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- var tunnel = require('../');
- var helper = require('./server');
- // Keep alive example
- // this example demonstrates the keepAlive option.
- // keepAlive will reuse the connections
- // note the "tunnelKeepAlive.close();" at the end.
- // this step is required to finish execution nicely
- var configA = {
- host: '', username: process.env.USER, dstPort: 8000, localPort: 7000, // Use keepAlive:true to keep the tunnel open.
- keepAlive: true
- };
- var fakeServer = helper.createServer(configA.dstPort, '', function () {
- var tunnelKeepAlive = tunnel(configA, function () {
- console.log('Tunnel open');
- helper.createClient(7000, '', console.log);
- helper.createClient(7000, '', console.log);
- helper.createClient(7000, '', console.log).on('close', function () {
- helper.createClient(7000, '', console.log).on('close', function () {
- helper.createClient(7000, '', console.log).on('close', function () {
- setTimeout(function () {
- // Call tunnel.close() to shutdown the server.
- console.log('TRYING TO CLOSE');
- tunnelKeepAlive.close();
- }, 2000);
- });
- });
- });
- }).on('error', function (e) {
- console.log('error', e);
- });
- });
- fakeServer.unref();