{ "_comment" : "Created with OWL2VOWL (version 0.3.5), http://vowl.visualdataweb.org", "header" : { "languages" : [ "en", "undefined" ], "baseIris" : [ "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns", "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" ], "title" : { "en" : "PersonasOnto" }, "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "version" : "1.5", "author" : [ "Stefan Negru" ], "description" : { "en" : "The PersonasOnto is depicts the personas domain along with relating concept and properties. A persona is regarded as a user archetype which can be used to \"help guide decisions about product features, navigation, interactions, and even visual design\" (Goodwin, 2005).\n\nThis ontology wants to address some of the issues regarding this methodology like how personas are reconciled with other information and who is responsible for interpreting and validating them." }, "comments" : { "en" : "PersonasOnto ontology incorporates concepts and properties used to model personas." }, "other" : { "date" : [ { "identifier" : "date", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "2014-02-28", "type" : "label" } ], "creator" : [ { "identifier" : "creator", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "Stefan Negru", "type" : "label" } ], "contributor" : [ { "identifier" : "contributor", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "Sabin Buraga", "type" : "label" } ], "rights" : [ { "identifier" : "rights", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "This ontology is distributed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/", "type" : "label" } ], "versionInfo" : [ { "identifier" : "versionInfo", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "1.5", "type" : "label" } ], "title" : [ { "identifier" : "title", "language" : "en", "value" : "PersonasOnto", "type" : "label" } ], "seeAlso" : [ { "identifier" : "seeAlso", "language" : "undefined", "value" : "http://blankdots.com/open/schema", "type" : "label" } ] } }, "namespace" : [ ], "class" : [ { "id" : "8", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "13", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "23", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "25", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "29", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "54", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "55", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "46", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "88", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "89", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "33", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "42", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "30", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "108", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "66", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "109", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "106", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "117", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "100", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "118", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "79", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "119", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "120", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "121", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "111", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "122", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "22", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "123", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "9", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "126", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "131", "type" : "rdfs:Literal" }, { "id" : "75", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "41", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { "id" : "68", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "134", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "103", "type" : "rdfs:Datatype" }, { "id" : "125", "type" : "owl:Class" }, { 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"http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A physical product or a digital product (Software Application)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Product" }, "id" : "13", "superClasses" : [ "9" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#SupplementalType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Needs are completely satisfied by one of the primary interfaces yet they are part of the set or personas to ensure comprehensive representation." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "SupplementalType" }, "id" : "23", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#UsabilityTest", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A usability test evaluates the usability of a certain Product in a Scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "UsabilityTest" }, "id" : "25" }, { "iri" : 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Usualy a participant has a diresct correspondent to a Persona type." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Participant" }, "id" : "54", "superClasses" : [ "27" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#LifeGoals", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Life goals represent personal aspirations of the user that typically go beyond the context of the product being designed." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "LifeGoals" }, "id" : "55", "superClasses" : [ "30" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Scenario", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A series of tasks the user performs in a certain context." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Scenario" }, "id" : "46" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Tangible", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A context might be described by an Tangible enviroment - real world." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Tangible" }, "id" : "88", "superClasses" : [ "45" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#EndGoals", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "End goals represent the user’s motivation for performing the tasks associated with using a specific product." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "EndGoals" }, "id" : "89", "superClasses" : [ "30" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#DevelopmentDisability", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Any disability that related to growth and development problems." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "DevelopmentDisability" }, "id" : "33", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "42", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Goals", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The goals of a Persona. The goals are divided accordingly, depending on each persona type." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Goals" }, "subClasses" : [ "18", "89", "98", "55", "29" ], "id" : "30" }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "108", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "66", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "109", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "106", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "117", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "100", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "118", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "double" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#PrimaryType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "\"The goal is to find a single persona from the set whose needs and goals can be completely and happily satisfied by a single interface without disenfranchising any of the other personas\", About Face 2.0, Cooper, pg. 71. This is the Primary Persona Type" }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "PrimaryType" }, "id" : "79", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "119", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "120", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "121", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "111", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "122", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "22", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "123", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Resource", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Type of resources available, physical or digital." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Resource" }, "subClasses" : [ "8", "37", "13" ], "id" : "9" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#MediumBusiness", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A particular medium sized business or branch of an organization. ( restaurant, medical practice etc.)" }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "MediumBusiness" }, "id" : "126", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "131", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "75", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Task", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Tasks performed by a Person in a Scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Task" }, "subClasses" : [ "132", "133" ], "id" : "41" }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "68", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "134", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "103", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Organization", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The type of Organization a Person belongs to." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Organization" }, "subClasses" : [ "135", "136", "137", "138", "139", "140", "126", "141" ], "id" : "125" }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "130", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "string" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "142", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#HearingImpairment", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Conditions in which persons are fully or partially unable to detect or perceive at least some frequencies of sound." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "HearingImpairment" }, "id" : "1", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Literal", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema", "id" : "143", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Literal", "undefined" : "Literal" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#AffectiveState", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The affective state of a person at a certain moment and in a certain Context." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "AffectiveState" }, "subClasses" : [ "144", "145", "146" ], "id" : "71" }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#positiveInteger", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "147", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "positiveInteger" } }, { "instances" : 0, "union" : [ "125", "148" ], "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "union" ], "id" : "86" }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "87", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "string" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Place", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The appropriate Place which describes the Context. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Place" }, "comment" : { "undefined" : "A Context might only be described by a certain Place." }, "id" : "148", "superClasses" : [ "45" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#NGO", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A Non-Governamental Organization." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "NGO" }, "id" : "139", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Feeling", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Feelings relate more to a property associated to and object or being, than to a person’s state of mind." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Feeling" }, "id" : "146", "superClasses" : [ "71" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime", "baseIri" : "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema", "id" : "155", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "dateTime" } }, { "iri" : 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"IRI-based" : "float" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Context", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The Context in which a scenario takes place." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Context" }, "subClasses" : [ "88", "164", "156", "148" ], "id" : "45" }, { "instances" : 0, "union" : [ "71", "70" ], "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "union" ], "id" : "170" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Image", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "An image, which might be used to describe a product or person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Image" }, "id" : "37", "superClasses" : [ "9" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Mood", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Are not directed at any object in particular and are experienced as more diffuse, global, and general state." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Mood" }, "id" : "144", "superClasses" : [ "71" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#VisualImpairment", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Visual impairment refers to vision loss to such a degree as a person needs an additional support to get through its surroundings." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "VisualImpairment" }, "id" : "4", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#ServedType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Do not directly use the product you are designing but they are somehow affected by the system." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "ServedType" }, "id" : "60", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#CustomerType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Are not the end user but the customer of the product, but might be the person making, buying decisions." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "CustomerType" }, "id" : "190", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Person", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A person represents an individual, most likely a human." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Person" }, "subClasses" : [ "21", "54" ], "id" : "27" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#EducationalOrganization", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "An educational organization. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "EducationalOrganization" }, "id" : "136", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#SportsTeam", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A sports team (football, basketball, bowling etc.)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "SportsTeam" }, "id" : "137", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Time", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The appropriate Time which describes the Context. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Time" }, "comment" : { "undefined" : "A Context might only be described at a certain Time." }, "id" : "164", "superClasses" : [ "45" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#PersonaType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Each Persona is classified by a PersonaType and a Person might fit into several PersonaTypes." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "PersonaType" }, "subClasses" : [ "190", "62", "60", "23", "79", "81" ], "id" : "24", "superClasses" : [ "21" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#NonInteractiveTask", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "NonInteractiveTask could be a machine response to that action." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "NonInteractiveTask" }, "id" : "132", "superClasses" : [ "41" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#MentalEmotionalDisorder", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Any mental disorder/illness described as a psychological or behavioral pattern associated with distress or disability that occurs in an person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "MentalEmotionalDisorder" }, "id" : "7", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Disability", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A person’s disabilities mental and/or physical." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Disability" }, "subClasses" : [ "2", "4", "1", "7", "6", "49", "33" ], "id" : "83" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#IntellectualImpairment", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "This type of impairment ranges from mental retardation to cognitive deficits too mild or too specific." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "IntellectualImpairment" }, "id" : "6", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "97", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "116", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "151", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#GovermentOrganization", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A governmental organization or agency. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "GovermentOrganization" }, "id" : "138", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#ExperienceGoals", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Experience goals are simple, universal, and personal." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "ExperienceGoals" }, "id" : "98", "superClasses" : [ "30" ] }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "17", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "36", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "57", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "221", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "73", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "93", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing", "baseIri" : "http://owl2vowl.de", "id" : "252", "label" : { "undefined" : "Thing" } }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#InteractiveTask", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "InteractiveTask could be certain action performed by a person (not too often by a machine)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "InteractiveTask" }, "id" : "133", "superClasses" : [ "41" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#SmallBusiness", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A particular small business like a local shop or market (usually under 5 employees)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "SmallBusiness" }, "id" : "140", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#SomatosensoryImpairment", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Insensitivity to stimuli such as touch, heat, cold, and pain." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "SomatosensoryImpairment" }, "id" : "2", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#GustatoryImpairment", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Impairment of the sense of smell and taste." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "GustatoryImpairment" }, "id" : "49", "superClasses" : [ "83" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Group", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Any kind of (small or large) group a person might be part of (book club)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Group" }, "id" : "135", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Persona", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "As a subclass of Person, the Persona class could be regarded of being a separate identity of a person, although it has the same usage." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Persona" }, "subClasses" : [ "24" ], "id" : "21", "superClasses" : [ "27" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Corporation", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "A business corporation. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Corporation" }, "id" : "141", "superClasses" : [ "125" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Personality", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The MyersBriggs personality of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Personality" }, "id" : "70" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#SecondaryType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "The secondary persona's goals and needs can mostly be met by focusing on the primary persona. Still, there are a few goals specific to them that are not a priority for the primary persona." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "SecondaryType" }, "id" : "62", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#Emotion", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Emotion encompasses physiological, affective, behavioral, andcognitive components." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "Emotion" }, "id" : "145", "superClasses" : [ "71" ] }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#NegativeType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "instances" : 0, "description" : { "undefined" : "Are used to remind and communicate, who is NOT the target of the design." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "NegativeType" }, "id" : "81", "superClasses" : [ "24" ] } ], "property" : [ { "id" : "0", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "3", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "5", "type" : 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: "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "272", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "273", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "274", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "275", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "276", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "277", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "278", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "279", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "280", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "281", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "282", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "283", "type" : "owl:datatypeProperty" }, { "id" : "284", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "285", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "286", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "287", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "19", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "288", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "289", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "290", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "291", 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"owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "313", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "314", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "315", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "316", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "317", "type" : "owl:datatypeProperty" }, { "id" : "318", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "319", "type" : "owl:objectProperty" }, { "id" : "320", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "321", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "322", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "323", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "324", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "325", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "326", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" }, { "id" : "327", "type" : "owl:datatypeProperty" }, { "id" : "328", "type" : "owl:disjointWith" } ], "propertyAttribute" : [ { "range" : "2", "domain" : "1", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "0" }, { "range" : "1", "domain" : "4", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "3" }, { "range" : "7", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "5" }, { "range" : "2", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "10" }, { "range" : "4", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "11" }, { "range" : "2", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "12" }, { "range" : "4", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "14" }, { "range" : "2", "domain" : "4", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "15" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasBusinessGoal", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "18", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasBusinessGoal" }, "superproperty" : [ "19" ], "domain" : "17", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "16" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#minHeight", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "22", "description" : { "undefined" : "Minimum Height." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "minHeight" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "20" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasTopicOfInterest", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "9", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have a certain topic of interest which is correspondent to a cetain resource." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasTopicOfInterest" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "26" }, { "range" : "1", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "28" }, { "range" : "1", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "31" }, { "range" : "33", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "32" }, { "range" : "33", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "34" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#depictsImage", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "37", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "depictsImage" }, "superproperty" : [ "38" ], "domain" : "36", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "35" }, { "range" : "2", "domain" : "33", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "39" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#taskName", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "42", "description" : { "undefined" : "A generic (short) name for a task." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "taskName" }, "domain" : "41", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "40" }, { "range" : "33", "domain" : "4", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "43" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#isContextOf", "inverse" : "47", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "46", "description" : { "undefined" : "Inverse property of hasContext, isContextof represents the context belonging to a scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "isContextOf" }, "domain" : "45", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "44" }, { "range" : "1", "domain" : "49", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "48" }, { "range" : "49", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "50" }, { "range" : "49", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "51" }, { "range" : "2", "domain" : "49", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "52" }, { "range" : "49", "domain" : "4", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "53" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#depictsProduct", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "13", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "depictsProduct" }, "superproperty" : [ "38" ], "domain" : "57", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "56" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#isGoalOf", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "27", "description" : { "undefined" : "Inverse property of hasGoal, isGoalof represents the goal belonging to a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "isGoalOf" }, "domain" : "30", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "58" }, { "range" : "23", "domain" : "60", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "59" }, { "range" : "23", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "61" }, { "range" : "33", "domain" : "49", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "63" }, { "range" : "1", "domain" : "33", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "64" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#title", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "66", "description" : { "undefined" : "Academic, professional or military prefix/suffix for a person. " }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "title" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "65" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#maxFeetSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "68", "description" : { "undefined" : "Maximum Feet Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "maxFeetSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "67" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#influences", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "71", "description" : { "undefined" : "The personality influences the affective state o a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "influences" }, "domain" : "70", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "69" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#depictsDocument", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "8", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "depictsDocument" }, "superproperty" : [ "38" ], "domain" : "73", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "72" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#maxBustSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "75", "description" : { "undefined" : "Maximum Bust Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "maxBustSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "74" }, { "range" : "21", "domain" : "24", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "76" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "23", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "77" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "79", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "78" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "81", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "80" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "2", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "82" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "4", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "84" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#location", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "87", "description" : { "undefined" : "Geographic location (City/Country)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "location" }, "domain" : "86", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "85" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "1", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "90" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "7", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "91" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "6", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "92" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#depiction", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "9", "description" : { "undefined" : "A certain resource might depict a/any thing." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "depiction" }, "domain" : "93", "subproperty" : [ "35", "56", "72" ], "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "38" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "49", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "94" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "33", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "95" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasExperienceGoal", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "98", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasExperienceGoal" }, "superproperty" : [ "19" ], "domain" : "97", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "96" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#scenarioName", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "100", "description" : { "undefined" : "The name of each scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "scenarioName" }, "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "99" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#influencedBy", "inverse" : "69", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "70", "description" : { "undefined" : "The affective state of a person is influenced by the personality of that person. (inverse property influences)" }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "influencedBy" }, "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "101" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#maxWaistSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "103", "description" : { "undefined" : "Maximum Waist Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "maxWaistSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "102" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#uses", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "9", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person makes use of a resource (document, image, product)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "uses" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "104" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#minWeight", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "106", "description" : { "undefined" : "Minimum Weight." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "minWeight" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "105" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasAffectiveState", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "71", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have a certain affective state on a given moment or in a given context." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasAffectiveState" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "107" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#minBustSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "111", "description" : { "undefined" : "Minimum Bust Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "minBustSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "110" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#familyName", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "113", "description" : { "undefined" : "Family or Last name of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "familyName" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "112" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasInterest", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "9", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might be interested in a certain resource (product, application, document)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasInterest" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "114" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasLifeGoal", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "55", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasLifeGoal" }, "superproperty" : [ "19" ], "domain" : "116", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "115" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#isMemberOf", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "125", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might be memeber of an organization." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "isMemberOf" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "124" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasReview", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "8", "description" : { "undefined" : "A resource, scenario or usability test is described, reviewed via a document." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasReview" }, "domain" : "128", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "127" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#firstName", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "130", "description" : { "undefined" : "First or Given name of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "firstName" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "129" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#frustrationPoint", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "142", "description" : { "undefined" : "Elements of a UI/UX or certain characteristics that frustrate the user or (s)he sees as pain points." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "frustrationPoint" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "149" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasTechnicalGoal", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "29", "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasTechnicalGoal" }, "superproperty" : [ "19" ], "domain" : "151", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "150" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#experienceLevel", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "153", "description" : { "undefined" : "Reflects the experience level of a persona with the application\nor product; proposed levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "experienceLevel" }, "domain" : "27", "comment" : { "undefined" : "It is different from technical level, because a person might be experienced in some product or application but does not have technical skills." }, "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "152" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#maxHeight", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "134", "description" : { "undefined" : "Maximum Height." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "maxHeight" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "154" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasDisability", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "83", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have a disability." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasDisability" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "159" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#dependsOn", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "41", "description" : { "undefined" : "The completion of a Task might depend on another Task, as several Tasks are part of a Scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "dependsOn" }, "domain" : "41", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "160" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#mainPoint", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "131", "description" : { "undefined" : "Main points are specific elements to each persona category." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "mainPoint" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "162" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasContext", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "45", "description" : { "undefined" : "A scenario is characterized by a certain context." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasContext" }, "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "47" }, { "range" : "133", "domain" : "132", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "168" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#influences", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "71", "description" : { "undefined" : "The personality influences the affective state o a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "influences" }, "domain" : "70", "attributes" : [ "object", "someValues" ], "id" : "169" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "70", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "171" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#age", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "167", "description" : { "undefined" : "Age of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "age" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "172" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#minFeetSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "122", "description" : { "undefined" : "Minimum Feet Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "minFeetSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "173" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "30", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "174" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "125", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "175" }, { "range" : "71", "domain" : "146", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "176" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "88", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "177" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "178" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "164", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "179" }, { "range" : "9", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "180" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "156", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "181" }, { "range" : "25", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "182" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "148", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "183" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "184" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "185" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "125", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "186" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "54", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "187" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "188" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "190", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "189" }, { "range" : "70", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "191" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "192" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "193" }, { "range" : "24", "domain" : "60", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "194" }, { "range" : "71", "domain" : "145", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "195" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#status", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "119", "description" : { "undefined" : "Marital status or a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "status" }, "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "196" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#knows", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "27", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person knows another person (similar to FOAF ontology)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "knows" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "197" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#interactionCount", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "147", "description" : { "undefined" : "A count of specific user actions (comments, facebook likes, tweets, etc.)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "interactionCount" }, "domain" : "133", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "198" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "41", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "199" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#tagline", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "120", "description" : { "undefined" : "A tagline specific to a persona." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "tagline" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "200" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "201" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "25", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "202" }, { "range" : "125", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "203" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "45", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "204" }, { "range" : "125", "domain" : "136", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "205" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "125", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "206" }, { 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"http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasPersonality", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "70", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person has a certain personality corresponding to Myers Briggs personality classification." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasPersonality" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "224" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "133", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "225" }, { "range" : "25", "domain" : "9", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "226" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#birthday", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "155", "description" : { "undefined" : "Date of birth of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "birthday" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "227" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "9", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "228" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasInfluence", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "170", "description" : { "undefined" : "The disability of a person migh have an effect on the affective state or personality on the person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasInfluence" }, "domain" : "83", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "229" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#gender", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "143", "description" : { "undefined" : "Gender of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "gender" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "230" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#userRole", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "109", "description" : { "undefined" : "The role of the user in the application/product." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "userRole" }, "domain" : "54", "attributes" : [ "datatype" 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"anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "259" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasPublications", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "8", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person (of academic, journalistic profession) has published several documents." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasPublications" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "260" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "25", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "261" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "41", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "262" }, { "range" : "140", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "263" }, { "range" : "139", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "264" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "265" }, { "range" : "137", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "266" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#performs", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "41", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person performs a task in the usability test or when using a product/application." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "performs" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "267" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#myerBriggs", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "117", "description" : { "undefined" : "Inspired by FOAF Myers Briggs personality classification which includes 16 4-letter textual codes." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "myerBriggs" }, "domain" : "70", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "268" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "269" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#sensorData", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "118", "description" : { "undefined" : "Data recieved from a sensor (could be a number, temperature, etc.)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "sensorData" }, "domain" : "45", "attributes" : [ "datatype" ], "id" : "270" }, { "range" : "138", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "271" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#includes", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "163", "description" : { "undefined" : "In order to describe context we consider the medium of interaction Tangible or Intangible which is included in a Place and/or Time." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "includes" }, "domain" : "161", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "272" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "137", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "273" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "126", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "274" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "275" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "140", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "276" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "139", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "277" }, { "range" : "140", "domain" : "141", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "278" }, { "range" : "139", "domain" : "141", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "279" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "280" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasPersonaType", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "24", "description" : { "undefined" : "The type of Persona: Primary, Secondary, Negative, Supplemental, Served or Customer." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasPersonaType" }, "domain" : "158", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "281" }, { "range" : "137", "domain" : "141", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "282" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#minWaistSize", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "123", "description" : { "undefined" : "Minimum Waist Size." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "minWaistSize" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "283" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasTask", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "41", "description" : { "undefined" : "A scenario has a set of tasks (or just one). (inverseproperty isTaskfor)" }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasTask" }, "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "284" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasAffiliation", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "125", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have a certain type of affiliation to an organization and might not be member of it." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasAffiliation" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "285" }, { "range" : "141", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "286" }, { "range" : "141", "domain" : "138", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "287" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasGoal", "inverse" : "58", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "30", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have one or more (short/long term) goals depending on the context." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasGoal" }, "domain" : "27", "subproperty" : [ "220", "16", "115", "96", "150" ], "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "19" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#isTaskFor", "inverse" : "284", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "46", "description" : { "undefined" : "A certain task (or a series of tasks) is (are) part of a scenario." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "isTaskFor" }, "domain" : "41", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "288" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "141", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "289" }, { "range" : "25", "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "290" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "46", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "291" }, { "range" : "136", "domain" : "141", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "292" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "25", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "293" }, { "range" : "79", "domain" : "60", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "294" }, { "range" : "79", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "295" }, { "range" : "60", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "296" }, { "range" : "23", "domain" : "79", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "297" }, { "range" : "81", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "298" }, { "range" : "81", "domain" : "23", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "299" }, { "range" : "81", "domain" : "60", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "300" }, { "range" : "83", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "301" }, { "range" : "30", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "302" }, { "range" : "125", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "303" }, { "range" : "27", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "304" }, { "range" : "70", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "305" }, { "range" : "9", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "306" }, { "range" : "46", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "307" }, { "range" : "41", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "308" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#influencedBy", "inverse" : "69", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "70", "description" : { "undefined" : "The affective state of a person is influenced by the personality of that person. (inverse property influences)" }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "influencedBy" }, "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "object", "someValues" ], "id" : "309" }, { "range" : "45", "domain" : "71", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "310" }, { "range" : "190", "domain" : "60", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "311" }, { "range" : "190", "domain" : "62", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "312" }, { "range" : "81", "domain" : "79", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "313" }, { "range" : "190", "domain" : "23", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "314" }, { "range" : "140", "domain" : "137", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "315" }, { "range" : "137", "domain" : "139", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "316" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#maxWeight", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "121", "description" : { "undefined" : "Maximum Weight." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "maxWeight" }, "domain" : "21", "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "317" }, { "range" : "190", "domain" : "79", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "318" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#hasAward", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "9", "description" : { "undefined" : "A person might have been awarded with some sort of distinction (depicted usually by a trophy or document)." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "hasAward" }, "domain" : "27", "attributes" : [ "object" ], "id" : "319" }, { "range" : "190", "domain" : "81", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "320" }, { "range" : "140", "domain" : "139", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "321" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "137", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "322" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "140", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "323" }, { "range" : "140", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "324" }, { "range" : "139", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "325" }, { "range" : "126", "domain" : "139", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "326" }, { "iri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl#technicalLevel", "baseIri" : "http://blankdots.com/open/personasonto.owl", "range" : "108", "description" : { "undefined" : "Reflects the technical level of a person." }, "label" : { "IRI-based" : "technicalLevel" }, "domain" : "27", "comment" : { "undefined" : "If a person has technical or programming skills it's relevant." }, "attributes" : [ "functional", "datatype" ], "id" : "327" }, { "range" : "137", "domain" : "135", "attributes" : [ "anonymous", "object" ], "id" : "328" } ] }