Text can be justified in table cells using in-line or stylesheet CSS. (Note that <p> tags are removed within cells along with any style definition or attributes.)
Col/Row Header |
Second column header p |
Third column header |
Row header 1 | This is data | This is data |
Row header 2 |
This is data p |
This is data |
Row header 3 |
This is long data |
This is data |
Row header 4 <th> cell acting as header |
Proin aliquet lorem id felis. Curabitur vel libero at mauris nonummy tincidunt. Donec imperdiet. Vestibulum sem sem, lacinia vel, molestie et, laoreet eget, urna. Curabitur viverra faucibus pede. Morbi lobortis. Donec dapibus. Donec tempus. Ut arcu enim, rhoncus ac, venenatis eu, porttitor mollis, dui. Sed vitae risus. In elementum sem placerat dui. Nam tristique eros in nisl. Nulla cursus sapien non quam porta porttitor. Quisque dictum ipsum ornare tortor. Fusce ornare tempus enim. |
This is data |
Row header 5 | Also data | Also data |
Row header 6 | Also data | Also data |
Row header 7 | Also data | Also data |
Row header 8 | Also data | Also data |
Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend verylongwordthatwontsplit neque sit amet erat
Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend et verylongwordthatwontsplit neque sit amet erat
The next example has a non-breaking space between eleifend and the very long word.
Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend verylongwordthatwontsplitanywhere neque sit amet erat
Nbsp will only work in fonts that have a glyph to represent the character i.e. not in the CJK languages nor some Unicode fonts.
This is strikethrough in block and small strikethrough in small span and big strikethrough in big span and then underline but out of span again but blue font and ACRONYM text
This is a green reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then Strikethrough reference32-47 and strikethrough reference32-47 and then more text.
Repeated in BIG: This is reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 but out of span again but blue font and ACRONYM text
Repeated in small: This is reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 but out of span again but blue font and ACRONYM text
This is strikethrough in block and big strikethrough in big span and then underline but out of span again but blue font and ACRONYM text
This is reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then Strikethrough reference32-47 and strikethrough reference32-47 then more text.
Repeated in BIG: This is reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 then reference32-47 and underlined reference32-47 but out of span again but blue font and ACRONYM text
'; //============================================================== //============================================================== //============================================================== require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $mpdf = new mPDF('c','A4','','',32,25,27,25,16,13); $mpdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); // LOAD a stylesheet $stylesheet = file_get_contents('mpdfstyletables.css'); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet,1); // The parameter 1 tells that this is css/style only and no body/html/text $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); // SPACING $mpdf->WriteHTML("mPDF uses both letter- and word-spacing for text justification. The default is a mixture of both, set by the configurable values jSWord and jSmaxChar. (Only word spacing is used when cursive languages such as Arabic or Indic are detected.)
"); $mpdf->jSWord = 0; // Proportion (/1) of space (when justifying margins) to allocate to Word vs. Character $mpdf->jSmaxChar = 0; // Maximum spacing to allocate to character spacing. (0 = no maximum) $mpdf->WriteHTML("Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend verylongwordthatwontsplitanywhere neque sit amet erat
"); // Back to default settings $mpdf->jSWord = 0.4; $mpdf->jSmaxChar = 2; $mpdf->WriteHTML("Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend verylongwordthatwontsplitanywhere neque sit amet erat
"); $mpdf->WriteHTML("Maecenas feugiat pede vel risus. Nulla et lectus eleifend verylongwordthatwontsplitanywhere neque sit amet erat
"); $mpdf->Output(); exit;