedback').on("click",
- '.resend-activation',
- function() {
- var url = 'php/resend-activation.php';
- var email_resend = $('.log-in-form').find('#email-login').serialize();
- $.post(url, {
- email_resend: email_resend
- }, function(data, status) {
- console.log(
- 'User clicked on resend activation email: \n' +
- 'RESPONSE from resend-activation.php => \n' +
- 'data:' + data + '\n status: ' + status);
- }); //end of post
- }); //end of on click for resending activation
- /*------------#Forgot password --------*/
- $('.log-in-form').find('.forgot-password').on("click", 'a',
- function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- //have the reset password pill field activated
- $('.nav-tabs a[href="#reset-password-tab"]').tab('show'); // Select tab by name
- //get the value of the email input field in the login form
- var email_to_reset = $('.log-in-form').find('#email-login').val();
- /*if the user already entered an email adress here, and it's a valid email*/
- /* put that email address in the input field of the password reset*/
- if (email_to_reset !== null && ValidateEmail($("#email-login").val())) {
- $('.reset-password-form').find('#email-reset-password').val(
- email_to_reset);
- }
- }); //end of click on forgot the password link
- /*--------------- #Reset password ----------------*/
- $('.reset-password-form').on('submit', function() {
- var url = 'php/reset-password.php';
- var reset_password = $('.reset-password-form').find(
- '#email-reset-password').serialize();
- $.post(url, {
- reset_password: reset_password
- }, function(data, status) {
- if (data == 400) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-reset-password-feedback').addClass('warning-feedback').html('<p>Something is not right :/ Please contact us at hello@thicscanvas.org</p>');
- } else if (data == 401) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-reset-password-feedback').addClass('warning-feedback').html('<p>Please enter your correct email address.</p>');
- } else if (data == 200) {
- $('.sign-up-in').find('.form-reset-password-feedback').addClass('success-feedback').html('<p>Thanks :) We sent you an email to reset your password</p>');
- }
- }); //end of post
- return false;
- });
- /* -------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------*/
- /* ------- Validating the sign up form ------------ */
- $(".sign-up-form").on("click", '.sign-up', function() {
- var user_name = $('#firstname-signup').val();
- if (user_name === '') {
- $('#name-register-message').addClass('message-field').text(
- "Please tell us your name");
- } else {
- $('#name-register-message').removeClass('message-field').text(
- "");
- }
- if (!ValidateEmail($("#email-signup").val())) {
- $('#email-register-message').addClass('message-field').text(
- 'please give us a valid email adress.');
- } else {
- $('#email-register-message').removeClass('message-field')
- .text(
- "");
- }
- var pass1 = $('#password-signup').val();
- var pass2 = $('#password-signup-conf').val();
- if (pass1 === '') {
- $('#pass-register-message').addClass('message-field').text(
- "Please enter a password");
- }
- if (pass2 === '') {
- $('#pass-conf-register-message').addClass('message-field')
- .text(
- "Please confirm your password");
- }
- if (pass1 !== '' && pass2 !== '' && pass1 !== pass2) {
- $('#pass-register-message, #pass-conf-register-message').addClass(
- 'message-field').text(
- "Passwords don't match.");
- }
- if (pass1 !== '' && pass2 !== '' && pass1 === pass2) {
- $('#pass-register-message, #pass-conf-register-message').removeClass(
- 'message-field').text(
- "");
- }
- });
- /* -------- Validating the log in form ---------- */
- $(".log-in-form").on("click", '.log-in', function() {
- if (!ValidateEmail($("#email-login").val())) {
- $('#email-login-message').addClass('message-field').text(
- 'please give us a valid email adress.');
- }
- var pass1b = $('#password-login').val();
- if (pass1b === '') {
- $('#pass-login-message').addClass('message-field').text(
- "Please enter your password");
- }
- });
- /* -------- Validating the password reset form ---------- */
- $('.reset-password-form').on('click', '#reset-password-btn', function() {
- // if the email input field is empty
- if ($('.reset-password-form').find(
- '#email-reset-password').val() === '') {
- $('.reset-password-form').find('#reset-password-message').addClass('message-field').text('Please enter your email');
- }
- }); // end of click on reset
- }); // end of jQuery file