@prefix : . @prefix dave-instances: . @prefix dave: . @prefix prov: . @prefix dvex: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix xsd: . :dataValueCalculation1 a dvex:DataValueCalculation ; prov:wasAssociatedWith [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:givenName "Joe Doe" . ] . :explainableEntity a dvex:Explainability ; dvex:on dave-instances:25184a4c-aebb-49ec-81a7-9eaf56beb925-DataValue ; prov:wasGeneratedBy :dataValueCalculation1 ; prov:qualifiedGeneration :generation1 . # prov:wasInvalidatedBy (this may be used either when we have a new calculation or new observations) # prov:qualifiedInvalidation :generation1 a dvex:TraceableExplainability ; dvex:definedWeights :customWeight1 , :customWeight2 , :customWeight3 , :customWeight4 ; # even if customweight is 0, add it here dvex:observedMeasurements dave-instances:measurement1 , dave-instances:measurement5 ; # add all measurements observed dvex:generatedDataValue "75"^^xsd:integer ; prov:atTime "2019-06-22T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; prov:activity :dataValueCalculation1 . :customWeight1 a dvex:CustomWeight ; dvex:value "0.8"^^xsd:double ; dvex:for dave:Quality . # this will indicate whether the weight is set for dimension, metric group, or metric #### - Based on the current dimensions weights settings, Data Asset has an overall data value of - The overall value is distributed over the following dimensions/ (types [granularity] should be found by querying DAVE) for all { - : - - The dimension weight share is equally [eventually this needs to be changed] split for the following metrics : - Metric : - (metric description should describe exactly how the metric is calculated) - Reading from DGC metadata : - Calculated metric value : . Value from previous observation (if there is a previous observation). } # dvex:TraceableExplainability rdfs:subClassOf prov:Generation # dvex:on rdfs:subPropertyOf prov:wasDerivedFrom # dvex:Explainability rdfs:subClassOf prov:Entity # dvex:DataValueCalculation rdfs:subClassOf prov:Activity