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  57. <h1>GDPRtEXT</h1>
  58. <h2>Release 2018-07-31</h2>
  59. <dl>
  60. <dt>This version:</dt>
  61. <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
  62. <dt>Latest version:</dt>
  63. <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
  64. <dt>Previous version:</dt>
  65. <dd><a href=""></a></dd>
  66. <dt>Revision:</dt>
  67. <dd>0.6</dd>
  68. <dt>Authors:</dt>
  69. <dd>Harshvardhan J. Pandit</dd><dd><a href=""></a></dd>
  70. <dt>Publisher:</dt>
  71. <dd><a href=""></a>, (<a href="null">null</a>)</dd>
  72. <dt>Download serialization:</dt><dd><span><a href="ontology.json" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="JSON-LD" /></a> </span><span><a href="ontology.xml" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="RDF/XML" /></a> </span><span><a href="ontology.nt" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="N-Triples" /></a> </span><span><a href="ontology.ttl" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TTL" /></a> </span></dd><dt>License: </dt><dd><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" /></a>
  73. <a href="" rel="license" target="_blank">
  74. <img src="" style="border-width:0" alt="License" />
  75. </a>
  76. <br/></dd><dt>Visualization:</dt><dd><a href="webvowl/index.html#ontology" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Visualize with WebVowl" /></a></dd>
  77. <dt>Compatible with:</dt>
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  84. <span>Ontology Specification Draft</span>
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  86. </div> <div id="abstract"></div>
  87. <div id="toc"></div> <div id="introduction"></div>
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  94. <h2 id="ack" class="list">Acknowledgements <span class="backlink"> back to <a href="#toc">ToC</a></span></h2>
  95. <p>
  96. The authors would like to thank <a href="">Silvio Peroni</a> for developing <a href="">LODE</a>, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and <a href="">Daniel Garijo</a> for developing <a href="">Widoco</a>, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.</p>
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