5237139b23Added M2M relation between tags and ideas. Altered view functions to make use of these. remove_tag now removes the current idea from the current tag's idea_set. Delete still removes the tag in its entirety. Add still checks for a tag's existence before creating one. Add and remove tag functions return every tag, every tag's canvas_set and every tag's idea_set to make the updating of these sets on the front-end relatively straightforward. Delete only returns the tag so that the callback can just find its location in its array and remove it.
6 anni fa
Andrew Knox Shiels
2a349e7176Made more fixes and added more stuff to tags. They now automatically add themselves to a canvas when an idea has its text updated in such a way as to contain the label of a tag previously not in the canvas but in the project. On creation of a tag it is added to all canvasses where it occurs. On deletion of the tag it is deleted from everywhere.