/** @module ng1 */ /** for typedoc */
import { BuilderFunction, StateRegistry, StateService, OnInvalidCallback } from "@uirouter/core";
import { Ng1StateDeclaration } from "./interface";
* The Angular 1 `StateProvider`
* The `$stateProvider` works similar to Angular's v1 router, but it focuses purely
* on state.
* A state corresponds to a "place" in the application in terms of the overall UI and
* navigation. A state describes (via the controller / template / view properties) what
* the UI looks like and does at that place.
* States often have things in common, and the primary way of factoring out these
* commonalities in this model is via the state hierarchy, i.e. parent/child states aka
* nested states.
* The `$stateProvider` provides interfaces to declare these states for your app.
export declare class StateProvider {
private stateRegistry;
private stateService;
constructor(stateRegistry: StateRegistry, stateService: StateService);
* Decorates states when they are registered
* Allows you to extend (carefully) or override (at your own peril) the
* `stateBuilder` object used internally by [[StateRegistry]].
* This can be used to add custom functionality to ui-router,
* for example inferring templateUrl based on the state name.
* When passing only a name, it returns the current (original or decorated) builder
* function that matches `name`.
* The builder functions that can be decorated are listed below. Though not all
* necessarily have a good use case for decoration, that is up to you to decide.
* In addition, users can attach custom decorators, which will generate new
* properties within the state's internal definition. There is currently no clear
* use-case for this beyond accessing internal states (i.e. $state.$current),
* however, expect this to become increasingly relevant as we introduce additional
* meta-programming features.
* **Warning**: Decorators should not be interdependent because the order of
* execution of the builder functions in non-deterministic. Builder functions
* should only be dependent on the state definition object and super function.
* Existing builder functions and current return values:
* - **parent** `{object}` - returns the parent state object.
* - **data** `{object}` - returns state data, including any inherited data that is not
* overridden by own values (if any).
* - **url** `{object}` - returns a {@link ui.router.util.type:UrlMatcher UrlMatcher}
* or `null`.
* - **navigable** `{object}` - returns closest ancestor state that has a URL (aka is
* navigable).
* - **params** `{object}` - returns an array of state params that are ensured to
* be a super-set of parent's params.
* - **views** `{object}` - returns a views object where each key is an absolute view
* name (i.e. "viewName@stateName") and each value is the config object
* (template, controller) for the view. Even when you don't use the views object
* explicitly on a state config, one is still created for you internally.
* So by decorating this builder function you have access to decorating template
* and controller properties.
* - **ownParams** `{object}` - returns an array of params that belong to the state,
* not including any params defined by ancestor states.
* - **path** `{string}` - returns the full path from the root down to this state.
* Needed for state activation.
* - **includes** `{object}` - returns an object that includes every state that
* would pass a `$state.includes()` test.
* #### Example:
* Override the internal 'views' builder with a function that takes the state
* definition, and a reference to the internal function being overridden:
* ```js
* $stateProvider.decorator('views', function (state, parent) {
* let result = {},
* views = parent(state);
* angular.forEach(views, function (config, name) {
* let autoName = (state.name + '.' + name).replace('.', '/');
* config.templateUrl = config.templateUrl || '/partials/' + autoName + '.html';
* result[name] = config;
* });
* return result;
* });
* $stateProvider.state('home', {
* views: {
* 'contact.list': { controller: 'ListController' },
* 'contact.item': { controller: 'ItemController' }
* }
* });
* ```
* ```js
* // Auto-populates list and item views with /partials/home/contact/list.html,
* // and /partials/home/contact/item.html, respectively.
* $state.go('home');
* ```
* @param {string} name The name of the builder function to decorate.
* @param {object} func A function that is responsible for decorating the original
* builder function. The function receives two parameters:
* - `{object}` - state - The state config object.
* - `{object}` - super - The original builder function.
* @return {object} $stateProvider - $stateProvider instance
decorator(name: string, func: BuilderFunction): Function | this | BuilderFunction[];
* Registers a state
* ### This is a passthrough to [[StateRegistry.register]].
* Registers a state configuration under a given state name.
* The stateConfig object has the following acceptable properties.
* - **`template`** - {string|function=} - html template as a string or a function that returns
* an html template as a string which should be used by the uiView directives. This property
* takes precedence over templateUrl.
* If `template` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
* - {array.<object>} - state parameters extracted from the current $location.path() by
* applying the current state
* - **`templateUrl`** - {string|function=} - path or function that returns a path to an html
* template that should be used by uiView.
* If `templateUrl` is a function, it will be called with the following parameters:
* - {array.<object>} - state parameters extracted from the current $location.path() by
* applying the current state
* - **`templateProvider`** - {function=} - Provider function that returns HTML content
* string.
* - **`controller`** - {string|function=} - Controller fn that should be associated with newly
* related scope or the name of a registered controller if passed as a string.
* - **`controllerProvider`** - {function=} - Injectable provider function that returns
* the actual controller or string.
* - **`controllerAs`** – {string=} – A controller alias name. If present the controller will be
* published to scope under the controllerAs name.
* - **`resolve`** - {object.<string, function>=} - An optional map of dependencies which
* should be injected into the controller. If any of these dependencies are promises,
* the router will wait for them all to be resolved or one to be rejected before the
* controller is instantiated. If all the promises are resolved successfully, the values
* of the resolved promises are injected and $stateChangeSuccess event is fired. If any
* of the promises are rejected the $stateChangeError event is fired. The map object is:
* - key - {string}: name of dependency to be injected into controller
* - factory - {string|function}: If string then it is alias for service. Otherwise if function,
* it is injected and return value it treated as dependency. If result is a promise, it is
* resolved before its value is injected into controller.
* - **`url`** - {string=} - A url with optional parameters. When a state is navigated or
* transitioned to, the `$stateParams` service will be populated with any
* parameters that were passed.
* - **`params`** - {object=} - An array of parameter names or regular expressions. Only
* use this within a state if you are not using url. Otherwise you can specify your
* parameters within the url. When a state is navigated or transitioned to, the
* $stateParams service will be populated with any parameters that were passed.
* - **`views`** - {object=} - Use the views property to set up multiple views or to target views
* manually/explicitly.
* - **`abstract`** - {boolean=} - An abstract state will never be directly activated,
* but can provide inherited properties to its common children states.
* - **`onEnter`** - {object=} - Callback function for when a state is entered. Good way
* to trigger an action or dispatch an event, such as opening a dialog.
* If minifying your scripts, make sure to use the `['injection1', 'injection2', function(injection1, injection2){}]` syntax.
* - **`onExit`** - {object=} - Callback function for when a state is exited. Good way to
* trigger an action or dispatch an event, such as opening a dialog.
* If minifying your scripts, make sure to use the `['injection1', 'injection2', function(injection1, injection2){}]` syntax.
* - **`reloadOnSearch = true`** - {boolean=} - If `false`, will not retrigger the same state
* just because a search/query parameter has changed (via $location.search() or $location.hash()).
* Useful for when you'd like to modify $location.search() without triggering a reload.
* - **`data`** - {object=} - Arbitrary data object, useful for custom configuration.
* #### Example:
* Some state name examples
* ```js
* // stateName can be a single top-level name (must be unique).
* $stateProvider.state("home", {});
* // Or it can be a nested state name. This state is a child of the
* // above "home" state.
* $stateProvider.state("home.newest", {});
* // Nest states as deeply as needed.
* $stateProvider.state("home.newest.abc.xyz.inception", {});
* // state() returns $stateProvider, so you can chain state declarations.
* $stateProvider
* .state("home", {})
* .state("about", {})
* .state("contacts", {});
* ```
* @param {string} name A unique state name, e.g. "home", "about", "contacts".
* To create a parent/child state use a dot, e.g. "about.sales", "home.newest".
* @param {object} definition State configuration object.
state(name: string, definition: Ng1StateDeclaration): StateProvider;
state(definition: Ng1StateDeclaration): StateProvider;
* Registers an invalid state handler
* This is a passthrough to [[StateService.onInvalid]] for ng1.
onInvalid(callback: OnInvalidCallback): Function;