Relevant types of individual stakeholders affected by the project, such as men/women, user/non-user, age, category, etc.
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Problematic differences in behaviour such as differences in habits, time schedules, choice of activities, etc.
Problematic changes in relations between people, such ways of communication, frequency of interpersonal contact etc.
Possible social conflicts that could be caused by the project, such as labour conflicts, minority conflicts etc.
Select the four most important ethical impacts you discussed. Discuss ways of solving these impacts by changing your project’s product/service design, organisation or by providing recommendations.
Relevant ethical interests that other groups might have in your project; such as environmental, privacy, justice interests.
How the general perception of somebody’s role in society can be affected by the project, e.g. people behaving more individualistic or collectivist, people behaving more or less materialistic.
Relavant collective stakeholders that can be affected by your project, such as environmental and religious groups, competing companies and government agencies; considering any interest they might have in the effects of the project.
Discuss the different types of products and services that your project will provide.
Negative impacts of failure of your products or services such as technical failure, human failure, etc.
Possible negative impacts of the consumption of resources of your project, e.g. climate impacts, privacy impacts, employment impacts.
The consumption of energy or raw materials, but also about the consumption of human resources for your project
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