123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # author: Harshvardhan Pandit
- # Generates RDF graph for GDPR text from JSON (gdpr.json)
- # The JSON file is in ../deliverables/gdpr.json
- # The algorithm is roughly as follows:
- # For every chapter, article, subpoint, et. al. it defines the following
- # attributes using the ELI vocabulary
- # @prefix ELI https://publications.europa.eu/en/mdr/resource/eli/eli.owl
- #
- # - ELI:title (xsd:string) title of the item
- # - ELI:number (xsd:string) number of the item in text
- # - ELI:title_alternative (xsd:string) an alternative representation of the
- # item as <item_type> followed by <item_number>; e.g. Chapter 1
- # - ELI:description (xsd:string) text of the item
- # - ELI:is_part_of (ELI:LegalResource) gdpr:GDPR
- # here, this is an instance of a LegalResource created to represent
- # the GDPR, and is present in another OWL file, which is being edited
- # in Protege. The reference does not need to be resolved.
- # - ELI:id_local (xsd:string) the ID of the resource in the HTML file
- # This is a bungling of the proper use of the vocabulary, but it keeps
- # all terms within the intended usage. The same ID can be used to
- # lookup the resource in the HTML file (so it is the ID attribute of
- # the resource).
- #
- # This script generates the RDF pairings for the text of the GDPR. The bulk
- # of the work and the part where the GDPR itself is referenced is actually
- # done using Protege, and does not need the use of a script, such as this,
- # since it is a manual labour.
- ##############################################################################
- # Load the JSON from file
- with open('../deliverables/gdpr.json') as fd:
- import json
- gdpr_json = json.load(fd)
- # import p# print
- # p# print.p# print(gdpr_json)
- from rdflib import Graph, RDF, XSD, Literal, BNode
- # This will be the graph used to hold the triples as they are being generated
- graph = Graph()
- from rdflib import Namespace
- # This is the ELI namespace, used as the legal vocabulary for EU text
- ELI = Namespace("http://data.europa.eu/eli/ontology#")
- LRS = ELI.LegalResourceSubdivision
- title = ELI.title
- number = ELI.number
- title_alternative = ELI.title_alternative
- is_part_of = ELI.is_part_of
- description = ELI.description
- # This is the GDPR namespace used by the project
- # NOTE: this is temporary
- GDPR = Namespace("http://www.semanticweb.org/harsh/ontologies/GDPR#")
- node_gdpr = GDPR.GDPR
- ##############################################################################
- # The chapters are in json.chapters as an array of dicts
- # { number, title, contents }
- # A chapter may contain sections, and if it does, then it has the same
- # structure as well.
- # If a chapter has sections, then the section, else the chapter itself, has
- # several articles with the same structure.
- # Each article has several points, which may or may not be numbered.
- # Each point may have several points, which may or may not be numbered.
- def graph_subpoint(
- subpoint, article_number, point_number,
- point, article, section=None, chapter=None):
- '''adds subpoint to graph'''
- # print('SP', subpoint['number'])
- if subpoint['number'] is not None:
- node_subpoint = GDPR['article{}-{}{}'.format(
- article_number, point_number, subpoint['number'])]
- graph.add((node_subpoint, number, Literal(
- subpoint['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, title_alternative, Literal(
- 'Article' + article_number + '({}{})'.format(
- point_number, subpoint['number']),
- datatype=XSD.string)))
- else:
- node_subpoint = BNode()
- graph.add((node_subpoint, RDF.type, LRS))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, is_part_of, node_gdpr))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, is_part_of, chapter))
- if section is not None:
- graph.add((node_subpoint, is_part_of, section))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, is_part_of, article))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, is_part_of, point))
- graph.add((node_subpoint, description, Literal(
- subpoint['text'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- def graph_point(point, article_number, article, section=None, chapter=None):
- '''adds point to graph'''
- # print('P', point['number'])
- if point['number'] is not None:
- node_point = GDPR['article{}-{}'.format(
- article_number, point['number'])]
- graph.add((node_point, number, Literal(
- point['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_point, title_alternative, Literal(
- 'Article' + article_number + '({})'.format(point['number']),
- datatype=XSD.string)))
- else:
- node_point = BNode()
- graph.add((node_point, RDF.type, LRS))
- graph.add((node_point, is_part_of, node_gdpr))
- graph.add((node_point, is_part_of, chapter))
- if section is not None:
- graph.add((node_point, is_part_of, section))
- graph.add((node_point, is_part_of, article))
- graph.add((node_point, description, Literal(
- point['text'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- for subpoint in point['subpoints']:
- graph_subpoint(
- subpoint, article_number, point['number'],
- node_point, article, section, chapter)
- def graph_article(article, section=None, chapter=None):
- '''adds article to graph'''
- # print('A', article['number'])
- node_article = GDPR['article{}'.format(article['number'])]
- graph.add((node_article, RDF.type, LRS))
- graph.add((node_article, number, Literal(
- article['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_article, title_alternative, Literal(
- 'Article ' + article['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_article, is_part_of, node_gdpr))
- graph.add((node_article, is_part_of, chapter))
- if section is not None:
- graph.add((node_article, is_part_of, section))
- for point in article['contents']:
- graph_point(point, article['number'], node_article, section, chapter)
- def graph_section(section, chapter):
- '''adds section to graph'''
- # print('S', section['number'], section['title'])
- node_section = GDPR['section{}'.format(section['number'])]
- graph.add((node_section, RDF.type, LRS))
- graph.add((node_section, title, Literal(
- section['title'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_section, number, Literal(
- section['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_section, title_alternative, Literal(
- 'Section ' + section['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_section, is_part_of, node_gdpr))
- graph.add((node_section, is_part_of, chapter))
- for article in section['contents']:
- graph_article(article, node_section, chapter)
- def graph_chapter(chapter):
- '''adds chapter to graph'''
- # print('C', chapter['number'], chapter['title'])
- node_chapter = GDPR['chapter{}'.format(chapter['number'])]
- graph.add((node_chapter, RDF.type, LRS))
- graph.add((node_chapter, title, Literal(
- chapter['title'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_chapter, number, Literal(
- chapter['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_chapter, title_alternative, Literal(
- 'Chapter ' + chapter['number'], datatype=XSD.string)))
- graph.add((node_chapter, is_part_of, node_gdpr))
- contents = chapter['contents']
- # Section (if any)
- if contents[0]['type'] == 'section':
- for item in contents:
- graph_section(item, node_chapter)
- else:
- for item in contents:
- graph_article(item, None, node_chapter)
- for chapter in gdpr_json['chapters']:
- graph_chapter(chapter)
- graph.serialize(destination='gdpr.ttl', format='turtle')