'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const { createHash } = require('crypto'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const net = require('net'); const { Transform } = require('stream'); const { inspect } = require('util'); const Client = require('../lib/client.js'); const { SSHTTPAgent: HTTPAgent, SSHTTPSAgent: HTTPSAgent, } = require('../lib/http-agents.js'); const Server = require('../lib/server.js'); const { KexInit } = require('../lib/protocol/kex.js'); const { fixture, mustCall, mustCallAtLeast, mustNotCall, setup: setup_, setupSimple, } = require('./common.js'); const KEY_RSA_BAD = fixture('bad_rsa_private_key'); const HOST_RSA_MD5 = '64254520742d3d0792e918f3ce945a64'; const clientCfg = { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' }; const serverCfg = { hostKeys: [ fixture('ssh_host_rsa_key') ] }; const debug = false; const setup = setupSimple.bind(undefined, debug); { const { server } = setup_( 'Verify host fingerprint (sync success, hostHash set)', { client: { ...clientCfg, hostHash: 'md5', hostVerifier: mustCall((hash) => { assert(hash === HOST_RSA_MD5, 'Host fingerprint mismatch'); return true; }), }, server: serverCfg, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); } { const { server } = setup_( 'Verify host fingerprint (sync success, hostHash not set)', { client: { ...clientCfg, hostVerifier: mustCall((key) => { assert(Buffer.isBuffer(key), 'Expected buffer'); let hash = createHash('md5'); hash.update(key); hash = hash.digest('hex'); assert(hash === HOST_RSA_MD5, 'Host fingerprint mismatch'); return true; }), }, server: serverCfg, } ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); } { const { server } = setup_( 'Verify host fingerprint (async success)', { client: { ...clientCfg, hostVerifier: mustCall((key, cb) => { assert(Buffer.isBuffer(key), 'Expected buffer'); let hash = createHash('md5'); hash.update(key); hash = hash.digest('hex'); assert(hash === HOST_RSA_MD5, 'Host fingerprint mismatch'); process.nextTick(cb, true); }), }, server: serverCfg, } ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Verify host fingerprint (sync failure)', { client: { ...clientCfg, hostVerifier: mustCall((key) => { return false; }), }, server: serverCfg, noForceClientReady: true, noForceServerReady: true, }, ); client.removeAllListeners('error'); client.on('ready', mustNotCall()) .on('error', mustCall((err) => { assert(/verification failed/.test(err.message), 'Wrong client error message'); })); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.removeAllListeners('error'); conn.on('authentication', mustNotCall()) .on('ready', mustNotCall()) .on('error', mustCall((err) => { assert(/KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED/.test(err.message), 'Wrong server error message'); })); })); } { // connect() on connected client const clientCfg_ = { ...clientCfg }; const client = new Client(); const server = new Server(serverCfg); server.listen(0, 'localhost', mustCall(() => { clientCfg_.host = 'localhost'; clientCfg_.port = server.address().port; client.connect(clientCfg_); })); let connections = 0; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { if (++connections === 2) server.close(); conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => {})); }, 2)).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); let reconnect = false; client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { if (reconnect) { client.end(); } else { reconnect = true; client.connect(clientCfg_); } }, 2)).on('close', mustCall(() => {}, 2)); } { // Throw when not connected const client = new Client({ username: 'foo', password: 'bar', }); assert.throws(mustCall(() => { client.exec('uptime', mustNotCall()); })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Outstanding callbacks called on disconnect' ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('session', mustCall(() => {}, 3)); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { function callback(err, stream) { assert(err, 'Expected error'); assert(err.message === 'No response from server', `Wrong error message: ${err.message}`); } client.exec('uptime', mustCall(callback)); client.shell(mustCall(callback)); client.sftp(mustCall(callback)); client.end(); })); } { const { client, server } = setup('Pipelined requests'); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); }, 3)); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { let calledBack = 0; function callback(err, stream) { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); if (++calledBack === 3) client.end(); } client.exec('foo', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('bar', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('baz', mustCall(callback)); })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Pipelined requests with intermediate rekeying' ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { const reqs = []; conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { if (reqs.length === 0) { conn.rekey(mustCall((err) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected rekey error: ${err}`); reqs.forEach((accept) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); }); })); } reqs.push(accept); }, 3)); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { let calledBack = 0; function callback(err, stream) { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); if (++calledBack === 3) client.end(); } client.exec('foo', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('bar', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('baz', mustCall(callback)); })); } { const { client, server } = setup('Ignore outgoing after stream close'); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { client.exec('foo', mustCall((err, stream) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.on('exit', mustCall((code, signal) => { client.end(); })); })); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Double pipe on unconnected, passed in net.Socket', { client: { ...clientCfg, sock: new net.Socket(), }, server: serverCfg, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => {})); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { client.end(); })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Client auto-rejects inbound connections to unknown bound address' ); const assignedPort = 31337; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('request', mustCall((accept, reject, name, info) => { assert(name === 'tcpip-forward', 'Wrong request name'); assert.deepStrictEqual( info, { bindAddr: 'good', bindPort: 0 }, 'Wrong request info' ); accept(assignedPort); conn.forwardOut(info.bindAddr, assignedPort, 'remote', 12345, mustCall((err, ch) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); conn.forwardOut('bad', assignedPort, 'remote', 12345, mustCall((err, ch) => { assert(err, 'Should receive error'); client.end(); })); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { // request forwarding client.forwardIn('good', 0, mustCall((err, port) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); assert(port === assignedPort, 'Wrong assigned port'); })); })).on('tcp connection', mustCall((details, accept, reject) => { assert.deepStrictEqual( details, { destIP: 'good', destPort: assignedPort, srcIP: 'remote', srcPort: 12345 }, 'Wrong connection details' ); accept(); })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Client auto-rejects inbound connections to unknown bound port' ); const assignedPort = 31337; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('request', mustCall((accept, reject, name, info) => { assert(name === 'tcpip-forward', 'Wrong request name'); assert.deepStrictEqual( info, { bindAddr: 'good', bindPort: 0 }, 'Wrong request info' ); accept(assignedPort); conn.forwardOut(info.bindAddr, assignedPort, 'remote', 12345, mustCall((err, ch) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); conn.forwardOut(info.bindAddr, 99999, 'remote', 12345, mustCall((err, ch) => { assert(err, 'Should receive error'); client.end(); })); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { // request forwarding client.forwardIn('good', 0, mustCall((err, port) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); assert(port === assignedPort, 'Wrong assigned port'); })); })).on('tcp connection', mustCall((details, accept, reject) => { assert.deepStrictEqual( details, { destIP: 'good', destPort: assignedPort, srcIP: 'remote', srcPort: 12345 }, 'Wrong connection details' ); accept(); })); } { const GREETING = 'Hello world!'; const { client, server } = setup_( 'Server greeting', { client: { ...clientCfg, ident: 'node.js rules', }, server: { ...serverCfg, greeting: GREETING, } }, ); let sawGreeting = false; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn, info) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(info.header, { identRaw: 'SSH-2.0-node.js rules', greeting: '', versions: { protocol: '2.0', software: 'node.js' }, comments: 'rules' }); conn.on('handshake', mustCall((details) => { assert(sawGreeting, 'Client did not see greeting before handshake'); })).on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); client.on('greeting', mustCall((greeting) => { assert.strictEqual(greeting, `${GREETING}\r\n`); sawGreeting = true; })).on('banner', mustNotCall()); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Correct ident parsing', { client: { ...clientCfg, ident: 'node.js rules\n', }, server: serverCfg, noServerError: true, noClientError: true, noForceServerReady: true, noForceClientReady: true, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn, info) => { assert.deepStrictEqual(info.header, { identRaw: 'SSH-2.0-node.js rules', greeting: '', versions: { protocol: '2.0', software: 'node.js' }, comments: 'rules' }); conn.once('error', mustCall((err) => { assert(/bad packet length/i.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); })); conn.on('handshake', mustNotCall()) .on('authentication', mustNotCall()) .on('ready', mustNotCall()); })); client.on('greeting', mustNotCall()) .on('banner', mustNotCall()) .on('ready', mustNotCall()); } { const BANNER = 'Hello world!'; const { client, server } = setup_( 'Server banner', { client: clientCfg, server: { ...serverCfg, banner: BANNER, } }, ); let sawBanner = false; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('handshake', mustCall((details) => { assert(!sawBanner, 'Client saw banner too early'); })).on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { assert(sawBanner, 'Client did not see banner before auth'); ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); client.on('greeting', mustNotCall()) .on('banner', mustCall((message) => { assert.strictEqual(message, 'Hello world!\r\n'); sawBanner = true; })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Server responds to global requests in the right order' ); function sendAcceptLater(accept) { if (fastRejectSent) accept(); else setImmediate(sendAcceptLater, accept); } let fastRejectSent = false; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('request', mustCall((accept, reject, name, info) => { if (info.bindAddr === 'fastReject') { // Will call reject on 'fastReject' soon ... reject(); fastRejectSent = true; } else { // ... but accept on 'slowAccept' later sendAcceptLater(accept); } }, 2)); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { let replyCnt = 0; client.forwardIn('slowAccept', 0, mustCall((err) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); if (++replyCnt === 2) client.end(); })); client.forwardIn('fastReject', 0, mustCall((err) => { assert(err, 'Expected error'); if (++replyCnt === 2) client.end(); })); })); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Cleanup outstanding channel requests on channel close' ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { const session = accept(); session.on('subsystem', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { assert(info.name === 'netconf', `Wrong subsystem name: ${info.name}`); // XXX: hack to prevent success reply from being sent conn._protocol.channelSuccess = () => {}; accept().close(); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { client.subsys('netconf', mustCall((err, stream) => { assert(err, 'Expected error'); client.end(); })); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Handshake errors are emitted', { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { cipher: [ 'aes128-cbc' ] }, }, server: { ...serverCfg, algorithms: { cipher: [ 'aes128-ctr' ] }, }, noForceClientReady: true, noForceServerReady: true, }, ); client.removeAllListeners('error'); function onError(err) { assert.strictEqual(err.level, 'handshake'); assert(/handshake failed/i.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); } server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.removeAllListeners('error'); conn.on('authentication', mustNotCall()) .on('ready', mustNotCall()) .on('handshake', mustNotCall()) .on('error', mustCall(onError)) .on('close', mustCall(() => {})); })); client.on('ready', mustNotCall()) .on('error', mustCall(onError)) .on('close', mustCall(() => {})); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Client signing errors are caught and emitted', { client: { username: 'foo', privateKey: KEY_RSA_BAD, }, server: serverCfg, noForceClientReady: true, noForceServerReady: true, }, ); client.removeAllListeners('error'); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { let authAttempt = 0; conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { assert(!ctx.signature, 'Unexpected signature'); switch (++authAttempt) { case 1: assert(ctx.method === 'none', `Wrong auth method: ${ctx.method}`); return ctx.reject(); case 2: assert(ctx.method === 'publickey', `Wrong auth method: ${ctx.method}`); ctx.accept(); break; } }, 2)).on('ready', mustNotCall()).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); })); let cliError; client.on('ready', mustNotCall()).on('error', mustCall((err) => { if (cliError) { assert(/all configured/i.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); } else { cliError = err; assert(/signing/i.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); } }, 2)).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Server signing errors are caught and emitted', { client: clientCfg, server: { hostKeys: [KEY_RSA_BAD] }, noForceClientReady: true, noForceServerReady: true, }, ); client.removeAllListeners('error'); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.removeAllListeners('error'); conn.on('error', mustCall((err) => { assert(/signature generation failed/i.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); })).on('authentication', mustNotCall()) .on('ready', mustNotCall()) .on('close', mustCall(() => {})); })); client.on('ready', mustNotCall()).on('error', mustCall((err) => { assert(/KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED/.test(err.message), 'Wrong error message'); })).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Rekeying with AES-GCM', { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ] }, }, server: { ...serverCfg, algorithms: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ] }, }, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { const reqs = []; conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { if (reqs.length === 0) { conn.rekey(mustCall((err) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected rekey error: ${err}`); reqs.forEach((accept) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); }); })); } reqs.push(accept); }, 3)); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { let calledBack = 0; function callback(err, stream) { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); if (++calledBack === 3) client.end(); } client.exec('foo', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('bar', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('baz', mustCall(callback)); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Switch from no compression to compression', { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'none' ] }, }, server: { ...serverCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'none', 'zlib@openssh.com' ] }, }, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { const reqs = []; conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { if (reqs.length === 0) { // XXX: hack to change algorithms after initial handshake client._protocol._offer = new KexInit({ kex: [ 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256' ], serverHostKey: [ 'rsa-sha2-256' ], cs: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ], mac: [], compress: [ 'zlib@openssh.com' ], lang: [], }, sc: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ], mac: [], compress: [ 'zlib@openssh.com' ], lang: [], }, }); conn.rekey(mustCall((err) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected rekey error: ${err}`); reqs.forEach((accept) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); }); })); } reqs.push(accept); }, 3)); })); })); let handshakes = 0; client.on('handshake', mustCall((info) => { switch (++handshakes) { case 1: assert(info.cs.compress === 'none', 'wrong compress value'); assert(info.sc.compress === 'none', 'wrong compress value'); break; case 2: assert(info.cs.compress === 'zlib@openssh.com', 'wrong compress value'); assert(info.sc.compress === 'zlib@openssh.com', 'wrong compress value'); break; } }, 2)).on('ready', mustCall(() => { let calledBack = 0; function callback(err, stream) { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); if (++calledBack === 3) client.end(); } client.exec('foo', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('bar', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('baz', mustCall(callback)); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Switch from compression to no compression', { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'zlib' ] }, }, server: { ...serverCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'zlib', 'none' ] }, } }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { const reqs = []; conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { if (reqs.length === 0) { // XXX: hack to change algorithms after initial handshake client._protocol._offer = new KexInit({ kex: [ 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256' ], serverHostKey: [ 'rsa-sha2-256' ], cs: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ], mac: [], compress: [ 'none' ], lang: [], }, sc: { cipher: [ 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ], mac: [], compress: [ 'none' ], lang: [], }, }); conn.rekey(mustCall((err) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected rekey error: ${err}`); reqs.forEach((accept) => { const session = accept(); session.on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); }); })); } reqs.push(accept); }, 3)); })); })); let handshakes = 0; client.on('handshake', mustCall((info) => { switch (++handshakes) { case 1: assert(info.cs.compress === 'zlib', 'wrong compress value'); assert(info.sc.compress === 'zlib', 'wrong compress value'); break; case 2: assert(info.cs.compress === 'none', 'wrong compress value'); assert(info.sc.compress === 'none', 'wrong compress value'); break; } }, 2)).on('ready', mustCall(() => { let calledBack = 0; function callback(err, stream) { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); if (++calledBack === 3) client.end(); } client.exec('foo', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('bar', mustCall(callback)); client.exec('baz', mustCall(callback)); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Large data compression', { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'zlib' ] }, }, server: { ...serverCfg, algorithms: { compress: [ 'zlib' ] }, } }, ); const chunk = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024, 'a'); const chunkCount = 10; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { accept().on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { const stream = accept(); for (let i = 0; i < chunkCount; ++i) stream.write(chunk); stream.exit(0); stream.end(); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { client.exec('foo', mustCall((err, stream) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected exec error: ${err}`); let nb = 0; stream.on('data', mustCallAtLeast((data) => { nb += data.length; })).on('end', mustCall(() => { assert(nb === (chunkCount * chunk.length), `Wrong stream byte count: ${nb}`); client.end(); })); })); })); } { const { client, server } = setup_( 'Debug output', { client: { ...clientCfg, debug: mustCallAtLeast((msg) => { assert(typeof msg === 'string', `Wrong debug argument type: ${typeof msg}`); assert(msg.length > 0, 'Unexpected empty debug message'); }), }, server: { ...serverCfg, debug: mustCallAtLeast((msg) => { assert(typeof msg === 'string', `Wrong debug argument type: ${typeof msg}`); assert(msg.length > 0, 'Unexpected empty debug message'); }), }, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('session', mustCall((accept, reject) => { accept().on('exec', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { assert(info.command === 'foo --bar', `Wrong exec command: ${info.command}`); const stream = accept(); stream.exit(100); stream.end(); conn.end(); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { client.exec('foo --bar', mustCall((err, stream) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected exec error: ${err}`); stream.resume(); })); })); } { const { server } = setup_( 'HTTP agent', { // No automatic client, the agent will create one server: serverCfg, debug, }, ); let httpServer; server.on('listening', () => { httpServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { httpServer.close(); res.end('hello world!'); }); httpServer.listen(0, 'localhost', () => { const agent = new HTTPAgent({ host: 'localhost', port: server.address().port, username: 'foo', password: 'bar', }); http.get({ host: 'localhost', port: httpServer.address().port, agent, headers: { Connection: 'close' }, }, (res) => { assert(res.statusCode === 200, `Wrong http status code: ${res.statusCode}`); let buf = ''; res.on('data', mustCallAtLeast((chunk) => { buf += chunk; })).on('end', mustCall(() => { assert(buf === 'hello world!', `Wrong http response body: ${inspect(buf)}`); })); }); }); }); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('tcpip', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { assert(info.destIP === 'localhost', `Wrong destIP: ${info.destIP}`); assert(info.destPort === httpServer.address().port, `Wrong destPort: ${info.destPort}`); assert(info.srcIP === 'localhost', `Wrong srcIP: ${info.srcIP}`); const stream = accept(); const tcp = new net.Socket(); tcp.pipe(stream).pipe(tcp); tcp.connect(httpServer.address().port, 'localhost'); })); })); })); } { const { server } = setup_( 'HTTPS agent', { // No automatic client, the agent will create one server: serverCfg, debug, }, ); let httpsServer; server.on('listening', () => { httpsServer = https.createServer({ key: fixture('https_key.pem'), cert: fixture('https_cert.pem'), }, (req, res) => { httpsServer.close(); res.end('hello world!'); }); httpsServer.listen(0, 'localhost', () => { const agent = new HTTPSAgent({ host: 'localhost', port: server.address().port, username: 'foo', password: 'bar', }); https.get({ host: 'localhost', port: httpsServer.address().port, agent, headers: { Connection: 'close' }, ca: fixture('https_cert.pem'), }, (res) => { assert(res.statusCode === 200, `Wrong http status code: ${res.statusCode}`); let buf = ''; res.on('data', mustCallAtLeast((chunk) => { buf += chunk; })).on('end', mustCall(() => { assert(buf === 'hello world!', `Wrong http response body: ${inspect(buf)}`); })); }).on('error', (err) => { // This workaround is necessary for some reason on node < v14.x if (!/write after end/i.test(err.message)) throw err; }); }); }); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('tcpip', mustCall((accept, reject, info) => { assert(info.destIP === 'localhost', `Wrong destIP: ${info.destIP}`); assert(info.destPort === httpsServer.address().port, `Wrong destPort: ${info.destPort}`); assert(info.srcIP === 'localhost', `Wrong srcIP: ${info.srcIP}`); const stream = accept(); const tcp = new net.Socket(); tcp.pipe(stream).pipe(tcp); tcp.connect(httpsServer.address().port, 'localhost'); })); })); })); } [ { desc: 'remove/append/prepend (regexps)', config: { remove: /.*/, append: /gcm/, prepend: /ctr/, }, expected: [ 'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'aes128-gcm', 'aes128-gcm@openssh.com', 'aes256-gcm', 'aes256-gcm@openssh.com', ], }, { desc: 'remove/append/prepend (strings)', config: { remove: /.*/, append: 'aes256-ctr', prepend: [ 'aes256-gcm', 'aes128-gcm' ], }, expected: [ 'aes256-gcm', 'aes128-gcm', 'aes256-ctr', ], }, ].forEach((info) => { const { client, server } = setup_( `Client algorithms option (${info.desc})`, { client: { ...clientCfg, algorithms: { cipher: info.config }, }, server: serverCfg, debug, }, ); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('authentication', mustCall((ctx) => { ctx.accept(); })).on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.end(); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { // XXX: hack to easily verify computed offer const offer = client._protocol._offer.lists; assert.deepStrictEqual( offer.cs.cipher.array, info.expected, `Wrong algorithm list: ${offer.cs.cipher.array}` ); })); }); { const { client } = setup_( `Safely end() from Client 'error' event handler`, { client: clientCfg, noClientError: true, noForceClientReady: true, }, ); const badServer = net.createServer((s) => {}); badServer.listen(0, 'localhost', mustCall(() => { badServer.unref(); client.on('error', mustCallAtLeast((err) => { client.end(); })).on('ready', mustNotCall()).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); client.connect({ host: 'localhost', port: badServer.address().port, user: 'foo', password: 'bar', readyTimeout: 1, }); })); } { const { client } = setup_( 'Client error should be emitted on bad/nonexistent greeting', { client: clientCfg, noClientError: true, noForceClientReady: true, }, ); const badServer = net.createServer(mustCall((s) => { badServer.close(); s.end(); })).listen(0, 'localhost', mustCall(() => { client.on('error', mustCall((err) => { client.end(); })).on('ready', mustNotCall()).on('close', mustCall(() => {})); client.connect({ host: 'localhost', port: badServer.address().port, user: 'foo', password: 'bar', }); })); } { const { client } = setup_( 'Only one client error on connection failure', { client: clientCfg, noClientError: true, noForceClientReady: true, }, ); client.on('error', mustCall((err) => { assert.strictEqual(err.syscall, 'getaddrinfo'); })); client.connect({ host: 'blerbblubblubblerb', port: 9999, user: 'foo', password: 'bar' }); } { const { client, server } = setup( 'Client should remove reserved channels on incoming channel rejection' ); const assignedPort = 31337; server.on('connection', mustCall((conn) => { conn.on('ready', mustCall(() => { conn.on('request', mustCall((accept, reject, name, info) => { assert(name === 'tcpip-forward', 'Wrong request name'); assert.deepStrictEqual( info, { bindAddr: 'good', bindPort: 0 }, 'Wrong request info' ); accept(assignedPort); conn.forwardOut(info.bindAddr, assignedPort, 'remote', 12345, mustCall((err, ch) => { assert(err, 'Should receive error'); client.end(); })); })); })); })); client.on('ready', mustCall(() => { // request forwarding client.forwardIn('good', 0, mustCall((err, port) => { assert(!err, `Unexpected error: ${err}`); assert(port === assignedPort, 'Wrong assigned port'); })); })).on('tcp connection', mustCall((details, accept, reject) => { assert.deepStrictEqual( details, { destIP: 'good', destPort: assignedPort, srcIP: 'remote', srcPort: 12345 }, 'Wrong connection details' ); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(client._chanMgr._channels).length, 1); assert.strictEqual(client._chanMgr._count, 1); reject(); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(client._chanMgr._channels).length, 0); assert.strictEqual(client._chanMgr._count, 0); })); } { // Allow injected sockets const socket = new Transform({ emitClose: true, autoDestroy: true, transform: (chunk, encoding, cb) => { cb(); }, }); socket.remoteAddress = ''; socket.remotePort = '12345'; socket.remoteFamily = 'IPv4'; socket.push(Buffer.from('SSH-2.0-foo\r\n')); const server = new Server(serverCfg); server.on('connection', mustCall((conn, info) => { assert.strictEqual(info.header.versions.software, 'foo'); assert.strictEqual(info.ip, ''); assert.strictEqual(info.port, '12345'); assert.strictEqual(info.family, 'IPv4'); conn.on('ready', mustNotCall()); conn.on('close', mustCall()); socket.end(); })); server.injectSocket(socket); }