@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ * Parse GDPR text
+ * @author Harshvardhan Pandit me a.t. harshp.com
+ * @name parse_gdpr
+ *
+ * This script parses GDPR text from the webpage into a JSON document
+ * It also re-arranges the text into a better version where each individual
+ * item in the text is assigned a contextual ID attribute making it
+ * easy to reference the particular item.
+ */
+var FLG_DEBUG = true;
+if (!FLG_DEBUG) {
+ console.log = function() {};
+ * @return {jQuery array} returns all GDPR article text
+ */
+var extract_gdpr_articles_from_page = function() {
+ // starting element is the one just before CHAPTER I
+ var begin = $('p#d1e1374-1-1').prev();
+ // ending element is the div marked final
+ var end = $('div.final');
+ // first processing element is the one after begin (CHAPTER I)
+ var element = begin.next();
+ var text = [];
+ // continue while we haven't reached the end element
+ while (!element.is(end)) {
+ text.push(element);
+ element = element.next();
+ }
+ return text;
+var txt_gdpr = extract_gdpr_articles_from_page();
+ * @param {jQuery array} text contains the text of the GDPR
+ * @return {[array of arrays]} chapters extracted from text
+ * Each chapter contains the sections and articles within it sequentially
+ * in the arrays inside it
+ * [chapters] where [chapter] contains everything as jQuery array
+ */
+var extract_chapters_from_gdpr_text = function(text) {
+ var chapters = [];
+ var chapter = null;
+ var chapter_contents = null;
+ for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) {
+ var element = text[i];
+ // mark for new chapter
+ if(
+ // check element type is P
+ element.prop('nodeName') == 'P' &&
+ // test id syntax
+ /^d1e\d+-1-1$/.test(element.prop('id')) &&
+ // test text is chapter
+ /^\s*CHAPTER [IVX]+\s*$/.test(element.text())
+ ) {
+ // extract one chapter
+ // the title is in the next element
+ var chapter_title = text[i+1].text().trim();
+ i += 1
+ chapter_contents = [];
+ chapter = {
+ 'number': element.text().trim().slice(8),
+ 'title': chapter_title,
+ "type": "chapter",
+ "contents": chapter_contents
+ };
+ chapters.push(chapter);
+ } else {
+ chapter_contents.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ for(let ch of chapters) {
+ // console.log(ch.type, ch.number, ch.contents.length);
+ }
+ return chapters;
+var chapters = extract_chapters_from_gdpr_text(txt_gdpr);
+ * @param {[jQuery array]} list contents of chapter
+ * @return {[array of arrays]} articles within that chapter
+ * Extracts articles from text (chapter)
+ */
+var extract_articles_from_text = function(text) {
+ var articles = [];
+ var article = null;
+ var article_contents = null;
+ for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) {
+ var element = text[i];
+ if (
+ // if its a P element
+ // element.prop('nodeName') == 'P' &&
+ // with id of the form
+ /^d1e\d+-1-1$/.test(element.prop('id')) &&
+ // and text is Article
+ /^Article \d+$/.test(element.text())
+ ) {
+ var article_title = text[i+1].text().trim();
+ i += 1;
+ article_contents = [];
+ article = {
+ 'number': element.text().slice(8),
+ 'title': article_title,
+ 'type': 'article',
+ 'contents': article_contents
+ };
+ articles.push(article);
+ } else {
+ article_contents.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let at of articles) {
+ // console.log(at.type, at.number, at.contents.length);
+ }
+ return articles;
+/** Article 4 needs special handling
+ * This is because in Article 4, the first point is a generic point without a number,
+ * but the other points are all (weirdly) in a table. Additionally, some of the points
+ * have subpoints as internal tables.
+ *
+ * The difference between the points in Article 4 and the other articles is the way
+ * they are parsed. In Article 4, in addition to each point being a table, the subpoints
+ * are embedded in the point itself, whereas in other articles, the subpoints though
+ * being a table, are a separate element/item.
+ */
+ * @param {[jQuery array]}
+ * @return {[map of points]}
+ * Each point has the attribute
+ * - number: digit/null
+ * - text: text of the point
+ * - type: text/point
+ * - subpoints: []
+ * This function is only to extract points from Article 4
+ */
+var extract_points_from_article4 = function(article4) {
+ var text = article4.contents;
+ var points = [];
+ var point = null;
+ var subpoints = null;
+ var subpoint = null;
+ for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) {
+ var element = text[i];
+ var p_in_element = element.find('p');
+ if (p_in_element.length == 0) {
+ points.push({
+ 'number': null,
+ 'text': element.text().trim(),
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'subpoints': []
+ });
+ continue;
+ }
+ var p_number = $(p_in_element[0]);
+ var match = p_number.text().match('^\\((\\d+)\\)');
+ if (match != undefined && match != null) {
+ p_number = match[1];
+ } else {
+ p_number = null;
+ }
+ var p_text = $(p_in_element[1]).text().trim();
+ var p_subpoints = p_in_element.slice(2);
+ subpoints = [];
+ for (var j=0; j<p_subpoints.length; j++) {
+ var subpoint_number = $(p_subpoints[j]).text();
+ var match = subpoint_number.match('^\\((\\w+)\\)');
+ if (match != undefined && match != null) {
+ subpoint_number = match[1];
+ } else {
+ subpoint_number = null;
+ }
+ var subpoint_text = $(p_subpoints[j+1]).text().trim();
+ j += 1;
+ subpoints.push({
+ 'number': subpoint_number,
+ 'text': subpoint_text,
+ 'type': 'subpoint'
+ });
+ }
+ points.push({
+ 'number': p_number,
+ 'text': p_text,
+ 'type': 'point',
+ 'subpoints': subpoints
+ });
+ }
+ for(let pt of points) {
+ // console.log(pt.type, pt.number, pt.subpoints.length);
+ for(let spt of pt.subpoints) {
+ // console.log(spt.type, spt.number);
+ }
+ }
+ return points;
+// var points_in_article4 = extract_points_from_article4(article4);
+ * @param {[jQuery array]} article
+ * @return {[map of points]}
+ * Each point has the attribute
+ * - number: digit/null
+ * - text: text of the point
+ * - type: text/point
+ * - subpoints: []
+ * Extracts points from article
+ */
+var extract_points_from_article = function(article) {
+ var text = article.contents;
+ // The extraction mechanism works on the basis of sequential points.
+ // This means that if a point has a subpoint,
+ // then it will be in the NEXT element as a table
+ var points = [];
+ var point = null;
+ var subpoints = null;
+ for(var element of text) {
+ var element_type = element.prop('nodeName');
+ if (element_type == 'P') {
+ var element_text = element.text().trim();
+ var match = element_text.match('^(\\d+).');
+ if (match == undefined || match == null) {
+ // this point has no number
+ point = {
+ 'number': null,
+ 'text': element_text,
+ 'type': 'text',
+ 'subpoints': []
+ };
+ points.push(point);
+ } else {
+ // point has a number
+ point = {
+ 'number': match[1],
+ 'type': 'point',
+ 'subpoints': []
+ };
+ point.text = element_text.match('^\\d+.\\s+(.*)')[1];
+ points.push(point);
+ }
+ } else if (element_type == 'TABLE') {
+ var p_in_element = element.find('p');
+ var p_number = $(p_in_element[0]).text().trim();
+ var match = p_number.match('^(\\w+).');
+ if (match == undefined || match == null) {
+ p_number = null;
+ } else {
+ p_number = match[1];
+ }
+ var p_text = $(p_in_element[1]).text().trim();
+ point.subpoints.push({
+ 'number': p_number,
+ 'text': p_text,
+ 'type': 'subpoint'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ for(pt of points) {
+ // console.log(pt.type, pt.number, pt.text);
+ }
+ return points;
+ * combine articles in chapter 1 together
+ */
+var articles_in_chapter_1 = extract_articles_from_text(chapters[0].contents);
+var points_in_articles = articles_in_chapter_1.slice(0,3).map(extract_points_from_article);
+for(var i=0; i<articles_in_chapter_1.length; i++) {
+ var article = articles_in_chapter_1[i];
+ article.contents = points_in_articles[i];
+chapters[0].contents = articles_in_chapter_1;
+ * create the final data object that will hold all the items together
+ */
+var data = {
+ 'title': "General Data Protection Regulation",
+ 'abbrv': "GDPR",
+ 'regulation': "2016/679",
+ 'dated': "27/04/2016",
+ 'updated': "04/05/2016",
+ 'about': "protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)",
+ 'identifier': "L 119/1",
+ 'language': "EN",
+ 'chapters': [chapters[0]],
+ 'recitals': []
+// chapters yet to be processed
+chapters = chapters.slice(1);
+ * Process the other chapters
+ * Now these other chapters can also contain sections, so the first test to be made
+ * is whether a chapter contains any sections. If it does, then the sections get
+ * extracted first, and after that the articles need to be extracted from the sections.
+ * If a chapter does not contain any sections, then the articles will be extracted
+ * directly from the section.
+ */
+var extract_sections_from_text = function(text) {
+ var sections = [];
+ var section = null;
+ var section_contents = null;
+ for (var i=0; i<text.length; i++) {
+ var element = text[i];
+ if (
+ element.prop('nodeName') == 'P' &&
+ /^d1e\d+-1-1$/.test(element.prop('id')) &&
+ $(element).children('span.expanded').length == 1
+ ) {
+ var section_title = text[i+1].text().trim();
+ i += 1;
+ section_contents = [];
+ section = {
+ 'number': element.text().trim().slice(7).trim(),
+ 'title': section_title,
+ 'type': 'section',
+ 'contents': section_contents
+ };
+ sections.push(section);
+ } else {
+ if (section_contents == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ section_contents.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ for (let sec of sections) {
+ // console.log(sec.type, sec.number, sec.contents.length);
+ }
+ return sections;
+for(let ch of chapters) {
+ var sections = extract_sections_from_text(ch.contents);
+ if (sections == null) {
+ // console.log(ch.type, ch.number, "does not have Sections");
+ var articles = extract_articles_from_text(ch.contents);
+ ch.contents = articles;
+ for(let at of articles) {
+ // console.log(at.type, at.number);
+ at.contents = extract_points_from_article(at);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // console.log(ch.type, ch.number, "has Sections");
+ ch.contents = sections;
+ for(let sec of sections) {
+ var articles = extract_articles_from_text(sec.contents);
+ for(let at of articles) {
+ at.contents = extract_points_from_article(at);
+ }
+; sec.contents = articles;
+ }
+ }
+ data.chapters.push(ch);
+ */
+// for(let ch of data.chapters) {
+// console.log(ch.type, ch.number, ch.contents.length);
+// if (ch.contents[0].type == 'section') {
+// for(let sec of ch.contents) {
+// console.log(sec.type, sec.number, sec.contents.length);
+// for(let at of sec.contents) {
+// console.log(at.type, at.number, at.contents.length);
+// for(let pt of at.contents) {
+// console.log(pt.type, pt.number, pt.subpoints.length);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// } else {
+// for(let at of ch.contents) {
+// console.log(at.type, at.number, at.contents.length);
+// for(let pt of at.contents) {
+// console.log(pt.type, pt.number, pt.subpoints.length);
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ */
+// The recitals start at the table (second) which is after the p element
+// with id = d1e40-1-1
+var element = $('p#d1e40-1-1');
+while(element.prop('nodeName') != 'TABLE') element = element.next();
+// At this stage, element points to the table where recitals begin
+// Each table holds two p elements, where the first one contains the number
+// and the second contains the text
+while(element.prop('nodeName') != 'P') {
+ var p_in_element = element.find('p');
+ var p_text = $(p_in_element[1]).text().trim();
+ var p_number = $(p_in_element[0]).text().match('^\\((\\d+)\\)')[1];
+ data.recitals.push({
+ 'number': p_number,
+ 'text': p_text,
+ 'type': 'recital'
+ });
+ element = element.next();
+ */
+// citations are p elements with class note
+data.citations = $('p.note').map(function(index, element) {
+ var match = $(element).text().trim().match('^\\((\\d+)\\)\\s+(.*)$')
+ return {
+ 'number': match[1],
+ 'text': match[2],
+ 'type': 'citation'
+ };
+ * Download data as JSON
+ */
+$('<a id="downloadAnchorElem" style="display:none"></a>').appendTo('body');
+var dataStr = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(data));
+var btn_download = document.getElementById('downloadAnchorElem');
+btn_download.setAttribute("href", dataStr);
+btn_download.setAttribute("download", "gdpr.json");
+// btn_download.click();