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  Andrew Knox Shiels 54713faf90 Changed database-modifying requests to now use AJAX POST requests instead of using WebSockets. The results from these are then propagated by WebSockets. Not broadcasting error messages solved itself by returning error-coded HTTP responses to erronous AJAX requests. Tested only as far as seeing normal non-erronous requests being serviced, the results propagated, and remaining on refresh. Added new TODO for consumers.py as there now exist redundant consumers. Changed API documentation to reflect AJAX POST usage. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels dd85c2f8a2 Added (very untested) project functionality. Users, admins, owner are all moved from Canvas to Project. All canvasses in a project are visible to every user in the project. The same user / admin permissions required as before, but check user in project.users instead of canvas.users. Went ahead with tags existing for all canvasses in a given project (also quite untested). When a tag is created it (should) add itself to any other canvas in the project containing the label as a substring of an idea. Deletion deletes the tag object outright, it doesn't check occurrences in other canvasses. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 7ab33db9bc Added some basic CSS to tidy the canvas up a bit, mostly for myself, as I was tired of looking at black-and-white left-aligned text fields. Additionally added a boolean to canvas model is_ethics, true for ethics canvas and false for business canvas. If business canvas, the blocks are labelled as a business canvas's would be, with the extra uncategorised block at the bottom. Newly created canvasses have (Business) or (Ethics) at the end of the default title to show their type. For now, on the anonymous user trial of a canvas, tags and collaborators are outright disabled. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 87586e8cf6 Added (online) functionality to the collaborators component where it shows a user as (online) when they log in and removes that message on logout, exception for the current user where it still shows (you) in that space. Removed redundant url mappings and html templates, as the view functions for them were converted into ordinary functions called by their respective websocket consumers. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 353fd6d4b5 Added channel / websocket functionality to the project. Each database-modifying function is called by an asynchronous consumer. Tested only basic operation with two different logged-in users viewing the same canvas to see that it updated both when one user changed something. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels ff03155701 When making idea component the tag button disappeared. Put it back, moved the add/remove tag functions to the bottom of the views.py file to tidy it up a bit, and added the cardinality indicator for the comments button that I had forgotten about. Also added routing.py to the project and installed django channels in preparation for the channels portion of the project. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 7f2d88a9af All things now open in a vue modal component, they no longer redirect away from the page except for clicking a different canvas link in a tag. Tags should automatically remove themselves when there are no ideas containing them in the current canvas, which will only cause them to be deleted outright if they also do not occur in any other canvas. Tags still require their own view functions in python, as they're currently mixed in with the CanvasDetailView class-based view. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 1bf8a0c1af Added permissions for view functions, still using login_required decorator for new_canvas for now, cannot check user in canvas.users for canvas that doesn't exist. Provisionally completed functionality for collaborators page; temporarily a separate page with views and ajax/json requests/responses for purposes of making sure they work. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels f44a8c8504 Was continuing to work on view and on templates / JS files not knowing about any ongoing code reviews. Added comment add/remove/resolve functionality, and began work on collaborators functionality (currently under construction, only rendering current admins and users). Upon completion the permissions is next along with all TODOs that have been left. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 4768559724 Added comment add/remove functionality. Edit and Resolve are still TODO. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels f36148571f Focused on getting AJAX JSON stuff working, so permissions still a TODO. Idea creation, editing and deletion all done using jquery AJAX POST methods with JSON returned by the Django View to the AJAX callback functions. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 5e875702c3 Added basic functionality to remove users or admins and to delete canvasses. Inserted TODOs for myself to assign permission requirements for certain view functions, the permissions being what I thought were appropriate at the time. Currently only permission required is login mixin on the CanvasList and CanvasDetailView class-based views, and a login_required decorator on the new_canvas view function. 6 년 전
  Andrew Knox Shiels 350743df15 Added idea add/remove/edit operations, comment add/remove/resolve operations, and add user to canvas. Permissions have not been created yet, nor has removal of users or canvasses, promotion / demotion of users to / from admin status. 6 년 전
  Harshvardhan Pandit 10bda0b652 Added canvas models (merge --squash) 7 년 전