data-catalog.ttl 7.5 KB

  1. @prefix owl: <> .
  2. @prefix rdf: <> .
  3. @prefix rdfs: <> .
  4. @prefix xsd: <> .
  5. @prefix prov: <> .
  6. @prefix dc: <> .
  7. @prefix dct: <>.
  8. @prefix prov: <>.
  9. @prefix dcat: <>.
  10. @prefix dqv: <>.
  11. @prefix foaf: <>.
  12. @prefix fv: <>.
  13. @prefix ejp: <> .
  14. @prefix obo: <> .
  15. @prefix ov: <> .
  16. @prefix ov: <> .
  17. fv:fairvasc-catalog a dcat:Catalog ;
  18. a prov:Entity;
  19. dct:description "FAIRVASC Data Catalog presents the metadata for the catalogued datasets" ;
  20. dct:title "FAIRVASC Data Catalog" ;
  21. dct:created "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
  22. dct:modified "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
  23. dcat:Dataset <>;
  24. foaf:homepage <>;
  25. ejp:patientRegistry fv:FVregistry;
  26. ejp:biobank fv:FVbiobank;
  27. dcat:service fv:FVservice;
  28. dct:publisher fv:FVpublisher.
  29. fv:fairvasc-dataset a dcat:Dataset ;
  30. a prov:Entity;
  31. dct:title "FAIRVASC dataset"@en ;
  32. dct:description "FAIRVASC dataset including RKD, GeVas, GVEF, PolVas, Skane, Czech ANCA Associated Vasculitis Patient Data."@en ;
  33. dct:created "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
  34. dct:modified "2023-02-08"^^xsd:date ;
  35. dct:publisher fv:FVregistry ;
  36. dcat:keyword "AAV, ANCA-associated vasculitis, Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis" ;
  37. dct:license <> ;
  38. dcat:theme <> ;
  39. dcat:theme <> ;
  40. dcat:theme <> ;
  41. dcat:theme <> ;
  42. prov:wasDerivedFrom <> ;
  43. dqv:hasQualityMetadata <>; #temporary quality link
  44. dcat:landingPage <> .
  45. fv:FVservice a dcat:DataService ;
  46. dct:publisher fv:FVregistry ;
  47. dct:title "FAIRVASC Query Interface" ;
  48. dct:description "A federated query service for searching ANCA Vasculitis patient info" ;
  49. dct:license <> ;
  50. dcat:accessURL <> ;
  51. dct:accessRights [ a dct:RightsStatement ;
  52. rdfs:label "FAIRVASC access rights"@en;
  53. rdfs:description "Data Researchers can have access to the FAIRVASC interface by directly contacting to the FAIRVASC Consortium."@en ] ] .
  54. fv:FVpublisher a foaf:Agent ;
  55. dct:title "Publisher is a concortium of the 6 ANCA Vasculites registries including Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Skane registries" ;
  56. foaf:page <> .
  57. fv:FVregistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  58. dct:publisher fv:FAIRVASC ;
  59. dct:title "FAIRVASC registry" ;
  60. dct:description "6 ANCA Vasculites registries including RKD from Ireland, GeVas from Germany, Czech registry from Czech Republic, PolVas from Poland, Italy, Skane from Sweden registries";
  61. dct:hasPart fv:RKDRegistry, fv:GeVasRegistry, fv:SkaneRegistry, fv:PolVasRegistry, fv:CzechRegistry, fv:GFEVRegistry, fv:ItalianRegistry;
  62. ejp:populationCoverage :population_coverage ;
  63. dcat:theme <> .
  64. fv:RKDRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  65. dct:publisher fv:RKDOrganisation ;
  66. dct:title "Rare Kidney Disease registry" ;
  67. ov:prefAcronym "RKD" ;
  68. obo:RO_0002350 "ERN RITA";
  69. dct:description "RKD registry is from Ireland which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients. Created in 2012, the VINE registry covers the whole of Ireland and recruits
  70. patients with systemic vasculitis. The longitudinal clinical data are linked to multiple biological sample types obtained at various stages of the disease";
  71. foaf:homepage <> ;
  72. schema:sponsor fv:TCD ;
  73. km4c:Recruitment fv:recID ;
  74. ejp:populationCoverage fv:RKD_population_coverage ;
  75. dcat:theme <> .
  76. fv:RKDOrganisation a foaf:Organisation ;
  77. dct:title "St. James Hospital,... " ;
  78. foaf:Person "Mr MBBCh PhD Mark Little" ;
  79. foaf:mbox <>;
  80. foaf:phone "+35318964810" ;
  81. dct:spatial fv:RKDLocation .
  82. fv:TCD a foaf:Organisation ;
  83. dct:title "Trinity College Dublin" ;
  84. vivo:AcademicDepartment "Trinity Health Kidney Centre";
  85. vivo:hasFacility "Trinity Translational Medicine Institute";
  86. vcard:postalCode "D08 W9RT Dublin";
  87. dct:spatial fv:RKDLocation .
  88. fv:RKDLocation a dct:Location ;
  89. dct:title "Ireland" .
  90. fv:GeVasRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  91. dct:publisher fv:GeVasOrganisation ;
  92. dct:title "GeVas registry" ;
  93. dct:description "GeVas registry is from Germany which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  94. ejp:populationCoverage fv:GeVas_population_coverage ;
  95. dcat:theme <> .
  96. fv:SkaneRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  97. dct:publisher fv:SkaneOrganisation ;
  98. dct:title "Skane registry" ;
  99. dct:description "Skane registry is from Sweden which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  100. ejp:populationCoverage fv:Skane_population_coverage ;
  101. dcat:theme <> .
  102. fv:GFEVRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  103. dct:publisher fv:GFEVOrganisation ;
  104. dct:title "GFEV registry" ;
  105. dct:description "GFEV registry is from France which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  106. ejp:populationCoverage :GFEV_population_coverage ;
  107. dcat:theme <> .
  108. fv:ItalianRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  109. dct:publisher fv:ItalianOrganisation ;
  110. dct:title "Italian registry" ;
  111. dct:description "Italian registry is from Italy which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  112. ejp:populationCoverage :Italy_population_coverage ;
  113. dcat:theme <> .
  114. fv:PolVasRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  115. dct:publisher fv:PolVasOrganisation ;
  116. dct:title "PolVas registry" ;
  117. dct:description "PolVas registry is from Poland which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  118. ejp:populationCoverage :PolVas_population_coverage ;
  119. dcat:theme <> .
  120. fv:CzechRegistry a ejp:PatientRegistry ;
  121. dct:publisher fv:CzechOrganisation ;
  122. dct:title "Czech registry" ;
  123. dct:description "Czech registry is from Czech Republic which collects ANCA Vasculitis data from patients.";
  124. ejp:populationCoverage :Czech_population_coverage ;
  125. dcat:theme <> .
  126. fv:FV_population_coverage a sio:SIO_001166 ;
  127. rdfs:label "International" .
  128. fv:RKD_population_coverage a sio:SIO_001166 ;
  129. rdfs:label "National" .
  130. fv:location a dct:Location ;
  131. dct:title "Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Sweden, France" .
  132. fv:FVbiobank a ejp:Biobank ;
  133. dct:publisher fv:TCD ;
  134. dct:title "Rare Kidney Disease Biobank" ;
  135. dct:description "Donor registry from RD-CONNECT (with identifier 178115) MERIL (with identifier 15476)";
  136. ejp:populationCoverage fv:RKD_population_coverage ;
  137. dcat:theme <> ;
  138. foaf:page <> .
  139. fv:location a dct:Location ;
  140. dct:title "Ireland" .