@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
+@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
+@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
+@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .
+@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#> .
+@prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> .
+@prefix dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>.
+@prefix prov: <http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#>.
+@prefix dcat: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>.
+@prefix dqv: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#>.
+@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>.
+@prefix fv: <http://w3id.org/fv-metadata>.
+@prefix ejp: <http://purl.org/ejp-rd/vocabulary/> .
+@prefix obo: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/> .
+@prefix ov: <http://open.vocab.org/terms/> .
+@prefix ov: <http://www.disit.org/km4city/schema#> .
+fv:fairvasc-catalog a dcat:Catalog ;
+ a prov:Entity;
+ dct:description "FAIRVASC Data Catalog presents the metadata for the catalogued datasets" ;
+ dct:title "FAIRVASC Data Catalog" ;
+ dct:created "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
+ dct:modified "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
+ dcat:Dataset <http://w3id.org/FAIRVASC#fairvasc-dataset>;
+ foaf:homepage <https://fairvasc.eu/>;
+ ejp:patientRegistry fv:FVregistry;
+ ejp:biobank fv:FVbiobank;
+ dcat:service fv:FVservice;
+ dct:publisher fv:FVpublisher.
+fv:fairvasc-dataset a dcat:Dataset ;
+ a prov:Entity;
+ dct:title "FAIRVASC dataset"@en ;
+ dct:description "FAIRVASC dataset including RKD, GeVas, GVEF, PolVas, Skane, Czech ANCA Associated Vasculitis Patient Data."@en ;
+ dct:created "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
+ dct:modified "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
+ dct:publisher fv:FVregistry ;
+ dcat:keyword "AAV, ANCA-associated vasculitis, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis" ;
+ dct:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0> ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:183> ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:727> ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:900> ;
+ prov:wasDerivedFrom <http://ontologies.adaptcentre.ie/dataset-hierarchy#data-capture> ;
+ dqv:hasQualityMetadata <https://w3id.org/lodquator/resource/232a-440a-b483-2fcbcf652d5b>; #temporary quality link
+ dcat:landingPage <https://fairvasc-fdp.adaptcentre.ie/> .
+fv:FVservice a dcat:DataService ;
+ dct:publisher fv:FVregistry ;
+ dct:title "FAIRVASC Query Interface" ;
+ dct:description "A federated query service for searching ANCA Vasculitis patient info" ;
+ dct:license <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0> ;
+ dcat:accessURL <https://fairvasc.adaptcentre.ie/> ;
+ dct:accessRights [ a dct:RightsStatement ;
+ rdfs:label "FAIRVASC access rights"@en;
+ rdfs:description "Data Researchers can have access to the FAIRVASC interface by directly contacting to the FAIRVASC Consortium."@en ] ] .
+fv:FVpublisher a foaf:Agent ;
+ dct:title "Publisher is a concortium of the 6 ANCA Vasculites registries including Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Skane registries" ;
+ foaf:page <https://fairvasc.eu> .
+fv:FVregistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:FAIRVASC ;
+ dct:title "FAIRVASC registry" ;
+ dct:description "6 ANCA Vasculites registries including RKD from Ireland, GeVas from Germany, Czech registry from Czech Republic, PolVas from Poland, Italy, Skane from Sweden registries";
+ dct:hasPart fv:RKDRegistry, fv:GeVasRegistry, fv:SkaneRegistry, fv:PolVasRegistry, fv:CzechRegistry, fv:GFEVRegistry, fv:ItalianRegistry;
+ ejp:populationCoverage :population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:RKDRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:RKDOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "Rare Kidney Disease registry" ;
+ ov:prefAcronym "RKD" ;
+ obo:RO_0002350 "ERN RITA";
+ dct:description "RKD registry is from Ireland which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients. Created in 2012, the VINE registry covers the whole of Ireland and recruits
+patients with systemic vasculitis. The longitudinal clinical data are linked to multiple biological sample types obtained at various stages of the disease";
+ foaf:homepage <https://www.tcd.ie/medicine/thkc/research/rare.php> ;
+ schema:sponsor fv:TCD ;
+ km4c:Recruitment fv:recID ;
+ ejp:populationCoverage fv:RKD_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:RKDOrganisation a foaf:Organisation ;
+ dct:title "St. James Hospital,... " ;
+ foaf:Person "Mr MBBCh PhD Mark Little" ;
+ foaf:mbox <mlittle@tcd.ie>;
+ foaf:phone "+35318964810" ;
+ dct:spatial fv:RKDLocation .
+fv:TCD a foaf:Organisation ;
+ dct:title "Trinity College Dublin" ;
+ vivo:AcademicDepartment "Trinity Health Kidney Centre";
+ vivo:hasFacility "Trinity Translational Medicine Institute";
+ vcard:postalCode "D08 W9RT Dublin";
+ dct:spatial fv:RKDLocation .
+fv:RKDLocation a dct:Location ;
+ dct:title "Ireland" .
+fv:GeVasRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:GeVasOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "GeVas registry" ;
+ dct:description "GeVas registry is from Germany which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage fv:GeVas_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:SkaneRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:SkaneOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "Skane registry" ;
+ dct:description "Skane registry is from Sweden which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage fv:Skane_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:GFEVRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:GFEVOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "GFEV registry" ;
+ dct:description "GFEV registry is from France which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage :GFEV_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:ItalianRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:ItalianOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "Italian registry" ;
+ dct:description "Italian registry is from Italy which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage :Italy_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:PolVasRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:PolVasOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "PolVas registry" ;
+ dct:description "PolVas registry is from Poland which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage :PolVas_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:CzechRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
+ dct:publisher fv:CzechOrganisation ;
+ dct:title "Czech registry" ;
+ dct:description "Czech registry is from Czech Republic which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
+ ejp:populationCoverage :Czech_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> .
+fv:FV_population_coverage a sio:SIO_001166 ;
+ rdfs:label "International" .
+fv:RKD_population_coverage a sio:SIO_001166 ;
+ rdfs:label "National" .
+fv:location a dct:Location ;
+ dct:title "Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Sweden, France" .
+fv:FVbiobank a ejp:Biobank ;
+ dct:publisher fv:TCD ;
+ dct:title "Rare Kidney Disease Biobank" ;
+ dct:description "Donor registry from RD-CONNECT (with identifier 178115) MERIL (with identifier 15476)";
+ ejp:populationCoverage fv:RKD_population_coverage ;
+ dcat:theme <http://identifiers.org/orphanet:156152> ;
+ foaf:page <https://www.tcd.ie/medicine/thkc/research/rare.php> .
+fv:location a dct:Location ;
+ dct:title "Ireland" .