<h2 class="list">Overview</h2> Extending provenance ontologies allows GDPRov to express a ‘template’ or ‘plan’ of what should happen (using p-plan:Plan) describing a model of all activities (as p-plan:Step) that can take place. This template is then instantiated for (using p-plan:Activity) each specific use of the activity, such as obtaining consent or data for a particular user. Additionally, the provenance of the activities themselves can be expressed (using PROV-O and P-Plan) to record how they change over time, making it possible to trace the change in activities along with how they interact with consent and data. This is beneficial in documenting the state of a system as a set of activities that deal with consent and data, and can be helpful in determining changes in consent when the interactions between data and an activity change over time. For example, differences in provenance of an activity can show that it uses personal data it did not previously use. Depending on the consent obtained for that particular user, this may or may not need additional permissions, and therefore require obtaining consent to permit such use.