(function() { var callWithJQuery, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }, __slice = [].slice, __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty; callWithJQuery = function(pivotModule) { if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { return pivotModule(require("jquery")); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { return define(["jquery"], pivotModule); } else { return pivotModule(jQuery); } }; callWithJQuery(function($) { /* Utilities */ var PivotData, addSeparators, aggregatorTemplates, aggregators, dayNamesEn, derivers, locales, mthNamesEn, naturalSort, numberFormat, pivotTableRenderer, renderers, usFmt, usFmtInt, usFmtPct, zeroPad; addSeparators = function(nStr, thousandsSep, decimalSep) { var rgx, x, x1, x2; nStr += ''; x = nStr.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? decimalSep + x[1] : ''; rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + thousandsSep + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; }; numberFormat = function(opts) { var defaults; defaults = { digitsAfterDecimal: 2, scaler: 1, thousandsSep: ",", decimalSep: ".", prefix: "", suffix: "", showZero: false }; opts = $.extend(defaults, opts); return function(x) { var result; if (isNaN(x) || !isFinite(x)) { return ""; } if (x === 0 && !opts.showZero) { return ""; } result = addSeparators((opts.scaler * x).toFixed(opts.digitsAfterDecimal), opts.thousandsSep, opts.decimalSep); return "" + opts.prefix + result + opts.suffix; }; }; usFmt = numberFormat(); usFmtInt = numberFormat({ digitsAfterDecimal: 0 }); usFmtPct = numberFormat({ digitsAfterDecimal: 1, scaler: 100, suffix: "%" }); aggregatorTemplates = { count: function(formatter) { if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmtInt; } return function() { return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { count: 0, push: function() { return this.count++; }, value: function() { return this.count; }, format: formatter }; }; }; }, countUnique: function(formatter) { if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmtInt; } return function(_arg) { var attr; attr = _arg[0]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { uniq: [], push: function(record) { var _ref; if (_ref = record[attr], __indexOf.call(this.uniq, _ref) < 0) { return this.uniq.push(record[attr]); } }, value: function() { return this.uniq.length; }, format: formatter, numInputs: attr != null ? 0 : 1 }; }; }; }, listUnique: function(sep) { return function(_arg) { var attr; attr = _arg[0]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { uniq: [], push: function(record) { var _ref; if (_ref = record[attr], __indexOf.call(this.uniq, _ref) < 0) { return this.uniq.push(record[attr]); } }, value: function() { return this.uniq.join(sep); }, format: function(x) { return x; }, numInputs: attr != null ? 0 : 1 }; }; }; }, sum: function(formatter) { if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmt; } return function(_arg) { var attr; attr = _arg[0]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { sum: 0, push: function(record) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[attr]))) { return this.sum += parseFloat(record[attr]); } }, value: function() { return this.sum; }, format: formatter, numInputs: attr != null ? 0 : 1 }; }; }; }, average: function(formatter) { if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmt; } return function(_arg) { var attr; attr = _arg[0]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { sum: 0, len: 0, push: function(record) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[attr]))) { this.sum += parseFloat(record[attr]); return this.len++; } }, value: function() { return this.sum / this.len; }, format: formatter, numInputs: attr != null ? 0 : 1 }; }; }; }, sumOverSum: function(formatter) { if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmt; } return function(_arg) { var denom, num; num = _arg[0], denom = _arg[1]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { sumNum: 0, sumDenom: 0, push: function(record) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[num]))) { this.sumNum += parseFloat(record[num]); } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[denom]))) { return this.sumDenom += parseFloat(record[denom]); } }, value: function() { return this.sumNum / this.sumDenom; }, format: formatter, numInputs: (num != null) && (denom != null) ? 0 : 2 }; }; }; }, sumOverSumBound80: function(upper, formatter) { if (upper == null) { upper = true; } if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmt; } return function(_arg) { var denom, num; num = _arg[0], denom = _arg[1]; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { sumNum: 0, sumDenom: 0, push: function(record) { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[num]))) { this.sumNum += parseFloat(record[num]); } if (!isNaN(parseFloat(record[denom]))) { return this.sumDenom += parseFloat(record[denom]); } }, value: function() { var sign; sign = upper ? 1 : -1; return (0.821187207574908 / this.sumDenom + this.sumNum / this.sumDenom + 1.2815515655446004 * sign * Math.sqrt(0.410593603787454 / (this.sumDenom * this.sumDenom) + (this.sumNum * (1 - this.sumNum / this.sumDenom)) / (this.sumDenom * this.sumDenom))) / (1 + 1.642374415149816 / this.sumDenom); }, format: formatter, numInputs: (num != null) && (denom != null) ? 0 : 2 }; }; }; }, fractionOf: function(wrapped, type, formatter) { if (type == null) { type = "total"; } if (formatter == null) { formatter = usFmtPct; } return function() { var x; x = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return function(data, rowKey, colKey) { return { selector: { total: [[], []], row: [rowKey, []], col: [[], colKey] }[type], inner: wrapped.apply(null, x)(data, rowKey, colKey), push: function(record) { return this.inner.push(record); }, format: formatter, value: function() { return this.inner.value() / data.getAggregator.apply(data, this.selector).inner.value(); }, numInputs: wrapped.apply(null, x)().numInputs }; }; }; } }; aggregators = (function(tpl) { return { "Count": tpl.count(usFmtInt), "Count Unique Values": tpl.countUnique(usFmtInt), "List Unique Values": tpl.listUnique(", "), "Sum": tpl.sum(usFmt), "Integer Sum": tpl.sum(usFmtInt), "Average": tpl.average(usFmt), "Sum over Sum": tpl.sumOverSum(usFmt), "80% Upper Bound": tpl.sumOverSumBound80(true, usFmt), "80% Lower Bound": tpl.sumOverSumBound80(false, usFmt), "Sum as Fraction of Total": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.sum(), "total", usFmtPct), "Sum as Fraction of Rows": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.sum(), "row", usFmtPct), "Sum as Fraction of Columns": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.sum(), "col", usFmtPct), "Count as Fraction of Total": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.count(), "total", usFmtPct), "Count as Fraction of Rows": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.count(), "row", usFmtPct), "Count as Fraction of Columns": tpl.fractionOf(tpl.count(), "col", usFmtPct) }; })(aggregatorTemplates); renderers = { "Table": function(pvtData, opts) { return pivotTableRenderer(pvtData, opts); }, "Table Barchart": function(pvtData, opts) { return $(pivotTableRenderer(pvtData, opts)).barchart(); }, "Heatmap": function(pvtData, opts) { return $(pivotTableRenderer(pvtData, opts)).heatmap(); }, "Row Heatmap": function(pvtData, opts) { return $(pivotTableRenderer(pvtData, opts)).heatmap("rowheatmap"); }, "Col Heatmap": function(pvtData, opts) { return $(pivotTableRenderer(pvtData, opts)).heatmap("colheatmap"); } }; locales = { en: { aggregators: aggregators, renderers: renderers, localeStrings: { renderError: "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable results.", computeError: "An error occurred computing the PivotTable results.", uiRenderError: "An error occurred rendering the PivotTable UI.", selectAll: "Select All", selectNone: "Select None", tooMany: "(too many to list)", filterResults: "Filter results", totals: "Totals", vs: "vs", by: "by" } } }; mthNamesEn = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; dayNamesEn = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; zeroPad = function(number) { return ("0" + number).substr(-2, 2); }; derivers = { bin: function(col, binWidth) { return function(record) { return record[col] - record[col] % binWidth; }; }, dateFormat: function(col, formatString, mthNames, dayNames) { if (mthNames == null) { mthNames = mthNamesEn; } if (dayNames == null) { dayNames = dayNamesEn; } return function(record) { var date; date = new Date(Date.parse(record[col])); if (isNaN(date)) { return ""; } return formatString.replace(/%(.)/g, function(m, p) { switch (p) { case "y": return date.getFullYear(); case "m": return zeroPad(date.getMonth() + 1); case "n": return mthNames[date.getMonth()]; case "d": return zeroPad(date.getDate()); case "w": return dayNames[date.getDay()]; case "x": return date.getDay(); case "H": return zeroPad(date.getHours()); case "M": return zeroPad(date.getMinutes()); case "S": return zeroPad(date.getSeconds()); default: return "%" + p; } }); }; } }; naturalSort = (function(_this) { return function(as, bs) { var a, a1, b, b1, rd, rx, rz; rx = /(\d+)|(\D+)/g; rd = /\d/; rz = /^0/; if (typeof as === "number" || typeof bs === "number") { if (isNaN(as)) { return 1; } if (isNaN(bs)) { return -1; } return as - bs; } a = String(as).toLowerCase(); b = String(bs).toLowerCase(); if (a === b) { return 0; } if (!(rd.test(a) && rd.test(b))) { return (a > b ? 1 : -1); } a = a.match(rx); b = b.match(rx); while (a.length && b.length) { a1 = a.shift(); b1 = b.shift(); if (a1 !== b1) { if (rd.test(a1) && rd.test(b1)) { return a1.replace(rz, ".0") - b1.replace(rz, ".0"); } else { return (a1 > b1 ? 1 : -1); } } } return a.length - b.length; }; })(this); $.pivotUtilities = { aggregatorTemplates: aggregatorTemplates, aggregators: aggregators, renderers: renderers, derivers: derivers, locales: locales, naturalSort: naturalSort, numberFormat: numberFormat }; /* Data Model class */ PivotData = (function() { function PivotData(input, opts) { this.getAggregator = __bind(this.getAggregator, this); this.getRowKeys = __bind(this.getRowKeys, this); this.getColKeys = __bind(this.getColKeys, this); this.sortKeys = __bind(this.sortKeys, this); this.arrSort = __bind(this.arrSort, this); this.natSort = __bind(this.natSort, this); this.aggregator = opts.aggregator; this.aggregatorName = opts.aggregatorName; this.colAttrs = opts.cols; this.rowAttrs = opts.rows; this.valAttrs = opts.vals; this.tree = {}; this.rowKeys = []; this.colKeys = []; this.rowTotals = {}; this.colTotals = {}; this.allTotal = this.aggregator(this, [], []); this.sorted = false; PivotData.forEachRecord(input, opts.derivedAttributes, (function(_this) { return function(record) { if (opts.filter(record)) { return _this.processRecord(record); } }; })(this)); } PivotData.forEachRecord = function(input, derivedAttributes, f) { var addRecord, compactRecord, i, j, k, record, tblCols, _i, _len, _ref, _results, _results1; if ($.isEmptyObject(derivedAttributes)) { addRecord = f; } else { addRecord = function(record) { var k, v, _ref; for (k in derivedAttributes) { v = derivedAttributes[k]; record[k] = (_ref = v(record)) != null ? _ref : record[k]; } return f(record); }; } if ($.isFunction(input)) { return input(addRecord); } else if ($.isArray(input)) { if ($.isArray(input[0])) { _results = []; for (i in input) { if (!__hasProp.call(input, i)) continue; compactRecord = input[i]; if (!(i > 0)) { continue; } record = {}; _ref = input[0]; for (j in _ref) { if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, j)) continue; k = _ref[j]; record[k] = compactRecord[j]; } _results.push(addRecord(record)); } return _results; } else { _results1 = []; for (_i = 0, _len = input.length; _i < _len; _i++) { record = input[_i]; _results1.push(addRecord(record)); } return _results1; } } else if (input instanceof jQuery) { tblCols = []; $("thead > tr > th", input).each(function(i) { return tblCols.push($(this).text()); }); return $("tbody > tr", input).each(function(i) { record = {}; $("td", this).each(function(j) { return record[tblCols[j]] = $(this).text(); }); return addRecord(record); }); } else { throw new Error("unknown input format"); } }; PivotData.convertToArray = function(input) { var result; result = []; PivotData.forEachRecord(input, {}, function(record) { return result.push(record); }); return result; }; PivotData.prototype.natSort = function(as, bs) { return naturalSort(as, bs); }; PivotData.prototype.arrSort = function(a, b) { return this.natSort(a.join(), b.join()); }; PivotData.prototype.sortKeys = function() { if (!this.sorted) { this.rowKeys.sort(this.arrSort); this.colKeys.sort(this.arrSort); } return this.sorted = true; }; PivotData.prototype.getColKeys = function() { this.sortKeys(); return this.colKeys; }; PivotData.prototype.getRowKeys = function() { this.sortKeys(); return this.rowKeys; }; PivotData.prototype.processRecord = function(record) { var colKey, flatColKey, flatRowKey, rowKey, x, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3; colKey = []; rowKey = []; _ref = this.colAttrs; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { x = _ref[_i]; colKey.push((_ref1 = record[x]) != null ? _ref1 : "null"); } _ref2 = this.rowAttrs; for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { x = _ref2[_j]; rowKey.push((_ref3 = record[x]) != null ? _ref3 : "null"); } flatRowKey = rowKey.join(String.fromCharCode(0)); flatColKey = colKey.join(String.fromCharCode(0)); this.allTotal.push(record); if (rowKey.length !== 0) { if (!this.rowTotals[flatRowKey]) { this.rowKeys.push(rowKey); this.rowTotals[flatRowKey] = this.aggregator(this, rowKey, []); } this.rowTotals[flatRowKey].push(record); } if (colKey.length !== 0) { if (!this.colTotals[flatColKey]) { this.colKeys.push(colKey); this.colTotals[flatColKey] = this.aggregator(this, [], colKey); } this.colTotals[flatColKey].push(record); } if (colKey.length !== 0 && rowKey.length !== 0) { if (!this.tree[flatRowKey]) { this.tree[flatRowKey] = {}; } if (!this.tree[flatRowKey][flatColKey]) { this.tree[flatRowKey][flatColKey] = this.aggregator(this, rowKey, colKey); } return this.tree[flatRowKey][flatColKey].push(record); } }; PivotData.prototype.getAggregator = function(rowKey, colKey) { var agg, flatColKey, flatRowKey; flatRowKey = rowKey.join(String.fromCharCode(0)); flatColKey = colKey.join(String.fromCharCode(0)); if (rowKey.length === 0 && colKey.length === 0) { agg = this.allTotal; } else if (rowKey.length === 0) { agg = this.colTotals[flatColKey]; } else if (colKey.length === 0) { agg = this.rowTotals[flatRowKey]; } else { agg = this.tree[flatRowKey][flatColKey]; } return agg != null ? agg : { value: (function() { return null; }), format: function() { return ""; } }; }; return PivotData; })(); /* Default Renderer for hierarchical table layout */ pivotTableRenderer = function(pivotData, opts) { var aggregator, c, colAttrs, colKey, colKeys, defaults, i, j, r, result, rowAttrs, rowKey, rowKeys, spanSize, td, th, totalAggregator, tr, txt, val, x; defaults = { localeStrings: { totals: "Totals" } }; opts = $.extend(defaults, opts); colAttrs = pivotData.colAttrs; rowAttrs = pivotData.rowAttrs; rowKeys = pivotData.getRowKeys(); colKeys = pivotData.getColKeys(); result = document.createElement("table"); result.className = "pvtTable"; spanSize = function(arr, i, j) { var len, noDraw, stop, x, _i, _j; if (i !== 0) { noDraw = true; for (x = _i = 0; 0 <= j ? _i <= j : _i >= j; x = 0 <= j ? ++_i : --_i) { if (arr[i - 1][x] !== arr[i][x]) { noDraw = false; } } if (noDraw) { return -1; } } len = 0; while (i + len < arr.length) { stop = false; for (x = _j = 0; 0 <= j ? _j <= j : _j >= j; x = 0 <= j ? ++_j : --_j) { if (arr[i][x] !== arr[i + len][x]) { stop = true; } } if (stop) { break; } len++; } return len; }; for (j in colAttrs) { if (!__hasProp.call(colAttrs, j)) continue; c = colAttrs[j]; tr = document.createElement("tr"); if (parseInt(j) === 0 && rowAttrs.length !== 0) { th = document.createElement("th"); th.setAttribute("colspan", rowAttrs.length); th.setAttribute("rowspan", colAttrs.length); tr.appendChild(th); } th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtAxisLabel"; th.textContent = c; tr.appendChild(th); for (i in colKeys) { if (!__hasProp.call(colKeys, i)) continue; colKey = colKeys[i]; x = spanSize(colKeys, parseInt(i), parseInt(j)); if (x !== -1) { th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtColLabel"; th.textContent = colKey[j]; th.setAttribute("colspan", x); if (parseInt(j) === colAttrs.length - 1 && rowAttrs.length !== 0) { th.setAttribute("rowspan", 2); } tr.appendChild(th); } } if (parseInt(j) === 0) { th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtTotalLabel"; th.innerHTML = opts.localeStrings.totals; th.setAttribute("rowspan", colAttrs.length + (rowAttrs.length === 0 ? 0 : 1)); tr.appendChild(th); } result.appendChild(tr); } if (rowAttrs.length !== 0) { tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (i in rowAttrs) { if (!__hasProp.call(rowAttrs, i)) continue; r = rowAttrs[i]; th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtAxisLabel"; th.textContent = r; tr.appendChild(th); } th = document.createElement("th"); if (colAttrs.length === 0) { th.className = "pvtTotalLabel"; th.innerHTML = opts.localeStrings.totals; } tr.appendChild(th); result.appendChild(tr); } for (i in rowKeys) { if (!__hasProp.call(rowKeys, i)) continue; rowKey = rowKeys[i]; tr = document.createElement("tr"); for (j in rowKey) { if (!__hasProp.call(rowKey, j)) continue; txt = rowKey[j]; x = spanSize(rowKeys, parseInt(i), parseInt(j)); if (x !== -1) { th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtRowLabel"; th.textContent = txt; th.setAttribute("rowspan", x); if (parseInt(j) === rowAttrs.length - 1 && colAttrs.length !== 0) { th.setAttribute("colspan", 2); } tr.appendChild(th); } } for (j in colKeys) { if (!__hasProp.call(colKeys, j)) continue; colKey = colKeys[j]; aggregator = pivotData.getAggregator(rowKey, colKey); val = aggregator.value(); td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "pvtVal row" + i + " col" + j; td.innerHTML = aggregator.format(val); td.setAttribute("data-value", val); tr.appendChild(td); } totalAggregator = pivotData.getAggregator(rowKey, []); val = totalAggregator.value(); td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "pvtTotal rowTotal"; td.innerHTML = totalAggregator.format(val); td.setAttribute("data-value", val); td.setAttribute("data-for", "row" + i); tr.appendChild(td); result.appendChild(tr); } tr = document.createElement("tr"); th = document.createElement("th"); th.className = "pvtTotalLabel"; th.innerHTML = opts.localeStrings.totals; th.setAttribute("colspan", rowAttrs.length + (colAttrs.length === 0 ? 0 : 1)); tr.appendChild(th); for (j in colKeys) { if (!__hasProp.call(colKeys, j)) continue; colKey = colKeys[j]; totalAggregator = pivotData.getAggregator([], colKey); val = totalAggregator.value(); td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "pvtTotal colTotal"; td.innerHTML = totalAggregator.format(val); td.setAttribute("data-value", val); td.setAttribute("data-for", "col" + j); tr.appendChild(td); } totalAggregator = pivotData.getAggregator([], []); val = totalAggregator.value(); td = document.createElement("td"); td.className = "pvtGrandTotal"; td.innerHTML = totalAggregator.format(val); td.setAttribute("data-value", val); tr.appendChild(td); result.appendChild(tr); result.setAttribute("data-numrows", rowKeys.length); result.setAttribute("data-numcols", colKeys.length); return result; }; /* Pivot Table core: create PivotData object and call Renderer on it */ $.fn.pivot = function(input, opts) { var defaults, e, pivotData, result, x; defaults = { cols: [], rows: [], filter: function() { return true; }, aggregator: aggregatorTemplates.count()(), aggregatorName: "Count", derivedAttributes: {}, renderer: pivotTableRenderer, rendererOptions: null, localeStrings: locales.en.localeStrings }; opts = $.extend(defaults, opts); result = null; try { pivotData = new PivotData(input, opts); try { result = opts.renderer(pivotData, opts.rendererOptions); } catch (_error) { e = _error; if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) { console.error(e.stack); } result = $("").html(opts.localeStrings.renderError); } } catch (_error) { e = _error; if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null) { console.error(e.stack); } result = $("").html(opts.localeStrings.computeError); } x = this[0]; while (x.hasChildNodes()) { x.removeChild(x.lastChild); } return this.append(result); }; /* Pivot Table UI: calls Pivot Table core above with options set by user */ $.fn.pivotUI = function(input, inputOpts, overwrite, locale) { var a, aggregator, attrLength, axisValues, c, colList, defaults, e, existingOpts, i, initialRender, k, opts, pivotTable, refresh, refreshDelayed, renderer, rendererControl, shownAttributes, tblCols, tr1, tr2, uiTable, unusedAttrsVerticalAutoOverride, x, _fn, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4; if (overwrite == null) { overwrite = false; } if (locale == null) { locale = "en"; } defaults = { derivedAttributes: {}, aggregators: locales[locale].aggregators, renderers: locales[locale].renderers, hiddenAttributes: [], menuLimit: 200, cols: [], rows: [], vals: [], exclusions: {}, unusedAttrsVertical: "auto", autoSortUnusedAttrs: false, rendererOptions: { localeStrings: locales[locale].localeStrings }, onRefresh: null, filter: function() { return true; }, localeStrings: locales[locale].localeStrings }; existingOpts = this.data("pivotUIOptions"); if ((existingOpts == null) || overwrite) { opts = $.extend(defaults, inputOpts); } else { opts = existingOpts; } try { input = PivotData.convertToArray(input); tblCols = (function() { var _ref, _results; _ref = input[0]; _results = []; for (k in _ref) { if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, k)) continue; _results.push(k); } return _results; })(); _ref = opts.derivedAttributes; for (c in _ref) { if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, c)) continue; if ((__indexOf.call(tblCols, c) < 0)) { tblCols.push(c); } } axisValues = {}; for (_i = 0, _len = tblCols.length; _i < _len; _i++) { x = tblCols[_i]; axisValues[x] = {}; } PivotData.forEachRecord(input, opts.derivedAttributes, function(record) { var v, _base, _results; _results = []; for (k in record) { if (!__hasProp.call(record, k)) continue; v = record[k]; if (!(opts.filter(record))) { continue; } if (v == null) { v = "null"; } if ((_base = axisValues[k])[v] == null) { _base[v] = 0; } _results.push(axisValues[k][v]++); } return _results; }); uiTable = $(""); rendererControl = $("").appendTo(uiTable); aggregator = $("").appendTo(uiTable); tr2.append($("").append(rendererControl).append(colList)); } this.html(uiTable); _ref3 = opts.cols; for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref3.length; _k < _len2; _k++) { x = _ref3[_k]; this.find(".pvtCols").append(this.find(".axis_" + (shownAttributes.indexOf(x)))); } _ref4 = opts.rows; for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref4.length; _l < _len3; _l++) { x = _ref4[_l]; this.find(".pvtRows").append(this.find(".axis_" + (shownAttributes.indexOf(x)))); } if (opts.aggregatorName != null) { this.find(".pvtAggregator").val(opts.aggregatorName); } if (opts.rendererName != null) { this.find(".pvtRenderer").val(opts.rendererName); } initialRender = true; refreshDelayed = (function(_this) { return function() { var attr, exclusions, natSort, newDropdown, numInputsToProcess, pivotUIOptions, pvtVals, subopts, unusedAttrsContainer, vals, _len4, _m, _n, _ref5; subopts = { derivedAttributes: opts.derivedAttributes, localeStrings: opts.localeStrings, rendererOptions: opts.rendererOptions, cols: [], rows: [] }; numInputsToProcess = (_ref5 = opts.aggregators[aggregator.val()]([])().numInputs) != null ? _ref5 : 0; vals = []; _this.find(".pvtRows li span.pvtAttr").each(function() { return subopts.rows.push($(this).data("attrName")); }); _this.find(".pvtCols li span.pvtAttr").each(function() { return subopts.cols.push($(this).data("attrName")); }); _this.find(".pvtVals select.pvtAttrDropdown").each(function() { if (numInputsToProcess === 0) { return $(this).remove(); } else { numInputsToProcess--; if ($(this).val() !== "") { return vals.push($(this).val()); } } }); if (numInputsToProcess !== 0) { pvtVals = _this.find(".pvtVals"); for (x = _m = 0; 0 <= numInputsToProcess ? _m < numInputsToProcess : _m > numInputsToProcess; x = 0 <= numInputsToProcess ? ++_m : --_m) { newDropdown = $("
"); renderer = $(""); shownAttributes = (function() { var _j, _len1, _results; _results = []; for (_j = 0, _len1 = tblCols.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { c = tblCols[_j]; if (__indexOf.call(opts.hiddenAttributes, c) < 0) { _results.push(c); } } return _results; })(); unusedAttrsVerticalAutoOverride = false; if (opts.unusedAttrsVertical === "auto") { attrLength = 0; for (_j = 0, _len1 = shownAttributes.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { a = shownAttributes[_j]; attrLength += a.length; } unusedAttrsVerticalAutoOverride = attrLength > 120; } if (opts.unusedAttrsVertical === true || unusedAttrsVerticalAutoOverride) { colList.addClass('pvtVertList'); } else { colList.addClass('pvtHorizList'); } _fn = function(c) { var attrElem, btns, checkContainer, filterItem, filterItemExcluded, hasExcludedItem, keys, showFilterList, triangleLink, updateFilter, v, valueList, _k, _len2, _ref2; keys = (function() { var _results; _results = []; for (k in axisValues[c]) { _results.push(k); } return _results; })(); hasExcludedItem = false; valueList = $("
").addClass('pvtFilterBox').hide(); valueList.append($("

").text("" + c + " (" + keys.length + ")")); if (keys.length > opts.menuLimit) { valueList.append($("

").html(opts.localeStrings.tooMany)); } else { btns = $("

").appendTo(valueList); btns.append($("

")); $("
").appendTo(tr1); tr2 = $("
")); pivotTable = $("").appendTo(tr2); if (opts.unusedAttrsVertical === true || unusedAttrsVerticalAutoOverride) { uiTable.find('tr:nth-child(1)').prepend(rendererControl); uiTable.find('tr:nth-child(2)').prepend(colList); } else { uiTable.prepend($("