define( function( require ) { var Backbone = require( "backbone" ), _ = require( "underscore" ), fui = require( "app/fui" ), datasetManagementViewTpl = require( "plugins/text!app/templates/dataset-management.tpl" ); var DataManagementView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend( { initialize: function(){ _.bindAll( this, "onRemoveDataset", "onConfirmAction", "onDatasetRemoveSuccess", "onDatasetRemoveFail", "onTaskStatus", "onTaskFailed", "cleanup" ); this.listenTo( this.model, "change", this.onModelChange, this ); fui.vent.on( "action.delete.confirm", this.onConfirmRemoveDataset, this ); fui.vent.on( "action.backup.confirm", this.onConfirmBackupDataset, this ); fui.vent.on( "task.status", this.onTaskStatus, this ); fui.vent.on( "task.failed", this.onTaskFailed, this ); }, template: _.template( datasetManagementViewTpl ), ui: { actionConfirmModal: "#actionConfirmModal" }, el: "#dataset-management", events: { "click .action.remove": "onRemoveDataset", "click .action.confirm": "onConfirmAction", "click .action.backup": "onBackupDataset" }, templateHelpers: { }, cleanup: function() { this.unbind(); this.undelegateEvents(); this.model.unbind( 'change', this.onModelChange, this ); fui.vent.unbind( 'action.delete.confirm', this.onConfirmRemoveDataset, this ); }, /** If the model changes, update the summary */ onModelChange: function( event ) { this.cleanup(); this.render(); }, /** User has requested a dataset be removed */ onRemoveDataset: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var elem = $(e.currentTarget); var dsId = "ds-id" ); var msg = sprintf( "Are you sure you want to delete dataset %s? This action cannot be reversed.", dsId ); this.showConfirmationModal( msg, dsId, "action.delete.confirm" ); }, /** User has requested a dataset be backed up */ onBackupDataset: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var elem = $(e.currentTarget); var dsId = "ds-id" ); var msg = sprintf( "Are you sure you want to create a backup of dataset %s? This action may take some time to complete", dsId ); this.showConfirmationModal( msg, dsId, "action.backup.confirm" ); }, /** Show a generic modal confirmation */ showConfirmationModal: function( msg, dsId, eventId ) { this.ui.actionConfirmModal .find( ".modal-body p" ) .html( msg ); this.ui.actionConfirmModal .find( ".action.confirm" ) .data( "ds-id", dsId ) .data( "event-id", eventId ); this.clearFeedback(); this.ui.actionConfirmModal.modal( 'show' ); }, /** Generic response to confirming the current modal dialogue */ onConfirmAction: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var elem = $(e.currentTarget); var dsId = "ds-id" ); var eventId = "event-id" ); //this.ui.actionConfirmModal.modal( 'hide' ); $('').modal('hide'); $('body').removeClass('modal-open'); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); _.delay( function() { fui.vent.trigger( eventId, dsId ); }, 100 ); }, /** User has confirmed that the dataset can be deleted */ onConfirmRemoveDataset: function( dsId ) { var self = this; fui.models .fusekiServer .dataset( dsId ) .deleteDataset() .done( function( data ) {self.onDatasetRemoveSuccess( data, dsId );} ) .error( function( jqxhr, msg, err ) {self.onDatasetRemoveFail( jqxhr, msg, err, dsId );} ); }, /** Callback after successfully removing a dataset */ onDatasetRemoveSuccess: function( data, dsId ) { this.model.loadServerDescription(); }, /** Removing the dataset did not work: notify the user */ onDatasetRemoveFail: function( jqxhr, msg, err, dsId ) { this.feedbackArea( dsId ) .html( sprintf( "

Sorry, removing dataset %s did not work, because: '%s'

", dsId, err || msg ) ); }, /** User has confirmed backing up the dataset */ onConfirmBackupDataset: function( dsId ) { var self = this; fui.models .fusekiServer .dataset( dsId ) .backupDataset(); }, /** Remove any current feedback content */ clearFeedback: function() { $("").empty(); }, /** Long running task has updated status */ onTaskStatus: function( status ) { var task = status.task; var msg = sprintf( "

Task %s started at %s%s

", task.operationType, task.taskDescription.started, status.finished ? sprintf( ", finished at %s", status.finished ) : " – ongoing" ); this.feedbackArea( status.dsId ) .html( msg ); }, /** Long running task has failed to start */ onTaskFailed: function( status ) { this.feedbackArea( status.dsId ) .html( sprintf( "

Task %s failed: '%s'

", task.operationType, task.errorMessage )); }, /** Find the feedback area for a particular dataset */ feedbackArea: function( dsId ) { return $(sprintf( ".action[data-ds-id='%s']", dsId ) ) .parent() .siblings(""); } }); return DataManagementView; } );