A linked data representation of GDPR containing the text (EN) of GDPR annotated to make each individual item referenceable, and published using DCAT + ELI vocabularies.

Harshvardhan Pandit b5215f439b add involves attributions to all concepts 7 سال پیش
deliverables b5215f439b add involves attributions to all concepts 7 سال پیش
scripts c3a4ab83d3 fix URI errors in gdpr distributions 7 سال پیش
README.md 77a8b1020c added GDPR OWL file containing complete vocabulary 7 سال پیش



Project for annotating GDPR text to make it referenceable using Linked Open Data ontologies/vocabularies. The canonical GDPR text can be found here. This repository acts as version control for the project. The official website is at openscience.adaptcentre.ie.


  1. GDPR (En) text with HTML id for each item/article
  2. GDPR (En) text as JSON
  3. GDPR (En) as RDF dataset
  4. GDPR (En) text with HTML id + RDFa

Project Goals

The project aims to annotate this text to fulfil the following goals:

  1. Reference individual chapters, articles, and points using HTML ID attributes
  2. Provide additional annotations for the content related to the context and use
  3. Provide additional annotations for the GDPRov project
  4. Annotate using legal ontologies and (perhaps) SKOS

ADAPT Centre

Made by Harshvardhan Pandit as part of PhD research