mPDF 7.0.0 =========================== ### 30/06/2016 Backward incompatible changes ----------------------------- - PHP `^5.6 || ~7.0.0` is required, `~7.1.0` _should_ be compatible. - Entire project moved under `Mpdf` namespace - Practically all classes renamed to use `PascalCase` and named to be more verbose - Changed directory structure to comply to `PSR-4` - Removed explicit require calls, replaced with Composer autoloading - Removed configuration files - All configuration now done via `__construct` parameter (see below) - Changed `\Mpdf\Mpdf` constructor signature - Class now accepts only single array `$config` parameter - Array keys are former `config.php` and `config_fonts.php` properties - Additionally, former constructor parameters can be used as keys - Removed progressbar support - Removed JpGraph support - Moved examples to separate repository - Removed `error_reporting` changes - Removed timezone changes - Removed `compress.php` utility - Removed `_MPDF_PATH` and `_MPDF_URI` constants - Removed `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` constant in favor of `tempDir` configuration variable - Removed `_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH` in favor of `tempDir` configuration variable - Removed `_MPDFK` constant in favor of `\Mpdf\Mpdf::SCALE` class constant - tempDir directory now must be writable, otherwise an exception is thrown - ICC profile is loaded as entire path to file (to prevent a need to write inside vendor directory) - Removed formerly deprecated methods - Moved TextVars constants to separate class - Moved border constants to separate class - `scriptToLang` and `langToFont` in separate static class methods - removed `FONT_DESCRIPTOR` constant in favor of `fontDescriptor` configuration variable - Removed `_MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS` constant in favor of `fontDir` configuration variable with multiple paths - Removed HTML output of error messages and debugs - Will now throw an exception when `mbstring.func_overload` is set - Moved Glyph operator `GF_` constants in separate `\Mpdf\Fonts\GlyphOperator` class Fixes and code enhancements ---------------------------- - Fixed joining arab letters - Fixed redeclared `unicode_hex` function - Converted arrays to short syntax New features ------------ - Refactored caching (custom `Cache` and `FontCache` classes) - Implemented `Psr\Log\LoggerAware` interface - All debug and additional messages are now sent to the logger - Messages can be filtered based on `\Mpdf\Log\Context` class constants - `FontFileFinder` class allowing to specify multiple paths to search for fonts - `MpdfException` now extends `ErrorException` to allow specifying place in code where error occured - Generating font metrics moved to separate class - Added `\Mpdf\Output\Destination` class with verbose output destination constants - Availability to set custom default CSS file - Availability to set custom hyphenation dictionary file - Refactored code portions to new "separate" classes: - `Mpdf\Color\ColorConvertor` - `Mpdf\SizeConvertor` - `Mpdf\Hyphenator` Git repository enhancements --------------------------- - Added contributing guidelines - Added Issue template mPDF 6.1.0 =========================== ### 26/04/2016 - Composer updates - First release officially supporting Composer - Updated license in composer.json - Chmod 777 on dirs `ttfontdata`, `tmp`, `graph_cache` after composer install - Requiring PHP 5.4.0+ with Composer - Code style - Reformated (almost) all PHP files to keep basic code style - Removed trailing whitespaces - Converted all txt, php, css, and htm files to utf8 - Removed closing PHP tags - Change all else if calls to elseif - Added base PHPUnit tests - Added Travis CI integration with unit tests - Changed all `mPDF::Error` and `die()` calls to throwing `MpdfException` - PDF Import changes - FPDI updated to 1.6.0 to fix incompatible licenses - FPDI loaded from Composer or manually only - Removed iccprofiles/CMYK directory - Renamed example files: change spaces to underscores to make scripting easier - Fixed `LEDGER` and `TABLOID` paper sizes - Implemented static cache for mpdf function `ConvertColor`. - Removed PHP4 style constructors - Work with HTML tags separated to `Tag` class - Fixed most Strict standards PHP errors - Add config constant so we can define custom font data - HTML - fax & tel support in href attribute - Check $html in `$mpdf->WriteHTML()` to see if it is an integer, float, string, boolean or a class with `__toString()` and cast to a string, otherwise throw exception. - PHP 7 - Fix getting image from internal variable in PHP7 (4dcc2b4) - Fix PHP7 Fatal error: `'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context` (002bb8a) - Fixed output file name for `D` and `I` output modes (issue #105, f297546) mPDF 6.0 =========================== ### 20/12/2014 New features / Improvements --------------------------- Support for OpenTypeLayout tables / features for complex scripts and Advances Typography. Improved bidirectional text handling. Improved line-breaking, including for complex scripts e.g. Lao, Thai and Khmer. Updated page-breaking options. Automatic language mark-up and font selection using autoScriptToLang and autoLangToFont. Kashida for text-justification in arabic scripts. Index collation for non-ASCII characters. Index mark-up allowing control over layout using CSS. {PAGENO} and {nbpg} can use any of the number types as in list-style e.g. set in `` using pagenumstyle. CSS support for lists. Default stylesheet - mpdf.css - updated. Added CSS support ----------------- - lang attribute selector e.g. :lang(fr), [lang="fr"] - font-variant-position - font-variant-caps - font-variant-ligatures - font-variant-numeric - font-variant-alternates - Only [normal | historical-forms] supported (i.e. most are NOT supported) - font-variant - as above, and except for: east-asian-variant-values, east-asian-width-values, ruby - font-language-override - font-feature-settings - text-outline is now supported on TD/TH tags - hebrew, khmer, cambodian, lao, and cjk-decimal recognised as values for "list-style-type" in numbered lists and page numbering. - list-style-image and list-style-position - transform (on `` only) - text-decoration:overline - image-rendering - unicode-bidi (also `` tag) - vertical-align can use lengths e.g. 0.5em - line-stacking-strategy - line-stacking-shift mPDF 5.7.4 ================ ### 15/12/2014 Bug Fixes & Minor Additions --------------------------- - SVG images now support embedded images e.g. `` - SVG images now supports `` element e.g. ``, and also `` - SVG images now can use Autofont (see top of `classes/svg.php` file) - SVG images now has limited support for CSS classes (see top of `classes/svg.php` file) - SVG images - style inheritance improved - SVG images - improved handling of comments and other extraneous code - SVG images - fix to ensure opacity is reset before another element - SVG images - font-size not resetting after a `` element - SVG radial gradients bug (if the focus [fx,fy] lies outside circle defined by [cx,cy] and r) cf. pservers-grad-15-b.svg - SVG allows spaces in attribute definitions in `` or `` e.g. `` - SVG text which contains a `<` sign, it will break the text - now processed as `<` (despite the fact that this does not conform to XML spec) - SVG images - support automatic font selection and (minimal) use of CSS classes - cf. the defined constants at top of svg.php file - SVG images - text-anchor now supported as a CSS style, as well as an HTML attribute - CSS support for :nth-child() selector improved to fully support the draft CSS3 spec - [NB only works on table columns or rows] - text-indent when set as "em" - incorrectly calculated if last text in line in different font size than for block - CSS not applying cascaded styles on `` elements - [changed MergeCSS() type to INLINE for 'A', LEGEND, METER and PROGRESS] - fix for underline/strikethrough/overline so that line position(s) are based correctly on font-size/font in nested situations - Error: Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference - in PHP5.5.9 - bug accessing images from some servers (HTTP 403 Forbidden whn accessed using fopen etc.) - Setting page format incorrectly set default twice and missed some options - bug fixed in Overwrite() when specifying replacement as a string - barcode C93 - updated C93 code from TCPDF because of bug - incorrect checksum character for "153-2-4" - Tables - bug when using colspan across columns which may have a cell width specified cf. - Tables - cell height (when specified) is not resized when table is shrunk - Tables - if table width specified, but narrower than minimum cell wdith, and less than page width - table will expand to minimum cell width(s) as long as $keep_table_proportions = true - Tables - if using packTableData, and borders-collapse, wider border is overwriting content of adjacent cell Test case: ```
Hallo world
Hallo world
``` - Images - image height is reset proportional to original if width is set to maximum e.g. `` - URL handling changed to work with special characters in path fragments; affects `
` links, `` images and CSS url() e.g background-image - also to ignore `../` included as a query value - Barcodes with bottom numerals e.g. EAN-13 - incorrect numeral size when using core fonts -------------------------------- NB Spec. for embedded SVG images: as per Attributes supported: - x - y - xlink:href (required) - can be jpeg, png or gif image - not vector (SVG or WMF) image - width (required) - height (required) - preserveAspectRatio Note: all attribute names and values are case-sensitive width and height cannot be assigned by CSS - must be attributes mPDF 5.7.3 ================ ### 24/8/2014 Bug Fixes & Minor Additions --------------------------- - Tables - cellSpacing and cellPadding taking preference over CSS stylesheet - Tables - background images in table inside HTML Footer incorrectly positioned - Tables - cell in a nested table with a specified width, should determine width of parent table cell (cf. - Tables - colspan (on a row after first row) exceeds number of columns in table - Gradients in Imported documents (mPDFI) causing error in some browsers - Fatal error after page-break-after:always on root level block element - Support for 'https/SSL' if file_get_contents_by_socket required (e.g. getting images with allow_url_fopen turned off) - Improved support for specified ports when getting external CSS stylesheets e.g. - error accessing local .css files with dummy queries (cache-busting) e.g. mpdfstyleA4.css?v= - start of end tag in PRE incorrectly changed to < - error thrown when open.basedir restriction in effect (deleting temporary files) - image which forces pagebreak incorrectly positioned at top of page - [changes to avoid warning notices by checking if (isset(x)) before referencing it] - text with letter-spacing set inside table which needs to be resixed (shrunk) - letter-spacing was not adjusted - nested table incorrectly calculating width and unnecessarily wrapping text - vertical-align:super|sub can be nested using `` elements - inline elements can be nested e.g. text `text13text` text - CSS vertical-align:0.5em (or %) now supported - underline and strikethrough now use the parent inline block baseline/fontsize/color for child inline elements *** change in behaviour (Adjusts line height to take account of superscript and subscript except in tables) - nested table incorrectly calculating width and unnecessarily wrapping text - tables - font size carrying over from one nested table to the next nested table - tables - border set as attribute on `` overrides border set as CSS on `` not printing at all (since v5.7) - list-style incorrectly overriding list-style-type in cascading CSS - page-break-after:avoid not taking into account bottom padding and margin when estimating if next line can fit on page - images not displayed when using "https://" if images are referenced by src="//" - +aCJK incorrectly parsed when instantiating class e.g. new mpDF('ja+aCJK') - line-breaking - zero-width object at end of line (e.g. index entry) causing a space left untrimmed at end of line - ToC since v5.7 incorrectly handling non-ascii characters, entities or tags - cell height miscalculated when using hard-hyphenate - border colors set with transparency not working - transparency settings for stroke and fill interfering with one another - 'float' inside a HTML header/footer - not clearing the float before first line of text - error if script run across date change at midnight - temporary file name collisions (e.g. when processing images) if numerous users - `` position attribute not working - `<` (less-than sign) inside a PRE element, and NOT start of a valid tag, was incorrectly removed - file attachments not opening in Reader XI - JPG images not recognised if not containing JFIF or Exif markers - instance of preg_replace with /e modifier causing error in PHP 5.5 - correctly handle CSS URLs with no scheme - Index entries causing errors when repeat entries are used within page-break-inside:avoid, rotated tables etc. - table with fixed width column and long word in cell set to colspan across this column (adding spare width to all columns) - incorrect hyphenation if multiple soft-hyphens on line before break - SVG images - objects contained in `` being displayed - SVG images - multiple, or quoted fonts e.g. style="font-family:'lucida grande', verdana" not recognised - SVG images - line with opacity=0 still visible (only in some PDF viewers/browsers) - text in an SVG image displaying with incorrect font in some PDF viewers/browsers - SVG images - fill:RGB(0,0,0) not recognised when uppercase - background images using data:image\/(jpeg|gif|png);base64 format - error when reading in stylesheet New CSS support --------------- - added support for style="opacity:0.6;" in SVG images - previously only supported style="fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-opacity: 0.6;" - improved PNG image handling for some cases of alpha channel transparency - khmer, cambodian and lao recognised as list-style-type for numbered lists SVG Images ---------- - Limited support for `` and `` mPDF 5.7.1 ================ ## 01/09/2013 1) FILES: mpdf.php Bug fix; Dollar sign enclosed by `
` tag causing error.
Test e.g.: `
Test $1.00 Test
Test $2.00 Test
Test $3.00 Test
Test $4.00 Test
` ----------------------------- 2) FILES: includes/functions.php AND mpdf.php Changes to `preg_replace` with `/e` modifier to use `preg_replace_callback` (/e depracated from PHP 5.5) ----------------------------- 3) FILES: classes/barcode.php Small change to function `barcode_c128()` which allows ASCII 0 - 31 to be used in C128A e.g. chr(13) in: `` ----------------------------- 4) FILES: mpdf.php Using $use_kwt ("keep-[heading]-with-table") if `

` before table is on 2 lines and pagebreak occurs after first line the first line is displayed at the bottom of the 2nd page. Edited so that $use_kwt only works if the HEADING is only one line. Else ignores (but prints correctly) ----------------------------- 5) FILES: mpdf.php Clearing old temporary files from `_MPDF_TEMP_PATH` will now ignore "hidden" files e.g. starting with a "`.`" `.htaccess`, `.gitignore` etc. and also leave `dummy.txt` alone mPDF 5.7 =========================== ### 14/07/2013 Files changed ------------- - config.php - mpdf.php - classes/tocontents.php - classes/cssmgr.php - classes/svg.php - includes/functions.php - includes/out.php - examples/formsubmit.php [Important - Security update] Updated Example Files in /examples/ ----------------------------------- - All example files - mpdfstyleA4.css config.php ---------- Removed: - $this->hyphenateTables - $this->hyphenate - $this->orphansAllowed Edited: - "hyphens: manual" - Added to $this->defaultCSS - $this->allowedCSStags now includes '|TEXTCIRCLE|DOTTAB' New: - $this->decimal_align = array('DP'=>'.', 'DC'=>',', 'DM'=>"\xc2\xb7", 'DA'=>"\xd9\xab", 'DD'=>'-'); - $this->h2toc = array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2); - $this->h2bookmarks = array('H1'=>0, 'H2'=>1, 'H3'=>2); - $this->CJKforceend = false; // Forces overflowng punctuation to hang outside right margin (used with CJK script) Backwards compatability ----------------------- Changes in mPDF 5.7 may cause some changes to the way your documents appear. There are two main differences: 1) Hyphenation. To retain appearance compatible with earlier versions, set the CSS property "hyphens: auto" whenever you previously used $mpdf->hyphenate=true; 2) Table of Contents - appearance can now be controlled with CSS styles. By default, in mPDF 5.7, no styling is applied so you will get: - No indent (previous default of 5mm) - ($tocindent is ignored) - Any font, font-size set ($tocfont or $tocfontsize) will not work - HyperLinks will appear with your default appearance - usually blue and underlined - line spacing will be narrower (can use line-height or margin-top in CSS) New features / Improvements --------------------------- - Layout of Table of Content ToC now controlled using CSS styles - Text alignment on decimal mark inside tables - Automatically generated bookmarks and/or ToC entries from H1 - H6 tags - Support for unit of "rem" as size e.g. font-size: 1rem; - Origin and clipping for background images and gradients controlled by CSS i.e. background-origin, background-size, background-clip - Text-outline controlled by CSS (compatible with CSS3 spec.) - Use of `` enhanced by custom CSS "outdent" property - Image HTML attributes `` added: max-height, max-width, min-height and min-width - Spotcolor can now be defined as it is used e.g. color: spot(PANTONE 534 EC, 100%, 85, 65, 47, 9); - Lists - added support for "start" attribute in `
    ` e.g. `
      ` - Hyphenation controlled using CSS, consistent with CSS3 spec. - Line breaking improved to avoid breaks within words where HTML tags are used e.g. H20 - Line breaking in CJK scripts improved (and ability to force hanging punctuation) - Numerals in a CJK script are kept together - RTL improved support for phrases containing numerals and \ and / - Bidi override codes supported - Right-to-Left Embedding [RLE] U+202B, Left-to-Right Embedding [LRE] U+202A, U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING (PDF) - Support for `` in HTML - uses it to SetBasePath for relative URLs. - HTML tag - added support for `` or `` - converted to a soft-hyphen - CSS now takes precedence over HTML attribute e.g. `
` - tables - if table width set to 100% and one cell/column is empty with no padding/border, sizing incorrectly ( - `
` added as recognised tag - CSS style transform supported on `` element (only) All transform functions are supported except matrix() i.e. translate(), translateX(), translateY(), skew(), skewX(), skewY(), scale(), scaleX(), scaleY(), rotate() NB When using Columns or Keep-with-table (use_kwt), cannot use transform - CSS background-color now supported on `` element - @page :first not recognised unless @page {} has styles set - left/right margins not allowed on @page :first mPDF 5.7.2 ================ ### 28/12/2013 Bug Fixes --------- - `
` Added CSS support ----------------- - max-height, max-width, min-height and min-width for images `` - "hyphens: none|manual|auto" as per CSS3 spec. - Decimal mark alignment e.g. text-align: "." center; - "rem" accepted as a valid (font)size in CSS e.g. font-size: 1.5rem - text-outline, text-outline-width and text-outline-color supported everywhere except in tables (blur not supported) - background-origin, background-size, background-clip are now supported everywhere except in tables - "visibility: hidden|visible|printonly|screenonly" for inline elements e.g. `` - Colors: device-cmyk(c,m,y,k) as per CSS3 spec. For consistency, device-cmyka also supported (not CSS3 spec) - "z-index" can be used to utilise layers in the PDF document - Custom CSS property added: "outdent" - opposite of indent The HTML elements `` and `` can now have CSS properties applied to them. Bug fixes --------- - SVG images - path including e.g. 1.234E-15 incorrectly parsed (not recognising capital E) - Tables - if a table starts when the Y position on page is below bottom margin caused endless loop - Float-ing DIVs - starting a float at bottom of page and it causes page break before anything output, second new page is forced - Tables - Warning notice now given in Table footer or header if `` placed after `` and table spans page - Columns - block with border-width wider than the length of the border line, line overflows - Columns - block with no padding containing a block with borders but no backgound colour, borders not printed - Table in Columns - when background color set by surrounding block element - colour missing for height of half bottom border. - TOCpagebreakByArray() when called by function was not adding the pagebreak - Border around block element - dashed not showing correctly (not resetting linewidth between different edges) - Double border in table - when background colour set in surrounding block element - shows as black line between the 2 bits of double - Borders around DIVs - "double" border problem if not all 4 sides equally - fixed - Borders around DIVs - solid (and double) borders overlap as in tables - now fixed so mitred joins as in browser [Inadvertently improves borders in Columns because of change in LineCap] - Page numbering - $mpdf->pagenumSuffix etc not suppressed in HTML headers/footers if number suppressed - Page numbering - Page number total {nbpg} incorrect - e.g. showing decreasing numbers through document, when ToC present - RTL numerals - incorrectly reversing a number followed by a comma - Transform to uppercase/lowercase not working for chars > ASCII 128 when using core fonts - TOCpagebreak - Not setting TOC-FOOTER - TOCpagebreak - toc-even-header-name etc. not working - Parsing some relative URLs incorrectly - Textcircle - when moved to next page by "page-break-inside: avoid" - Bookmarks will now work if jump more than one level e.g. 0,2,1 Inserts a new blank entry at level 1 - Paths to img or stylesheets - incorrectly reading "//" i.e. when starting with two / - data:image as background url() - incorrectly adjusting path on server if MPDF_PATH not specified (included in release mPDF 5.6.1) - Image problem if spaces or commas in path using http:// URL (included in release mPDF 5.6.1) - Image URL parsing rewritten to handle both urlencoded URLs and not urlencoded (included in release mPDF 5.6.1) - `` fixed to allow color, font-size and font-family to be correctly used, avoid dots being moved to new page, and to work in RTL - Table {colsum} summed figures in table header - list-style-type (custom) colour not working - `` toc-preHTML and toc-postHTML can now contain quotes mPDF 5.6 =========================== ### 20/01/2013 Files changed ------------- - mpdf.php - config.php - includes/functions.php - classes/meter.php - classes/directw.php config.php changes ------------------ - $this->allowedCSStags - added HTML5 tags + textcircle AND - $this->outerblocktags - added HTML5 tags - $this->defaultCSS - added default CSS properties New features / Improvements --------------------------- CSS support added for for min-height, min-width, max-height and max-width in `` Images embedded in CSS - `` improved to make it more robust, and background: `url(data:image...` now added to work HTML5 tags supported - as generic block elements: `