test_models.py 7.9 KB

  1. '''
  2. from django.test import TestCase
  3. from django.utils import timezone
  4. from catalog.models import Canvas, IdeaCategory, IdeaTag, Idea, Comment
  5. from django.contrib.auth.models import User
  6. import pytz
  7. import datetime
  9. # Tests include 10 instances of any model being tested
  10. # ID is queried with i+1, as i begins at zero but IDs begin with 1 (and as it turns out cannot be 0)
  11. global TEST_LIMIT
  12. TEST_LIMIT = 10
  13. class CanvasTestModel(TestCase):
  14. """
  15. """
  16. @classmethod
  17. def setUpTestData(cls):
  18. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  19. Canvas.objects.create(title = 'Hella Derp %s' % i, date = ( timezone.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i) ) )
  20. def testTitle(self):
  21. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  22. canvas = Canvas.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  23. field_label = canvas.title
  24. self.assertEquals(field_label, 'Hella Derp %s' % i)
  25. def testDate(self):
  26. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  27. canvas = Canvas.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  28. field_label = canvas.date
  29. self.assertTrue( ( timezone.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i) ).date() == field_label )
  30. class IdeaTestModel(TestCase):
  31. """
  32. """
  33. @classmethod
  34. def setUpTestData(cls):
  35. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  36. User.objects.create_user( email = 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i, username = 'Fatclub %s' % i)
  37. Idea.objects.create( ownerID = User.objects.get(id = i+1),text = 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  38. def testTextIsRight(self):
  39. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  40. idea = Idea.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  41. self.assertEquals(idea.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  42. def testID(self):
  43. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  44. idea = Idea.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  45. self.assertEquals(idea.id, (i+1))
  46. def testLinkedUser(self):
  47. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  48. idea = Idea.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  49. user = idea.ownerID
  50. self.assertEquals( user.username, 'Fatclub %s' % i )
  51. self.assertEquals( user.email, 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i )
  52. class CollaborationsTestModel(TestCase):
  53. """
  54. """
  55. @classmethod
  56. def setUpTestData(cls):
  57. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  58. # First create the user and the canvas instances
  59. User.objects.create_user( email = 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i, username = 'Fatclub %s' % i)
  60. Canvas.objects.create(title = 'Hella Derp %s' % i, date = (timezone.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i)) )
  61. # Then create the collaborations instance and assign the two prior instances to it
  62. Collaborations.objects.create(canvasID = Canvas.objects.get(id = (i+1)), userID = User.objects.get(id = (i+1)) )
  63. def testIDs(self):
  64. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  65. collab = Collaborations.objects.get(id = (i+1))
  66. self.assertEquals(collab.canvasID, Canvas.objects.get(id = (i+1)))
  67. self.assertEquals(collab.userID, User.objects.get(id = (i+1)))
  68. def testLinkedUsers(self):
  69. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  70. collab = Collaborations.objects.get(id = (i+1))
  71. # as it turns out the user instance itself is acquired by assigning from the userID field - the instance is stored here, not the numeric ID
  72. user = collab.userID
  73. self.assertEquals(user.email, 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i)
  74. self.assertEquals(user.username, 'Fatclub %s' % i)
  75. def testLinkedCanvasses(self):
  76. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  77. collab = Collaborations.objects.get(id = (i+1))
  78. canvas = collab.canvasID
  79. self.assertEquals(canvas.title, 'Hella Derp %s' % i)
  80. self.assertTrue( (timezone.now() - datetime.timedelta(days = i)).date() == canvas.date )
  81. class CommentsTestModel(TestCase):
  82. """
  83. """
  84. @classmethod
  85. def setUpTestData(cls):
  86. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT * 2):
  87. # ID Sequence: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19
  88. User.objects.create_user( email = 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i, username = 'Fatclub %s' % i) # ODD
  89. # ID Sequence: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
  90. User.objects.create_user( email = 'commenter%s@example.com' % i, username = 'Commenter %s' % i) # EVEN
  91. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  92. # ID Sequence: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19
  93. Idea.objects.create( ownerID = User.objects.get(id = i*2 + 1),text = 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  94. # ID Sequence: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
  95. Comments.objects.create( ownerID = User.objects.get(id = i * 2 + 2), ideaID = Idea.objects.get(id = (i+1)), text = "ok but why though, evil boss %s" %i )
  96. def testInitiallyUnresolved(self):
  97. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  98. comment = Comments.objects.get(id = i+1)
  99. self.assertFalse(comment.isResolved)
  100. def testLinkedIdea(self):
  101. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  102. comment = Comments.objects.get(id = i+1)
  103. idea = comment.ideaID
  104. self.assertEquals(idea.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  105. def testCommenter(self):
  106. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  107. comment = Comments.objects.get(id = i+1)
  108. user = comment.ownerID
  109. self.assertEquals( user.username, 'Commenter %s' % i )
  110. self.assertEquals( user.email, 'commenter%s@example.com' % i )
  111. def testOwnerOfLinkedIdea(self):
  112. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  113. idea = Idea.objects.get(id=(i+1))
  114. user = idea.ownerID
  115. self.assertEquals( user.username, 'Fatclub %s' % i )
  116. self.assertEquals( user.email, 'fatclub%s@example.com' % i )
  117. '''
  118. '''
  120. class TagListDoublingTestModel(TestCase):
  121. """
  122. """
  123. @classmethod
  124. def setUpTestData(cls):
  125. for i in range (TEST_LIMIT * 2):
  126. # 20 ideas, 2:1 idea:tag ratio - only text wanted for purposes of the test
  127. Idea.objects.create(text = 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  128. for i in range (TEST_LIMIT):
  129. # Tag ID range 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5
  130. # Compound ID (1,1)--(1,2) (2,3)--(2,4) (3,5)--(3,6) (4,7)--(4,8) (5,9)--(5,10)
  131. Tags.objects.create(ideaID = Idea.objects.get(id = i + 1))
  132. def testIdeaPairing(self):
  133. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  134. # only test i values 0,2,4,6,8 as for odd values the tests will fail due to them starting too high for the given tagID
  135. if (i % 2 == 0):
  136. tag = Tags.objects.all()
  137. idea0 = tag[0].ideaID
  138. idea1 = tag[1].ideaID
  139. self.assertEquals(idea0.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  140. self.assertEquals(idea1.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+2))
  141. class TagListTriplingTestModel(TestCase):
  142. """
  143. """
  144. @classmethod
  145. def setUpTestData(cls):
  146. for i in range (TEST_LIMIT * 3):
  147. # 30 ideas, 3:1 idea:tag ratio - only text wanted for purposes of the test
  148. Idea.objects.create(text = 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  149. for i in range (12):
  150. # Tag ID range 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4
  151. # Compound ID (1,1)--(1,2)--(1,3) (2,4)--(2,5)--(2,6) (3,7)--(3,8)--(3,9) (4,10)--(4,11)--(4,12)
  152. Tags.objects.create(ideaID = Idea.objects.get(id = i + 1))
  153. def testIdeaTripling(self):
  154. for i in range(12):
  155. # only test i values 0,3,6,9 as for other values the tests will fail due to them starting too high for the given tagID
  156. if (i%3 == 0):
  157. tag = Tags.objects.all()
  158. idea0 = tag[0].ideaID
  159. idea1 = tag[1].ideaID
  160. idea2 = tag[2].ideaID
  161. self.assertEquals(idea0.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  162. self.assertEquals(idea1.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+2))
  163. self.assertEquals(idea2.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+3))
  164. class TagListManyTagsSingleIdea(TestCase):
  165. """
  166. """
  167. @classmethod
  168. def setUpTestData(cls):
  169. for i in range (TEST_LIMIT):
  170. Idea.objects.create(text = 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (i+1))
  171. Tags.objects.create(Idea.tags = Idea.objects.get(id = 1))
  172. def testIdeaTripling(self):
  173. for i in range(TEST_LIMIT):
  174. tag = Tags.objects.all()
  175. # above query returns a singleton list of tag objects for some reason, which is distinct from a tag object
  176. idea = tag[0].Idea.tags
  177. self.assertEquals(idea.text, 'I am an idea and my name is %s' % (1))
  178. '''