* @ng1api
* @module ng1
*/ /** */
import { StateDeclaration, _ViewDeclaration, IInjectable, Transition, HookResult } from "@uirouter/core";
* The signature for Angular 1 State Transition Hooks.
* State hooks are registered as onEnter/onRetain/onExit in state declarations.
* State hooks can additionally be injected with $transition$ and $state$ for
* the current [[Transition]] and [[StateObject]] in the transition.
* Transition State Hooks are callback functions that hook into the lifecycle events of specific states during a transition.
* As a transition runs, it may exit some states, retain (keep) states, and enter states.
* As each lifecycle event occurs, the hooks which are registered for the event and that state are called (in priority order).
* #### See also:
* - [[IHookRegistry.onExit]]
* - [[IHookRegistry.onRetain]]
* - [[IHookRegistry.onEnter]]
* #### Example:
* ```js
* onEnter: function() { console.log('Entering'); }
* ```
* Not minification-safe
* ```js
* onRetain: function($state$) { console.log('Retained ' + $state$.name); }
* ```
* Annotated for minification-safety
* ```js
* onExit: [ '$transition$', '$state', function($transition$, $state) {
* // always redirect to 'foo' state when being exited
* if ($transition$.to().name !== 'foo') {
* return $state.target('foo');
* }
* } ]
* ```
* @returns an optional [[HookResult]] which may alter the transition
export interface Ng1StateTransitionHook {
(...injectables: any[]): HookResult;
* @internalapi
* an intermediate interface.
* Used to reset [[StateDeclaration]] typings to `any` so the [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] interface can then narrow them */
export interface _Ng1StateDeclaration extends StateDeclaration {
onExit?: any;
onRetain?: any;
onEnter?: any;
* The StateDeclaration object is used to define a state or nested state.
* It should be registered with the [[StateRegistry]].
* #### Example:
* ```js
* // StateDeclaration object
* var foldersState = {
* name: 'folders',
* url: '/folders',
* resolve: {
* allfolders: function(FolderService) {
* return FolderService.list();
* }
* },
* template: "
* controller: function(allfolders, $scope) {
* $scope.allfolders = allfolders;
* }
* }
* ```
* Since this interface extends [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]], any view declaration properties can be set directly
* on the state declaration and they will be applied to the view with the name `$default`. For example:
* ```js
* var state = {
* name: 'foo',
* url: '/foo',
* template: '
* controller: 'FooController
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* If a state definition contains a `views:` object, any view properties set directly on the state are ignored.
* Thus, this is an invalid state defintion:
* ```js
* var state = {
* name: 'foo',
* url: '/foo',
* controller: 'FooController, // invalid because views: exists
* views: {
* header: {
* template: '
* }
* }
* }
* ```
export interface Ng1StateDeclaration extends _Ng1StateDeclaration, Ng1ViewDeclaration {
* An optional object which defines multiple named views.
* Each key is the name of a view, and each value is a [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]].
* Unnamed views are internally renamed to `$default`.
* A view's name is used to match an active `` directive in the DOM. When the state
* is entered, the state's views are activated and matched with active `` directives:
* - The view's name is processed into a ui-view target:
* - ui-view address: an address to a ui-view
* - state anchor: the state to anchor the address to
* Examples:
* Targets three named ui-views in the parent state's template
* #### Example:
* ```js
* views: {
* header: {
* controller: "headerCtrl",
* templateUrl: "header.html"
* },
* body: {
* controller: "bodyCtrl",
* templateUrl: "body.html"
* },
* footer: "footerComponent"
* }
* ```
* #### Example:
* ```js
* // Targets named ui-view="header" in the template of the ancestor state 'top'
* // and the named `ui-view="body" from the parent state's template.
* views: {
* 'header@top': {
* controller: "msgHeaderCtrl",
* templateUrl: "msgHeader.html"
* },
* 'body': {
* controller: "messagesCtrl",
* templateUrl: "messages.html"
* }
* }
* ```
* ## View targeting details
* There are a few styles of view addressing/targeting.
* The most common is a simple `ui-view` name
* #### Simple ui-view name
* Addresses without an `@` are anchored to the parent state.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* // target the `` created in the parent state's view
* views: {
* foo: {...}
* }
* ```
* #### View name anchored to a state
* You can anchor the `ui-view` name to a specific state by including an `@`
* #### Example:
* targets the `` which was created in a view owned by the state `bar.baz`
* ```js
* views: {
* 'foo@bar.baz': {...}
* }
* ```
* #### Absolute addressing
* You can address a `ui-view` absolutely, using dotted notation, by prefixing the address with a `!`.
* Dotted addresses traverse the hierarchy of `ui-view`s active in the DOM:
* #### Example:
* absolutely targets the ``
* ... which was created in the unnamed/$default root ``
* ```js
* views: {
* '!$default.nested': {...}
* }
* ```
* #### Relative addressing
* Absolute addressing is actually relative addressing, anchored to the unnamed root state (`""`).
* You can also use relative addressing anchored to *any state*, in order to target a target deeply nested `ui-views`:
* The `ui-view` is targeted relative to the anchored state by traversing the nested `ui-view` names.
* #### Example:
* targets the ``
* ... which was created inside the
* ``
* ... which was created inside the parent state's template.
* ```js
* views: {
* 'foo.bar': {...}
* }
* ```
* #### Example:
* targets the ``
* ... which was created in ``
* ... which was created in a template from the state `baz.qux`
* ```js
* views: {
* 'foo.bar@baz.qux': {...}
* }
* ```
* #### Example:
* a view can relatively target a named `ui-view` defined on an ancestor using `^` (meaning "parent")
* ```js
* views: {
* 'foo@^': {...}, // foo@(parent state) (same as simply 'foo')
* 'bar@^.^': {...}, // bar@(grandparent state)
* 'baz@^.^.^': {...}, // baz@(great-grandparent state)
* }
* ```
* For additional in-depth details about how `ui-view` addressing works, see the internal api [[ViewService.match]].
* ---
* ## State template+controller and `views:` incompatiblity
* If a state has a `views` object, any state-level view properties ([[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]) are ignored. Therefore,
* if _any view_ for a state is declared in the `views` object, then _all of the state's views_ must be defined in
* the `views` object. The state declaration must not have any of the following fields:
* - component
* - bindings
* - resolveAs
* - template
* - templateUrl
* - templateProvider
* - controller
* - controllerAs
* - controllerProvider
views?: {
[key: string]: Ng1ViewDeclaration;
* A state hook invoked when a state is being entered.
* The hook can inject global services.
* It can also inject `$transition$` or `$state$` (from the current transition).
* ### Example:
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onEnter: (MyService, $transition$, $state$) => {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Example:`
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onEnter: [ 'MyService', '$transition$', '$state$', function (MyService, $transition$, $state$) {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* } ]
* });
* ```
onEnter?: Ng1StateTransitionHook | IInjectable;
* A state hook invoked when a state is being exited.
* The hook can inject global services.
* It can also inject `$transition$` or `$state$` (from the current transition).
* ### Example:
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onExit: (MyService, $transition$, $state$) => {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Example:`
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onExit: [ 'MyService', '$transition$', '$state$', function (MyService, $transition$, $state$) {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* } ]
* });
* ```
onExit?: Ng1StateTransitionHook | IInjectable;
* A state hook invoked when a state is being retained.
* The hook can inject global services.
* It can also inject `$transition$` or `$state$` (from the current transition).
* #### Example:
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onRetain: (MyService, $transition$, $state$) => {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* }
* });
* ```
* #### Example:`
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state({
* name: 'mystate',
* onRetain: [ 'MyService', '$transition$', '$state$', function (MyService, $transition$, $state$) {
* return MyService.doSomething($state$.name, $transition$.params());
* } ]
* });
* ```
onRetain?: Ng1StateTransitionHook | IInjectable;
* Makes all search/query parameters `dynamic`
* ### Deprecation warning: use [[ParamDeclaration.dynamic]] instead
* @deprecated
reloadOnSearch?: boolean;
export interface Ng1ViewDeclaration extends _ViewDeclaration {
* The name of the component to use for this view.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* The name of an [angular 1.5+ `.component()`](https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/component) (or directive with
* bindToController and/or scope declaration) which will be used for this view.
* Resolve data can be provided to the component via the component's `bindings` object (for 1.3+ directives, the
* `bindToController` is used; for other directives, the `scope` declaration is used). For each binding declared
* on the component, any resolve with the same name is set on the component's controller instance. The binding
* is provided to the component as a one-time-binding. In general, components should likewise declare their
* input bindings as [one-way ("<")](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$compile#-scope-).
* Note: inside a "views:" block, a bare string `"foo"` is shorthand for `{ component: "foo" }`
* Note: Mapping from resolve names to component inputs may be specified using [[bindings]].
* #### Example:
* ```js
* .state('profile', {
* // Use the component for the Unnamed view
* component: 'MyProfile',
* }
* .state('messages', {
* // use the component for the view named 'header'
* // use the component for the view named 'content'
* views: {
* header: { component: 'NavBar' },
* content: { component: 'MessageList' }
* }
* }
* .state('contacts', {
* // Inside a "views:" block, a bare string "NavBar" is shorthand for { component: "NavBar" }
* // use the component for the view named 'header'
* // use the component for the view named 'content'
* views: {
* header: 'NavBar',
* content: 'ContactList'
* }
* }
* ```
* Note: When using `component` to define a view, you may _not_ use any of: `template`, `templateUrl`,
* `templateProvider`, `controller`, `controllerProvider`, `controllerAs`.
* See also: Todd Motto's angular 1.3 and 1.4 [backport of .component()](https://github.com/toddmotto/angular-component)
component?: string;
* An object which maps `resolve`s to [[component]] `bindings`.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* When using a [[component]] declaration (`component: 'myComponent'`), each input binding for the component is supplied
* data from a resolve of the same name, by default. You may supply data from a different resolve name by mapping it here.
* Each key in this object is the name of one of the component's input bindings.
* Each value is the name of the resolve that should be provided to that binding.
* Any component bindings that are omitted from this map get the default behavior of mapping to a resolve of the
* same name.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* $stateProvider.state('foo', {
* resolve: {
* foo: function(FooService) { return FooService.get(); },
* bar: function(BarService) { return BarService.get(); }
* },
* component: 'Baz',
* // The component's `baz` binding gets data from the `bar` resolve
* // The component's `foo` binding gets data from the `foo` resolve (default behavior)
* bindings: {
* baz: 'bar'
* }
* });
* app.component('Baz', {
* templateUrl: 'baz.html',
* controller: 'BazController',
* bindings: {
* foo: '<', // foo binding
* baz: '<' // baz binding
* }
* });
* ```
bindings?: {
[key: string]: string;
* Dynamic component provider function.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* This is an injectable provider function which returns the name of the component to use.
* The provider will invoked during a Transition in which the view's state is entered.
* The provider is called after the resolve data is fetched.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* componentProvider: function(MyResolveData, $transition$) {
* if (MyResolveData.foo) {
* return "fooComponent"
* } else if ($transition$.to().name === 'bar') {
* return "barComponent";
* }
* }
* ```
componentProvider?: IInjectable;
* The view's controller function or name
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* The controller function, or the name of a registered controller. The controller function will be used
* to control the contents of the [[directives.uiView]] directive.
* If specified as a string, controllerAs can be declared here, i.e., "FooController as foo" instead of in
* a separate [[controllerAs]] property.
* See: [[Ng1Controller]] for information about component-level router hooks.
controller?: (IInjectable | string);
* A controller alias name.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* If present, the controller will be published to scope under the `controllerAs` name.
* See: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngController
controllerAs?: string;
* Dynamic controller provider function.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* This is an injectable provider function which returns the actual controller function, or the name
* of a registered controller. The provider will invoked during a Transition in which the view's state is
* entered. The provider is called after the resolve data is fetched.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* controllerProvider: function(MyResolveData, $transition$) {
* if (MyResolveData.foo) {
* return "FooCtrl"
* } else if ($transition$.to().name === 'bar') {
* return "BarCtrl";
* } else {
* return function($scope) {
* $scope.baz = "Qux";
* }
* }
* }
* ```
controllerProvider?: IInjectable;
* The scope variable name to use for resolve data.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* When a view is activated, the resolved data for the state which the view belongs to is put on the scope.
* This property sets the name of the scope variable to use for the resolved data.
* Defaults to `$resolve`.
resolveAs?: string;
* The HTML template for the view.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* HTML template as a string, or a function which returns an html template as a string.
* This template will be used to render the corresponding [[directives.uiView]] directive.
* This property takes precedence over templateUrl.
* If `template` is a function, it will be called with the Transition parameters as the first argument.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* template: "
* }
* ```
template?: (Function | string);
* The URL for the HTML template for the view.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* A path or a function that returns a path to an html template.
* The template will be fetched and used to render the corresponding [[directives.uiView]] directive.
* If `templateUrl` is a function, it will be called with the Transition parameters as the first argument.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* templateUrl: "/templates/home.html"
* ```
* #### Example:
* ```js
* templateUrl: function(params) {
* return myTemplates[params.pageId];
* }
* ```
templateUrl?: (string | Function);
* Injected function which returns the HTML template.
* A property of [[Ng1StateDeclaration]] or [[Ng1ViewDeclaration]]:
* Injected function which returns the HTML template.
* The template will be used to render the corresponding [[directives.uiView]] directive.
* #### Example:
* ```js
* templateProvider: function(MyTemplateService, $transition$) {
* return MyTemplateService.getTemplate($transition$.params().pageId);
* }
* ```
templateProvider?: IInjectable;
* The shape of a controller for a view (and/or component), defining the controller callbacks.
* A view in UI-Router is comprised of either a `component` ([[Ng1ViewDeclaration.component]]) or a combination of a
* `template` (or `templateProvider`) and a `controller` (or `controllerProvider`).
* The `controller` object (or the `component`'s controller object) can define component-level controller callbacks,
* which UI-Router will call at the appropriate times. These callbacks are similar to Transition Hooks
* ([[IHookRegistry]]), but are only called if the view is currently active.
* This interface defines the UI-Router component callbacks.
export interface Ng1Controller {
/** @hidden */
$onInit(): void;
* This callback is called when parameter values have changed.
* This callback can be used to respond to changing parameter values in the current state, or in parent/child states.
* This callback is especially handy when using dynamic parameters ([[ParamDeclaration.dynamic]])
* Called when:
* - The view is still active
* - A new transition has completed successfully
* - The state for the view (controller) was not reloaded
* - At least one parameter value was changed
* Called with:
* @param newValues an object containing the changed parameter values
* @param $transition$ the new Transition which triggered this callback
* #### Example:
* ```js
* angular.module('foo').controller('FancyCtrl', function() {
* this.uiOnParamsChanged = function(newParams) {
* console.log("new params: ", newParams);
* }
* });
* ```
uiOnParamsChanged(newValues: any, $transition$: Transition): void;
* This callback is called when the view's state is about to be exited.
* This callback is used to inform a view that it is about to be exited, due to a new [[Transition]].
* The callback can ask for user confirmation, and cancel or alter the new Transition. The callback should
* return a value, or a promise for a value. If a promise is returned, the new Transition waits until the
* promise settles.
* Called when:
* - The view is still active
* - A new Transition is about to run
* - The new Transition will exit the view's state
* Called with:
* - The new Transition
* Relevant return Values:
* - `false`: The transition is cancelled.
* - A rejected promise: The transition is cancelled.
* - [[TargetState]]: The transition is redirected to the new target state.
* - Anything else: the transition will continue normally (the state and view will be deactivated)
* #### Example:
* ```js
* app.component('myComponent', {
* template: '',
* bindings: { 'data': '<' },
* controller: function() {
* this.originalData = angular.copy(this.data);
* this.uiCanExit = function() {
* if (!angular.equals(this.data, this.originalData) {
* // Note: This could also return a Promise and request async
* // confirmation using something like ui-bootstrap $modal
* return window.confirm("Data has changed. Exit anyway and lose changes?");
* }
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* @param transition the new Transition that is about to exit the component's state
* @return a HookResult, or a promise for a HookResult
uiCanExit(transition: Transition): HookResult;
* Manages which template-loading mechanism to use.
* Defaults to `$templateRequest` on Angular versions starting from 1.3, `$http` otherwise.
export interface TemplateFactoryProvider {
* Forces $templateFactory to use $http instead of $templateRequest.
* UI-Router uses `$templateRequest` by default on angular 1.3+.
* Use this method to choose to use `$http` instead.
* ---
* ## Security warning
* This might cause XSS, as $http doesn't enforce the regular security checks for
* templates that have been introduced in Angular 1.3.
* See the $sce documentation, section
* Impact on loading templates for more details about this mechanism.
* *Note: forcing this to `false` on Angular 1.2.x will crash, because `$templateRequest` is not implemented.*
* @param useUnsafeHttpService `true` to use `$http` to fetch templates
useHttpService(useUnsafeHttpService: boolean): any;
declare module "@uirouter/core/lib/state/stateRegistry" {
interface StateRegistry {
register(state: Ng1StateDeclaration): any;