@@ -61,3 +61,62 @@ we designed an approach with following requeriments:
+## Cloning this branch of the module
+git clone --single-branch --branch Bluetooth_Smart_Environments https://scm.atosresearch.eu/ari/helios_group/heliossmartenvironments.git
+## Integration of the module in the app
+ Open your app in Android Studio.
+ File > New > Import Module
+ Go to <i>smartenvironment</i> folder.
+ Select <b>smartenvironments</b> folder like source directory.
+ Click <b>Finish</b> to import.
+ New module should appears in first line of <b>settings.gradle</b> file:
+ ```
+ include ':app', ':smartenvironments'
+ ```
+ Open <b>build.gradle</b> file of app module. In <b>dependencies</b> section add:
+ ```
+ implementation project(":smartenvironments")
+ ```
+## Integration of the module using Nexus Helios repository
+Add the repository in build.gradle file of project:
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ google()
+ jcenter()
+ maven {
+ url "https://builder.helios-social.eu/repository/helios-repository/"
+ credentials {
+ username = heliosUser
+ password = heliosPassword
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Add dependency to the build.gradle file of the app:
+dependencies {
+ implementation 'eu.h2020.helios_social.modules.smartenvironments:smartenvironments:1.0.0'