a ; ; ; . a ; "Water lines must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "WT-I-206" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryMereing must be contained within the outline of a BoundaryArea of a certain type" ; "BYM-X-103" ; ; . a ; "Way Form Function combination must be correct" ; "WY-I-003" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 End must not intersect another WayGDF2 at a 2 node - exception for 'Virtual Junction' and 'Gate'" ; "WYG2-X-104b" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryArea irishName must be at least 3 characters long" ; "BYA-I-023" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BuildingGroup must be referenced by at least 2 Buildings" ; "BLDG-X-010" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "RNS-I-210" ; ; . a ; "Water lines must be at least 0.5m in length" ; "WT-I-007" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "IrishName metadata must be set if IrishName is not empty" ; "ALL-I-003" ; ; . a ; "Site englishName must be at least 4 characters long" ; "ST-I-020" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 lines must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "WYG2-I-206" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Division must not intersect another Division at a 2 node" ; "DIV-X-104" ; ; . a ; "Building polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "BLD-I-209" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure with this Form must intersect a Water polygon" ; "STR-X-121" ; ; . a ; "Exposed 'Rock Face' must have Structure 'Top of Rock Face' on part of its boundary" ; "EXP-X-125" ; ; . a ; "Way Roundabout lines must be have clockwise direction and a directionValue 'As Digitised'" ; "WY-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Vegetation polygons must not have Spikes" ; "VEG-I-211" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryLine HWM must touch at least one other HWM BoundaryLine at its start" ; "BYL-X-102" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure Rail Platform must be equal to Artificial with functionValue Concrete Gravel Tarred Artificial Area" ; "STR-X-133" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way lineGeomValue must intersect its polygon boundary exactly twice" ; "WY-I-009" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way lineGeomValue End must not intersect another Way lineGeomValue at a 2 node - exception for 'Virtual Junction' and 'Gate'" ; "WY-X-104b" ; ; . a ; "Locale irishName must not start or end with a space" ; "LOC-I-025" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way accessModeValue must be 'Restricted' for this Form and Function combination" ; "WY-I-015e" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way GDF2 reference must be set if specific Forms" ; "WY-I-010" ; ; . a ; "Structure geometries must not have Spikes" ; "STR-I-211" ; ; . a ; "WaterPoint must connect to at least 1 Water or WaterSingleStream except if 'Spring'" ; "WTP-X-100" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment End must not intersect another RailNetworkSegment at a 2 node" ; "RNS-X-104b" ; ; . a ; "RailPoints must not be within 1m of each other" ; "RP-X-110" ; ; . a ; "Building irishName must be at least 4 characters long" ; "BLD-I-023" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Artificial polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "ART-I-209" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Archway' must overlap Buildings" ; "STR-X-127" ; ; . a ; "Way must reference WayGDF2 with the same zOrderValue" ; "WY-X-107" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 must connect to a WayPoint at its Start" ; "WYG2-X-100a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Vegetation polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "VEG-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure irishName must contain valid characters only" ; "STR-I-024" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream Start must not intersect another WaterSingleStream at a 2 node" ; "WSS-X-104a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure geometries must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "STR-I-205" ; ; . a ; "BLP polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "BLP-I-209" ; ; . a ; "Exposed polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "EXP-I-209" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site point Form Function combination must be correct" ; "STP-I-003" ; ; . a ; "Locale englishName must be at least 4 characters long" ; "LOC-I-020" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryArea irishName must contain valid characters only" ; "BYA-I-024" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BuildingGroup geometry must be equal to the union of all Buildings that reference it" ; "BLDG-X-011" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure Points must not be within 0.4m of each other" ; "STR-X-110" ; ; . a ; "IrishName metadata must not be set if IrishName is empty" ; "ALL-I-004" ; ; . a ; "Site englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "ST-I-021" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water must have lineGeomValue if Form in (River, Stream, Canal, Canal Lock, Mill Race)" ; "WT-I-008" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Division lines must not overlap" ; "DIV-X-105" ; ; . a ; "Division lines must be at least 0.1m in length" ; "DIV-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Landform' must have 'Landform Line' around its edge" ; "STR-X-122" ; ; . a ; "Way polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "WY-I-209" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site Form Function combination must be correct" ; "ST-I-003" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building polygons must not have Spikes" ; "BLD-I-211" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryLine HWM must touch at least one other HWM BoundaryLine at its end " ; "BYL-X-103" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "WY-I-210" ; ; . a ; "Intrinsic" ; . a ; "Way with lineGeomValue must connect to a WayPoint at its Start" ; "WY-X-100a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayPoints must not be within 1m of each other" ; "WYP-X-110" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment must connect to a RailPoint at its Start" ; "RNS-X-100a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way accessModeValue must be 'Impossible' for this Form and Function combination" ; "WY-I-015f" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way GDF2 reference must NOT be set if specific Forms" ; "WY-I-011" ; ; . a ; "WaterPoint 'Issue Point' must connect to the Start of exactly 1 Water or WaterSingleStream" ; "WTP-X-101" ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment lines must be at least 0.5m in length" ; "RNS-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Division lines must not have Spikes" ; "DIV-I-212" ; ; . a ; "Division Open Wall must be contained within the boundary of exactly one Building" ; "DIV-X-100" ; ; . a ; "Water salinityValue must be 'Saltwater' for this Form" ; "WT-I-015b" ; ; . a ; "Building irishName must contain valid characters only" ; "BLD-I-024" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryMereing must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "BYM-I-205" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 Form Function combination must be correct" ; "WYG2-I-003" ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Canopy' 'Building Overhang' must overlap Buildings" ; "STR-X-128" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way must reference WayGDF2 with the same Form and Function" ; "WY-X-108" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Artificial polygons must not have Spikes" ; "ART-I-211" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream End must not intersect another WaterSingleStream at a 2 node" ; "WSS-X-104b" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailPoint Rail Switch must touch at least 3 RailNetworkSegment GDF1 lines" ; "RP-X-135" ; ; . a ; "Locale englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "LOC-I-021" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "LogicalConsistency" ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way accessModeValue must be 'Free' for this Form and Function combination" ; "WY-I-015a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BLP polygons must not have Spikes" ; "BLP-I-211" ; ; . a ; "Exposed polygons must not have Spikes" ; "EXP-I-211" ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment lines must not have Spikes" ; "RNS-I-212" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water lineGeomValue must intersect its polygon boundary exactly twice" ; "WT-I-009" ; ; . a ; "Site englishName must not start or end with a space" ; "ST-I-022" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Division line Virtual Junction must be equal to the intersection of two Ways with the same Form Function" ; "DIV-X-106" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Locale Form Function combination must be correct" ; "LOC-I-003" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Landform Line' must be contained within a 'Landform' polygon" ; "STR-X-123" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water lineGeomValue Start must not intersect another Water lineGeomValue at a 2 node" ; "WT-X-104a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building must not have the same GeoId as another Building" ; "BLD-I-031" ; ; . a ; , , ; ; . a ; "Building must equal Artificial 'Built Environment' that it covers" , "Building must equal Artificial 'Built Environment' that it covers (Old)" ; "BLD-X-100" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryLine LWM must touch exactly one other LWM BoundaryLine at its start " ; "BYL-X-104" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way polygons must not have Spikes" ; "WY-I-211" ; ; . a ; "Structure englishName must be at least 4 characters long" ; "STR-I-020" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryMereing lines must not have Spikes" ; "BYM-I-212" ; ; . a ; "Artificial polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "ART-I-006" ; ; . a ; "Way with lineGeomValue must connect to a WayPoint at its End" ; "WY-X-100b" ; ; . a ; "Structure polygons and closed lines must have at least 3 vertices" ; "STR-I-201" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment lines must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "RNS-I-206" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailPoint must connect to at least 1 RailNetworkSegment" ; "RP-X-130" ; ; . a ; "ThematicAccuracy" ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment must connect to a RailPoint at its End" ; "RNS-X-100b" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WaterPoint 'Sink Point' must connect to the End of exactly 1 Water or WaterSingleStream" ; "WTP-X-102" ; ; . a ; "BLPs must not overlap" ; "BLP-X-105" ; ; . a ; "BLP polygons must be at least 10 sq m in area" ; "BLP-I-006" ; ; . a ; "Exposed polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "EXP-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "ST-I-209" ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 must be referenced by Way with the same zOrderValue" ; "WYG2-X-107" ; ; . a ; "Division other than InnerWall or OpenWall can only touch Building" ; "DIV-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building irishName must not start or end with a space" ; "BLD-I-025" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryMereing must be at least 0.2m in length" ; "BYM-I-206" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "WSS-I-210" ; ; . a ; "Way must reference WayGDF2 with the same Access Mode" ; "WY-X-109" ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream must connect to a WaterPoint at its Start" ; "WSS-X-100a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "WT-I-209" ; ; . a ; "Way polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "WY-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Locale englishName must not start or end with a space" ; "LOC-I-022" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "WT-I-210" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "PositionalAccuracy" ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryPoints must not be within 1m of each other" ; "BYP-X-110" ; ; . a ; "Building englishName must be at least 4 characters long" ; "BLD-I-020" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "ServiceLine lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "SL-I-210" ; ; . a ; "Representational" ; . a ; "WayGDF2 lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "WYG2-I-210" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Top of Rock Face' must be ring oriented along the boundary of an Exposed 'Rock Face' polygon" ; "STR-X-124" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water lineGeomValue End must not intersect another Water lineGeomValue at a 2 node" ; "WT-X-104b" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building polygons must not overlap" ; "BLD-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryLine LWM must touch exactly one other LWM BoundaryLine at its end " ; "BYL-X-105" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "STR-I-021" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryMereing cannot overlap" ; "BYM-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Completeness" ; . a ; "BoundaryArea englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "BYA-I-021" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Geospatial" ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Locale polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "LOC-I-209" ; ; . a ; "EnglishName metadata must be set if EnglishName is not empty" ; "ALL-I-001" ; ; . a ; "BLP must not overlap a Way feature with funcValue 'Main Road', 'First Class', 'Second Class', 'Third Class', 'Fourth Class' or 'Fifth Class' and zOrder=0" ; "BLP-X-106" ; ; . a ; "Structure Form Function combination must be correct" ; "STR-I-003" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "RailPoint 'End of Rail' must connect to exactly 1 GDF1 RailNetworkSegment" ; "RP-X-136a" ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 must be referenced by Way with the same Form and Function" ; "WYG2-X-108" ; ; . a ; "Division Inner Wall must be contained within 1 Building, or on the boundary between 2" ; "DIV-X-102" ; ; . a ; "Building bldNoValue must contain valid characters only" ; "BLD-I-026" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site polygons must not have Spikes" ; "ST-I-211" ; ; . a ; "WayPoint englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "WYP-I-021" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream must connect to a WaterPoint at its End" ; "WSS-X-100b" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building must have a Point geometry" ; "BLD-I-008" ; ; . a ; "Structure of this form must have Built Environment" ; "STR-X-131" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BuildingUnit point must be contained within a Building polygon" ; "BLDU-X-101" ; ; . a ; "Structure must not overlap other Structures of the same Form and Function" ; "STR-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Locale irishName must be at least 3 characters long" ; "LOC-I-023" ; ; . a ; "Water polygons must not have Spikes" ; "WT-I-211" ; ; . a ; "Way accessModeValue must be 'Free' 'Toll' or 'Public Service Vehicle Only' for this Form and Function combination" , "Way accessModeValue must be 'Free' or 'Toll' for this Form and Function combination" ; "WY-I-015c" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site irishName must contain valid characters only" ; "ST-I-024" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "FunctionValue metadata must not be null" ; "ALL-I-007" ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 must be referenced by 1 to 5 Way features" ; "WYG2-X-103" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryPoint must be on a BoundaryMereing" ; "BYP-X-111" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building englishName must contain valid characters only" ; "BLD-I-021" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water with lineGeomValue must connect to WaterPoint at its Start" ; "WT-X-100a" ; ; . a ; "Artificial 'Built Environment' must have Building or Structure" ; "ART-X-100" ; ; . a ; "WaterPoints must not be within 1m of each other" ; "WTP-X-110" ; ; . a ; "SoE must have no gaps or overlaps" ; "SOE-X-001" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Canopy' 'Building Overhang' must not overlap Built Environment" ; "STR-X-125" ; ; . a ; "WayPoint must connect to at least 1 Way or WayGDF2" ; "WYP-X-131" ; ; . a ; "BuildingUnit addrUnitNumber must contain valid characters only" ; "BLDU-I-026" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way lineGeomValue must be contained within the WayGDF2 line it references" ; "WY-X-105" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building must not intersect Divisions other than InnerWall and OpenWall" ; "BLD-X-102" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building Form Function combination must be correct" ; "BLD-I-003" ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream lines must be at least 0.5m in length" ; "WSS-I-006" ; ; . a ; "Structure englishName must not start or end with a space" ; "STR-I-022" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "WayGDF2 Start must not intersect another WayGDF2 at a 2 node - exception for 'Virtual Junction' and 'Gate'" ; "WYG2-X-104a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Water polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "WT-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "EnglishName metadata must not be set if EnglishName is empty" ; "ALL-I-002" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BLP must not overlap a Water feature with formValue 'River', 'Stream', 'Lake', 'Sea', 'Stream' or 'Canal' and zOrder=0" ; "BLP-X-107" ; ; . a ; "Structure Function must not be 'Not Defined'" ; "STR-I-004" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Site point must be contained within the Site it references" ; "STP-X-002" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Divisions at same ZOrder must be split where they intersect" ; "DIV-X-103" ; ; . a ; "Building bldNoValue must not start or end with a space" ; "BLD-I-027" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Vegetation polygons must not have Kickbacks" ; "VEG-I-209" ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Sluice Gate' must be contained within Water polygon" ; "STR-X-120" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "BoundaryLine of the same type cannot overlap" ; "BYL-X-101" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Building pntGeomValue must be contained within the polygon of the Building" ; "BLD-I-009" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure Steps must be equal to 8th Class Way and Form must be equal to Walk General" ; "STR-X-132" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Bridge Fixed' 'Multiple Use' must intersect some SoE at zOrder less than 0" ; "STR-X-102" ; ; . a ; "Way must have lineGeomValue if specific Form and Functions" ; "WY-I-008" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure geometries must not have Kickbacks" ; "STR-I-209" ; ; . a ; "Way lineGeomValue Start must not intersect another Way lineGeomValue at a 2 node - exception for 'Virtual Junction' and 'Gate'" ; "WY-X-104a" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Way with certain form and functions must have directionValue 'As Digitised'" ; "WY-I-220" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Division lines must not have Kickbacks" ; "DIV-I-210" ; ; . a ; "RailNetworkSegment Start must not intersect another RailNetworkSegment at a 2 node" ; "RNS-X-104a" ; ; . a ; "BoundaryArea of certain types must have a BdyId and EnglishName" ; "BYA-I-210" ; ; . a ; "Building englishName must not start or end with a space" ; "BLD-I-022" ; ; . a ; "Water with lineGeomValue must connect a WaterPoint at its End" ; "WT-X-100b" ; ; . a ; "WaterSingleStream lines must pass the OGC_simple test" ; "WSS-I-206" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Locale polygons must be at least 1 sq m in area" ; "LOC-I-006" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; "Structure 'Archway' must not overlap Built Environment" ; "STR-X-126" ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; . a ; ; ; .