Andrew Knox Shiels
No longer require AJAX request results to be propagated by front-end code. Now the views receive AJAX POST, do modification, and send to the sockets.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Changed database-modifying requests to now use AJAX POST requests instead of using WebSockets. The results from these are then propagated by WebSockets. Not broadcasting error messages solved itself by returning error-coded HTTP responses to erronous AJAX requests. Tested only as far as seeing normal non-erronous requests being serviced, the results propagated, and remaining on refresh. Added new TODO for as there now exist redundant consumers. Changed API documentation to reflect AJAX POST usage.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Moved removeTag out of front-end (was called for each tag before calling deleteIdea) and included in the delete_idea function in The same done for moving addTag and removeTag calls out of the editIdeaSuccessCallback and into the edit_idea function in . Those two functions now return the removed tag and its data, and the added and removed tag data for delete_idea and edit_idea respectively.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Moved the collaborator component up to the ProjectDetail page instead of the CanvasDetail page, as user/admin permissions and public toggle option is now a project-level feature instead of an individual canvas feature.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Added (very untested) project functionality. Users, admins, owner are all moved from Canvas to Project. All canvasses in a project are visible to every user in the project. The same user / admin permissions required as before, but check user in project.users instead of canvas.users. Went ahead with tags existing for all canvasses in a given project (also quite untested). When a tag is created it (should) add itself to any other canvas in the project containing the label as a substring of an idea. Deletion deletes the tag object outright, it doesn't check occurrences in other canvasses.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Added anonymous user functionality. Idea addition, modification and deletion only. Collabs, tags and comments disabled.
há 6 anos atrás |
Andrew Knox Shiels
Added channel / websocket functionality to the project. Each database-modifying function is called by an asynchronous consumer. Tested only basic operation with two different logged-in users viewing the same canvas to see that it updated both when one user changed something.
há 6 anos atrás |