package.json 8.7 KB

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  3. "_id": "file-saver@2.0.0-rc.4",
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  5. "_integrity": "sha512-6Runcc5CffLF9Rpf/MLc3db9eOi2f7b+DvBXpSpJ/hEy+olM+Bw0kx/bOnnp1X4QgOkFZe8ojrM4iZ0JCWmVMQ==",
  6. "_location": "/file-saver",
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  9. <<<<<<< HEAD
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  15. "registry": true,
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  18. =======
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  26. "fetchSpec": "latest"
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  36. "_where": "D:\\myTodoApp\\Client_UI",
  37. "author": {
  38. <<<<<<< HEAD
  39. "email": "",
  40. "name": "Eli Grey"
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  42. "name": "Eli Grey",
  43. "email": ""
  44. >>>>>>> 79620d411eb5b762eda56feca9f5ba606cdf2154
  45. },
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  53. >>>>>>> 79620d411eb5b762eda56feca9f5ba606cdf2154
  54. "deprecated": false,
  55. "description": "An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation",
  56. "devDependencies": {
  57. "@babel/cli": "^7.1.0",
  58. "@babel/core": "^7.1.0",
  59. "@babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd": "^7.1.0",
  60. "babel-preset-minify": "^0.4.3"
  61. },
  62. "files": [
  63. "dist/FileSaver.js",
  64. "dist/FileSaver.min.js",
  65. "src/FileSaver.js"
  66. ],
  67. "homepage": "",
  68. "keywords": [
  69. <<<<<<< HEAD
  70. "blob",
  71. "filesaver",
  72. "saveas"
  73. =======
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  78. ],
  79. "license": "MIT",
  80. "main": "dist/FileSaver.min.js",
  81. "name": "file-saver",
  82. <<<<<<< HEAD
  83. "optionalDependencies": {},
  84. "readme": "If you need to save really large files bigger then the blob's size limitation or don't have\nenough RAM, then have a look at the more advanced [StreamSaver.js][7]\nthat can save data directly to the hard drive asynchronously with the power of the new streams API. That will have\nsupport for progress, cancelation and knowing when it's done writing\n\nFileSaver.js\n============\n\nFileSaver.js is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for\nwebapps that generates files on the client, However if the file is coming from the\nserver we recomend you to first try to use [Content-Disposition][8] attachment response header as it has more cross browser compatible\n\nLooking for `canvas.toBlob()` for saving canvases? Check out\n[canvas-toBlob.js][2] for a cross-browser implementation.\n\nSupported browsers\n------------------\n\n| Browser | Constructs as | Filenames | Max Blob Size | Dependencies |\n| -------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------ |\n| Firefox 20+ | Blob | Yes | 800 MiB | None |\n| Firefox < 20 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js]( |\n| Chrome | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |\n| Chrome for Android | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |\n| Edge | Blob | Yes | ? | None |\n| IE 10+ | Blob | Yes | 600 MiB | None |\n| Opera 15+ | Blob | Yes | 500 MiB | None |\n| Opera < 15 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js]( |\n| Safari 6.1+* | Blob | No | ? | None |\n| Safari < 6 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js]( |\n| Safari 10.1+   | Blob         | Yes         | n/a           | None |\n\nFeature detection is possible:\n\n```js\ntry {\n var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob;\n} catch (e) {}\n```\n\n### IE < 10\n\nIt is possible to save text files in IE < 10 without Flash-based polyfills.\nSee [ChenWenBrian and koffsyrup's `saveTextAs()`]( for more details.\n\n### Safari 6.1+\n\nBlobs may be opened instead of saved sometimes—you may have to direct your Safari users to manually\npress <kbd>⌘</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd> to save the file after it is opened. Using the `application/octet-stream` MIME type to force downloads [can cause issues in Safari](\n\n### iOS\n\nsaveAs must be run within a user interaction event such as onTouchDown or onClick; setTimeout will prevent saveAs from triggering. Due to restrictions in iOS saveAs opens in a new window instead of downloading, if you want this fixed please [tell Apple how this WebKit bug is affecting you](\n\nSyntax\n------\n### Import saveAs() from file-saver\n```js\nimport saveAs from 'file-saver';\n```\n\n```js\nFileSaver saveAs(Blob/File/Url, optional DOMString filename, optional Object { autoBOM })\n```\n\nPass `{ autoBOM: true }` if you want FileSaver.js to automatically provide Unicode text encoding hints (see: [byte order mark](\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n### Saving text using require\n```js\nvar FileSaver = require('file-saver');\nvar blob = new Blob([\"Hello, world!\"], {type: \"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"});\nFileSaver.saveAs(blob, \"hello world.txt\");\n```\n\n### Saving text\n\n```js\nvar blob = new Blob([\"Hello, world!\"], {type: \"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"});\nFileSaver.saveAs(blob, \"hello world.txt\");\n```\n\n### Saving urls\n\n```js\nFileSaver.saveAs(\"\", \"image.jpg\");\n```\nUsing urls within the same origin will just use `a[download]`\nOtherwise it will first check if it supports cors header with a synchronously head request\nif it dose it will download the data and save it using blob urls\nif not it will try to download it using `a[download]`\n\nThe standard W3C File API [`Blob`][4] interface is not available in all browsers.\n[Blob.js][5] is a cross-browser `Blob` implementation that solves this.\n\n### Saving a canvas\n\n```js\nvar canvas = document.getElementById(\"my-canvas\");\ncanvas.toBlob(function(blob) {\n saveAs(blob, \"pretty image.png\");\n});\n```\n\nNote: The standard HTML5 `canvas.toBlob()` method is not available in all browsers.\n[canvas-toBlob.js][6] is a cross-browser `canvas.toBlob()` that polyfills this.\n\n### Saving File\n\nYou can save a File constructor without specifying a filename. The\nFile itself already contains a name, There is a hand full of ways to get a file\ninstance (from storage, file input, new constructor, clipboard event)\nBut if you still want to change the name, then you can change it in the 2nd argument\n\n```js\n// Note: Ie and Edge don't support the new File constructor,\n// so it's better to construct blobs and use saveAs(blob, filename)\nvar file = new File([\"Hello, world!\"], \"hello world.txt\", {type: \"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"});\nFileSaver.saveAs(file);\n```\n\n\n\n![Tracking image](\n\n [1]:\n [2]:\n [3]:\n [4]:\n [5]:\n [6]:\n [7]:\n [8]:\n\nInstallation\n------------------\n\n```bash\nnpm install file-saver --save\nbower install file-saver\n```\n\nAdditionally, TypeScript definitions can be installed via:\n\n```bash\nnpm install @types/file-saver --save-dev\n```\n",
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  86. =======
  87. >>>>>>> 79620d411eb5b762eda56feca9f5ba606cdf2154
  88. "repository": {
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  90. "url": "git+"
  91. },
  92. "scripts": {
  93. "build": "npm run build:development && npm run build:production",
  94. "build:development": "babel -o dist/FileSaver.js --plugins @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd src/FileSaver.js",
  95. "build:production": "babel -o dist/FileSaver.min.js -s --plugins @babel/plugin-transform-modules-umd --presets minify src/FileSaver.js",
  96. "prepublishOnly": "npm run build",
  97. "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 0"
  98. },
  99. "version": "2.0.0-rc.4"
  100. }