dataset-info.tpl 1.0 KB

  1. <h2>Available services</h2>
  2. <dl class="dl-horizontal">
  3. <% _.each( servicesDescription(), function( serviceDescription ) { %>
  4. <dt>
  5. <%= serviceDescription.label %>:
  6. </dt>
  7. <dd>
  8. <a href="<%= serviceDescription.url %>"><%= serviceDescription.url %></a>
  9. </dd>
  10. <% } ); %>
  11. </dl>
  12. <h2>Statistics</h2>
  13. <div id="statistics"></div>
  14. <h2>Dataset size</h2>
  15. <p>
  16. <strong>Note</strong> this may be slow and impose a significant load on large datasets:
  17. <button href="#" class="action count-graphs btn btn-primary">count triples in all graphs</button>
  18. </p>
  19. <% if (countPerformed()) { %>
  20. <dl class="dl-horizontal">
  21. <dt><span class="heading">graph name:</span></dt><dd><span class="heading">triples:</span></dd>
  22. <% _.each( counts(), function( n, g ) { %>
  23. <dt class="font-weight-normal">
  24. <%= g %>
  25. </dt>
  26. <dd>
  27. <div class="numeric"><%= n %></div>
  28. </dd>
  29. <% } ); %>
  30. </dl>
  31. <% } %>
  32. <h2>Ongoing operations</h2>
  33. <p><em>TBD. Will list any long-lasting operations that are ongoing or recently completed,
  34. e.g. backups.</em></p>